The State of (Java/Ama)zons

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Having played Javazon up until ~135 this season with decent endgame gear before switching to HOZ to more "efficiently" farm Dunc/Fauzt, here is my analysis of the build and the class as a whole:

I've played Median XL for many years and I've experimented with a wide variety of builds in several (painfully homogenous) metas. While I do have a horse in the race, I'll do my best to be objective in my analysis:

For a premier reworked build, Javazon is mediocre. It has two attacks and it isn't "great" at anything.

-Impale: "decent" single target dps with zero cleave (Where tf is the area damage?). Good in a vacuum (i.e. hell baal), fails in anything above 125+ ubers. Scosglen is a challenge to many builds but Java simply doesn't have the damage or survivability to step foot in the damn place, even with optimal gear/charms.

Eviscerate: Completely underwhelming. Plays like it should be a rare amulet Oskill, not the primary ranged skill of the Javazon tree. Mediocre aoe damage and pretty much requires Ecstatic frenzy and elemental stacking to even touch the abundance of high phys resist enemies in the game before you get chased down and destroyed.

"But what about shieldmaiden and the incredibly minor health buff?!?"

"Look guys, amazons get 300 extra health this patch and javazons get a bunch of shiny new defensive passives baked into their skill tree. Now they can finally run DLABS!! OH WAIT. Looks like the day before patch release, we're gonna remove 25% max block from the entire class (which already had problems surviving in endgame content due to lack of avoidance) so you effectively have 50% less mitigation, neutralizing the added protection."

Why.... Just why? They are practically the only class without any other avoidance mechanic so why the hell wouldn't they at least get max block?

One step forward, two steps back. The Amazon shuffle.

"Okay, so Javazon didn't work out for you. Perhaps you'd like to try your hand at the The mighty Hammer/Spearzon!"

Now you can finally realize your dream of farming Fauzt at a crawl and never killing any [HARD] bosses in the game. You are forever stuck farming Fauzt/Duncraig/Viz'jun.. That is the culmination of your grinding/efforts.

The ONLY endgame-viable options you have are:

Glass cannon build #1: Bowa (phys / ele, doesn't matter). Bowas are SOLID for farming (Wyrm) and good for bossing (trin builds).
Glass cannon build #2: Magic Missile high damage but CLUNKY as f*ck and not enjoyable to play. Also, heavy gear requirement in order to play at an operable level. (looking at you, collector)

Now, what is the solution to this madness?

COMPLETELY REWORK THE ULTIMATE/DIVINE TREES IN THEIR ENTIRETY. I'm talking controlled demolition and salting the ground on which they once stood.

"For years, scientists have worked around the clock to concoct the most boring passive tree imaginable... Countless have failed... Until now. The Amazon Divine Tree is the most cringeworthy and anemic assortment of talent dumps imaginable.

"Run speed and FHR"
"base defense."
"Life when struck / slow enemy attackers" (except neither of which are nearly as effective as they sound)
"Lets make you have zero defense just to add a minor amount of magic damage to your attacks"
"Oh, while you're doing marginally more magic damage, here's some more STAMINA so you can run away from instant death even better now!!"

(-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-: (-:

"NOW... FOR THEIR ULTIMATE SKILLS...let's make them choose between doing meme damage (poison) over time with ZERO avoidance/HP (sub-10k) and having "okay" (sub-20k) HP with zero avoidance, zero supplemental damage, no runewords, no jewels, and no hope for Scosglen/DLAB.."

Honestly, just compare these two trees to, say, Xbow necros or Melee barbs for one second.

How can you justify the disparity? Is everyone on acid?

Only way to redeem Amazons:
1) Bake some form of avoidance into passive tree.
1) Bake Vitality bonus from Paragon into passive tree.
1) add individual elemental conversion *OPTIONS* into different trees in an actual meaningful way, not just "lol lets add 800 WHOLE lightning damage for maxing your hammers but now you can only cast 3 of them before you run out of mana."

MEANWHILE, Nephilim spirit.....

Please, devs... End this chaotic nightmare of mediocrity.

I demand justice for my Amazon and her perky milkerinos.
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Side note: "But what about that one build last season where the dude deleted Uldyssian with 20x Atomus jewels and a giant metallic dick made of relics?" responses need not apply.
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Dying mod =*(
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Sad news, :( hopefully some changes are coming via hotfix.
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RMG wrote:Sad news, :( hopefully some changes are coming via hotfix.

Fat chance.

This patch has been buggy as hell. I doubt tuning a mediocre build is high on their prio. Just look at the state of Legion of the damned runs rn..

Hell, Java damage fluctuates every 5 seconds.

Bosses randomly stop taking damage for 5 seconds at a time and half my time spent playing with a badass PC/internet is spent in desync.

But hey, gotta give props where they’re do. It’s a massive project. Just wish I could expect them to properly balance the game once in every ten patches.
Dark Huntress
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Primarch wrote:!!!!!!!!!!

Why did you feel you needed to make an alt account to post this if you were going to reply with your main account to bump the post?
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read some of the points, just take some of the points:

1. avoidance have animation since it is was amazon innate skill in cLoD. animation-less state in other class was a bug and a good thing as you wont get stun locked to death.
2. hence why generally all devotion in each individual tree are unique design with offensive & defensive capability
3. you could play devotion-less (not effective) build in the past, but you have more option of skill tree. not an option in 2.0
4. most of other class might have access to variety of passive skill tree & utility skill that generally useful for their playstyle. amazon on the other hand have contradicting bonus of passive, so you have to give up some layer defence so you can rely on other instead.

personally, i would rework all amazon passives to give her more overall stats, options and defensive layer.
some disagree fire elemental wasnt useful for non caster, but at least it gave option for survivability in early games.
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I find amusing that you reach lvl135 and complain you cannot farm scosglen :) it's pretty obvious, scosglen is endgame map. just level up, upgrade your charms/gear and try again. Last season I was smashed as well when I tried. I was just too weak.
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Inno86 wrote:I find amusing that you reach lvl135 and complain you cannot farm scosglen :) it's pretty obvious, scosglen is endgame map. just level up, upgrade your charms/gear and try again. Last season I was smashed as well when I tried. I was just too weak.

alot of builds are just not good there.