Suggestions for upcoming patch

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Hi guys,

After i played some time on tsw and still play (lil less now due to lack of time) i will list some things wich i would love to see in new patch to balance some things out and to have less cheese methods as possible to make the realm play more enjoyable.

Lmk what u guys think about it and ofc add some more suggestions ;)

- remove gift box normal (u just have to run it few times to get your needed items and steamroll everything in your way and from now on only thing u have to do is uptier your uniqs wich suck in some way and it makes the early stage of game very boring and no challenge at all)
- remove sets from terror gift box and inc. the set drop a bit in k3k dest
- make k3k totems pois immune in dest - psn chars can rape this in no time and cast psn spell from distance and own totems instantly and run trough the uber pretty quickly
- nerf the gold ammount in throw wpns - when u put rune in and sell to npc u get ridic. ammount of gold in return its too ez
- nerf rune drop/shrine drop
- nerf imperius and light sor sets - too OP
- inc. su/set drop in toraja - it drops total junk not even tu
- remove ench crystall uniq creation
- remove act boss su drop meph/dia, keep for baal
- nerf tantrum in some way - but dont make it useless
- nerf morph dru laek - its just insane the current ammount of it
- nerf AR bonus from wolf morph - for str based build AR is too huge
- make tainted blood only castable on yourself and minions and disable it on players - this change is important to avoid buff cheese with 2nd instance
- remove all chronofield oskills and rebalance skill like %slow only per hard point
- cap bane to -50% dr max like it is atm on spellblind and colosseum
- rework skills like sa and rc - atm there is just too much cheese potential
- cap jinn pierce to 50%
- nerf cow xp and remove mb greater pots of all kind (i just dont like to see those cow beggars and xp rushers, its annoying, how about to play the game by yourself instead of some1 else doing it for you?) Same thing is for ppl who buy charms for TG/skulls or whatever from others instead of doing it by yourself or atleast trying it, i cant understand those players who miss the funniest part of the mod :)

Mxl lacks huge in sense of progression and the progress is way to fast and smooth imo, things get easily done pretty quickly. Does those problems get solved with drop nerfs i dont know but at the end of day smthn has to be done to make the ladder more enjoyable and more durable.

Thats it for now more to come :)
Edited by kiki22vu 8 years.
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Wait..... wrong thread.
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Monkey King
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- nerf rune drop/shrine drop
- remove act boss su drop meph/dia, keep for baal
- nerf cow xp and remove mb greater pots of all kind

No plz. Most of us here play for fun and cannot invest hundreds of hours into farming uber areas. Act bosses serve a vital role in getting your gear up and ready for the ubers to come.
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@iwansquall i wanted to give you a cookie for that but i am somehow unable to give/receive cookies
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well maybe not completly remove the gift box in hatred, maybe restricct it to weapon drop only instead
and the uber level xp will already reworked in sigma
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and Marco says that my posts are dumb...

Nerf gift box normal: his purpose is speed up Hatred and Terror gameplay... SO, are you serious thinking in remove it? Same thing for crystal unique item creation recipe.
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Open all waypoints in Terror and Destruction to super speed up gameplay.
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I take no credit, i used suchbalance's text and whist suggestion on correct image (sb used drunk meme)
Wanted to post it immediately, but then realized it was in medianxl discussion thread.
Im not sure if like/dislike is the cookie on right side of the post (thumb up / down)

I wanted to comment on kiki's suggestion then I realized most of the suggestions are high end / late game / tsw related.
Single player item progression are fine for early game to mid end game. Feel very grinding once you reach ultimative's uber.

More items drop is good for single player for a lot of reasons. I dont have time to play many hours just for low chance to get decent gear
(thats why im enjoying casual D3, although I stop playing once reaching level where you need to grind for ancient set / legendary and pump legendary gems up)
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Thunder Beetle
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AFK function for multiplayer which you can activate with typing something like /afk. If someones whispers you they will get a message that youre afk
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