[HU] Hell Unleashed 1.8

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Edited by mahitovec 6 years.
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Diedushka mahitovec tell us more.

How is this mod compatible with D2SE ? If yes, i will download today...
How is it playable solo ? Or is it just MP mod like Netherworld rises ?
Has server ? How to get account ? Much mordas online ?
Is it fun, ez or broken ?
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Well, I didnt play this mod past a1 normal by myself :D

This mod is playable via D2SE, here is link with mod plugin. (i did dl from site one with d2+hu lol, which is 2gb. nn that)

HU was always multiplayer based mod, so soloing attempts might be painful, but once again, my knowledge of this mod is pretty poor. YEARS AGO i remember modder bothered to make SP version, but that was really long time ago and im not sure if there is SP edition for 1.6c

Mod has realm, two hosters. Both are located in canada, so its prety sucky for us. I personally had 280-300 ping on them, which is bad obviously, but couldve been much worse. When you move items in inventory it doesnt feel that terrible.

Cant comment balance part that much for obvious reasons, but last time i tried it (full a1 normal) it felt ultra boring, worse than clod. But this is really subjective. But in general it looks like it still has its small fanbase, documentation and realm, which is kinda rare for nowadays mods. Its definetly worth trying, looks like people did put alot of work into it.

Id try it out again tbh, but I still cant use my left hand, server ping is sad too and im kinda lazy to look for party right now. Especially if you consider MXL and ROS resets coming this week.
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Ok, i will download after work and give it a shot. I have one free day on wednesday this week. If nothing important happens i can test it more on that day.
MXL reset depends on patch notes mostly. I will read them and make my mind in terms of how much playing. Most likely making 7 chars and waiting for next reset or smegma release. After reset servers will be overcrowded - no fun to play with ping above your IQ.

ROS is nice, i look forward for that.

So i think i have one or two days to test this HU. I think Stoya was talking about playing some sort of assassin and soloing MP. Found only this:
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I installed it, playing paladin on softcore for now. Acount - sukinsin.

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The mod itself is pretty similar to netherworld rises. Same grind shit and probably some tough almost imposible to solo act boss. Which i will solo no problem :mrgreen: Chars - same as original clod, same skills, same shit. Maybe you get more value from stat points but i am not sure. Drops - farming three act1 stages for now, lots of trash items, lots of pots. Gold is not a problem. Will covered in rare/runeword gears in no time.
Worst part is ping. For me it jumps from 1xx to 3xx. And it's really unpredictable, one moment you kite 2 mobs and next moment you are surounded by 4. You hit mobs in one place - drops are falling in the other. Kiting is probably not an option that makes mod not hc friendly.
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Kill andy
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Btw, did i mention - there are no tp scrolls .... So if you are melee and killing boss - weapon breaks - run back all the way to waypoint - fix weapon - come back - boss healed. GG
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I started a bowzon on hui unleashed, lvl 12 atm I think? Let's party up. Charname: SU, acc: SSU.
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So, gather around kids and let grandpa tell you a story about this Hell Unleashed mod. This epic story involves two brave adventures and a pony. The adventures named were changed for their own protection from instant flood of women. So, two brave comrads - SuchBalance and SukinSin joined forces to fight evil. One choosen an amazon with super bow skills, other became useless negro paladin.
Anyways, this mod gives 7 regular chars. Stats have been changed, you get more hp for 1 vit point, start with all stats at 5, ect. Skills are also changed, mostly nerfed and adapted to multiplayer idea of playing. And the idea of playing is - team play - with a tank, a healer and some damage dealers. I think we kinda went that way with paladin being tank/main target and amazon being nuker from range. Regular mobs are not a major threat and go down easily, especialy against amazon atacks with buffs from act2 mercs and paladin. Main problem as expected is act bosses and unique/quest mobs. Those beasts are designed to be group of people vs 1 target fight. But found a way around that. Paladin tanks or runs around get aggro like mad, amazon shoots and stuff dies. Bosses use a variety of skills and some have deadly procs on struck. Maps are similar to clod but some quest areas are expanded, reworked. Overall it's not confusing if you played clod before. We did Andy at around 20?, Duriel at around 3x and Mephisto is probably still alive, unless SB raped him already. After you lvl up enough you can come back and solo bosses. Bosses and unique mobs are probably only ones that worth farming, rest of mobs drop a lot of white thrash items. Highest rune from countess was Sol.
Sad parts about mod:
1. No tp scrolls - preventing cheese for mp mod. This is actually not that bad, but sometimes annoying.
2. Some 1KO boss mechanics. Just bam and 3.5k hp barb is dead.
3. Lack of info in database. We are doing this 25-35 lvl challenge and main problem is lack of real info about it.

Some pics will be uploaded later. These are from act1 special challenge boss in his own dungeon:
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Edited by Anonymous: 7 years.
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thats end of a3 or what
pics look rly beautiful