Project Diablo 2 Sucks

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i would love to see the resolution support here. that's about the only thing i found enjoyable about project diablo 2.
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Gotta bump this post. Shit mod, shit servers, shit developers, shit moderators, and absolutely trash players. MXL is so much better.
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Dr_Hack_n_Quack wrote:i would love to see the resolution support here. that's about the only thing i found enjoyable about project diablo 2.

If you want bigger resolution in mxl, it wont happen. You would be able to see even further, and you could attack enemies before their ai activates. Thats the only reason, and not because they cant do it.
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Milkshake wrote:Gotta bump this post. Shit mod, shit servers, shit developers, shit moderators, and absolutely trash players. MXL is so much better.

I gave PD2's Season 2 release a shot, & here's how it went:

• Servers weren't stress tested prior to launch, so naturally the game was nearly entirely unplayable for most ppl for the first ~12+hours after launch. And if you did endure the painstaking grind in the first day you did so by having your character progression reset with every server crash. For most ppl the game was just an Act 1 simulator for the first day, & only a few ppl were actually able to play & progress (Viva la leaderboards)

• The mod was absolutely riddled with game-breaking bugs that were bricking people's characters. After enduring ~2 days of server crashing bullshit I finally got my Trapsin to lvl 70 or so, only to encounter a bug that reverted her to lvl 0, bricking the character & losing all my items

• You have to retrieve your corpse after you die, which is arguably the dumbest feature in the history of the ARPG genre

• To this very day the game is still plagued with server issues. I've yet to have a single play session that wasn't halted by server resets & crashes

• A lot of builds feel like absolute dogwater to play once you reach Hell if you don't have endgame gear ready to go
5 | 0
I completely agree, pd2 it just a mess, i lost my patience with their incompetence in season 1 and started playing with a group of friends through tcp. Median XL has the best crafting system i have seen anywhere. However because Median is so challenging it funnels people into meta builds so very few builds actually are great, that's the only part i hate about Median XL and what made me quit, it is still the best mod i played, people are just too weak to reach 120-140 on this mod, they expect the same lollygagging afk botting they had in lod and they get it still in pd2.
Dark Huntress
11 | 1
i feel like main problem of pod and pd2 thats they went full PoE-like concept
e.g they want peopel to suffer as much as possible, nerf everything fun, every patch reducing all player's numbers, also servers are mega shit

best part of pod - they managed to implement a stash tab, its great
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would be cool if median had same feature, is it even possible?
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Median XL is totally different game then D2 LoD. I wouldn't call it mod but different game tbh.
Otoh PD2 is closer to D2, and has that 'mod' feeling.
I don't see any reason to say PD2 sucks. If you don't like it then don't play. Or play D2 LoD (tho maybe that suck too for your taste).
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Diablo 2 game is good but old... Now few people can appreciate it ...
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i can confirm Project Disconnect sucks dongs.
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Funny you mention best part is medians crafting system. A true fact is that its from zy-el. Brother laz pick the best parts of the most popular mods then he dev median. He was so dissapointed with responce in his true master piece median 1. That he started dev median as you see it today.

Pick on other mods is imo childish. Every mod have its good and bad parts. Pd2 have insane amount of players, thats why server is instable. Median or any other mod would face the same.

Run to corpse is part of game since day one.