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Trang Oul wrote:The main page still shows patch 2.3 instead of the current 2.4:

Monkey King
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A BUG of Trap Assassin
In the void map , The battle with Inaris
I can killed Uldyssian About two minutes, But my damage is very lowI about Inaris,I promise he is stand in the red circle.

I think the shockwave trap is not enjoy catalysp trap bonus,
I hope someone can test it,thanks!
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Pit Knight
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I was bidding on some auction, but I eventually gave up. Still, one of my bids (165TG) seems to be missing from my current TG. Couple of hours have passed and I dont see any transactions from my account to confirm the missing TG. Not sure if this is some bug or the TG will be recalculated in couple of days.
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Pit Knight
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doba7a wrote:I was bidding on some auction, but I eventually gave up. Still, one of my bids (165TG) seems to be missing from my current TG. Couple of hours have passed and I dont see any transactions from my account to confirm the missing TG. Not sure if this is some bug or the TG will be recalculated in couple of days.

I know the team is quite busy, but the problem persists. I went as far as calculating my transactions and indeed the TG is simply missing. Can someone take a look?
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Good day,
in the LAN game, whoever joins will have all the items in the chest wiped. Are you planning to fix this?
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Tatapuh wrote:Good day,
in the LAN game, whoever joins will have all the items in the chest wiped. Are you planning to fix this?

Trang Oul
Jungle Hunter
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The main page seems to be incompatible with the "Σ" letter - it says "? 2.9.0 Announced".
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Trang Oul wrote:The main page seems to be incompatible with the "Σ" letter - it says "? 2.9.0 Announced".

don't want to throw shade, but it seems that indeed YOUR main page is incompatible 8-)
at least for me its displayed correctly.
Trang Oul
Jungle Hunter
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metasequoia wrote:don't want to throw shade, but it seems that indeed YOUR main page is incompatible 8-)
at least for me its displayed correctly.

Checked on Chrome and Firefox, and now also on mobile (Safari). All browsers display "?".

Moreover, the dev tools show that the first character is a plain ASCII question mark, not "Σ" displayed in a font lacking this letter.
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Dark Huntress
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Win7 - Opera