Quality of life

Threads that no longer serve a purpose. Read-only.
Stone Warrior
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I think a good QOL improvement would be like having the paragon system of Diablo 3. The levelling up right now is very slow. So it discourages players from even thinking about starting a second character. If there was like a system for grinding up to level 50 or so and beyond that levelling would be like paragon, I think it would be nice. It's very boring to grind all 5 acts on 3 difficulties for each character. It would be nice to grind only 1 difficulty for each new character after completing all those difficulties on the first character. Obviously the ladder's length would be greatly increased giving players more build flexibility and diversity.
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Dark Huntress
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Omg I just can't read this. If a single idea from this whole topic would be implemented I would be very unhappy. There is a reason why I play this game instead of d3 or other so please stop asking for "solutions".

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
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yaksa wrote:I think a good QOL improvement would be like having the paragon system of Diablo 3. The levelling up right now is very slow. So it discourages players from even thinking about starting a second character. If there was like a system for grinding up to level 50 or so and beyond that levelling would be like paragon, I think it would be nice. It's very boring to grind all 5 acts on 3 difficulties for each character. It would be nice to grind only 1 difficulty for each new character after completing all those difficulties on the first character. Obviously the ladder's length would be greatly increased giving players more build flexibility and diversity.

Good suggestions, but I have to say that I disagree with you on the current state. When the ladder opens, you’ll easily exp together with others, and later the 3 difficulties quickly become a breeze because of reuse of items found by your other chars. I think the game as it is now gives a good, natural progression where for me it always feels like the next level is just around the corner. Hitting walls does happen, but for most not before hitting levels 110-125.
16 | 0
yaksa wrote:I think a good QOL improvement would be like having the paragon system of Diablo 3. The levelling up right now is very slow. So it discourages players from even thinking about starting a second character. If there was like a system for grinding up to level 50 or so and beyond that levelling would be like paragon, I think it would be nice. It's very boring to grind all 5 acts on 3 difficulties for each character. It would be nice to grind only 1 difficulty for each new character after completing all those difficulties on the first character. Obviously the ladder's length would be greatly increased giving players more build flexibility and diversity.

hell no... if you want paragon system go and play d3
Void Archon
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yaksa wrote:I think a good QOL improvement would be like having the paragon system of Diablo 3. The levelling up right now is very slow. So it discourages players from even thinking about starting a second character. If there was like a system for grinding up to level 50 or so and beyond that levelling would be like paragon, I think it would be nice. It's very boring to grind all 5 acts on 3 difficulties for each character. It would be nice to grind only 1 difficulty for each new character after completing all those difficulties on the first character. Obviously the ladder's length would be greatly increased giving players more build flexibility and diversity.

leveling is slow?? dude you can get to 100 in one day. what even is fast leveling then??
Stygian Watcher
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The game is already easier than it used to be, especially if you're veteran it should be piece of cake to do almost all content.The only thing i find a little annoying is cycles and rift drops, but its not that bad and the game needs incentive to make you grind and have a goal.

Member when half bosses where purify based.I MEMBER. :puke:
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vondes wrote:...there's no point to continue this thread we already been there and it was shit..

Yeah, lets not continue this thread by necro a old thread where the latest reply was 4 months ago :pop: