Oskill List

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taking a break from doing this thing. gonna be testing strategies for uldy and marco (secret boss), so probably gonna be occupied for a good while.


So the list of oskills in the docs is really kind of shitty. it's fantastically outdated and the descriptions really very often give no idea of what the skill actually does. so that being said, my intention here is to construct an updated list of the oskills that are still relevant to the current version of ultimative. also, i hope to provide better descriptions, pics, some helpful analysis, and links to build guides that use them.

Table of Contents

To-Do list|Help Me
WDM Oskills

Fire Spell Dmg Oskills

Cold Spell Dmg Oskills
► cold spell dmg oskills

Lightning Dmg Oskills
► Lightning Spell Dmg Oskills

Poison Spell Dmg Oskills

Magic Spell Dmg Oskills
Summon Oskills

Utility Oskills
How To Make Gifs
Thank You

Oskills List

WDM Oskills

► Arrow Swarm

► ATMG Sentry

► Cherub Strike

► Hawk Talons


► Tantrum

► Whirlpool

► Wyrd

Fire Spell Dmg Oskills

► Apocalypse

► death blossom

► path of flames

► Ring Of Light

► Meteor Shower

Cold Spell Dmg Oskills

► Churel

► Countdown

► Hailstorm

Lightning Spell Dmg Oskills

► Lightning Arena

► Shock Flower

Poison Spell Dmg Oskills

► black lotus strike

► devouring cloud

► emerald prison

Magic Spell Dmg Oskills

► disintegrate

Summon Oskills

► Elemental Totem

► summon darklings

Utility Oskills

► Inner Fire

How To Make Gifs

► how im making those gifs

Help Me! List

► please help me

► to do list

► Thank Yous
Edited by nealn 7 years.
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some other useful oskills are
spin to win
atmg sentry
disco inferno
elemental totem
liche form
devouring cloud
inner fire
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I think gif format would be nice

► example


gah that took so much time, not to mention lagging when image capturing + editing
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hrm, actually, yea that's a great idea....i don't seem to be able to post vids and pics just don't do the skills justice. gotta learn how to make a gif first tho...
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small thing but if you could format the images to be the same size that would be much better. im happy you took this project on though :D
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Try this:
https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/commen ... h=44ea1616

Im working atm, take a look.
I used another software which i wouldnt recommend though (it didnt have global hotkey, i have to manually press the record -> go to diablo2 -> quit n stop the recording)
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First of all, I think its cool you're doing this. I don't know much about gifs but this didn't take long to do. For the example below I used OBS to record the video and ezgif.com to convert it. I'm sure the link Iwansquall posted has much better programs but the website allowed me to do it quickly without downloading anything and I was able to crop the video as I don't have OBS configured properly and there was lots of empty space. The video would probably look better if it were a little bigger but I just did the smallest size to see what it would look like.

I used spoilers for the skills to keep it looking clean. Might be something to consider rather than trying to load dozens of gifs on one page. For the 3 I did, I used the same video so keep that in mind. I also snagged some of the symbols from the docs and posted them at the bottom of the skill descriptions to show what characters are able to use the skills. Again the descriptions/icons aren't accurate its just to demonstrate what it could look like and maybe give some ideas. One thing I do like about the list in the docs is that the skills are ordered by damage type iirc which seems like a good way to go about it. Marco also posted the new o-skill icons which I didn't think of until just now but might be worth adding cause they look awesome. Hope this helps, gl.

► Ancients Hand

► Cautious Strike

► ATMG Sentry
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Erm, all the Gifs are of ancients hand
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Yea I mentioned that in the post, its just an example to better show what a list of spoilers would look like.
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yeah, many useful bbcodes in the BBcode thread that can help in threads which r gonna end be super long with pics and stuff
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