Median XL 2017 Trailer

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Ok i am booking vacation in the job :-D
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Shall I make a post about mxl 2017 on 9gag? Good/Bad idea?
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HechtHeftig wrote:Image

Shall I make a post about mxl 2017 on 9gag? Good/Bad idea?

go ahead, do it
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feels like the trailer is underselling the epicness a bit and it feels kinda weird to watch it somethimes atleast for me,
- map reveal = no mini map on screen
- new items = none on screen, well no one wants to read what it is sure but people are always about numbers especially if they are used to the lower ones from lod
- new uberquests, on screen: a diablo fight
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Anyone would wanna watch a gameplay and/or tutorial series on this when it's out? I cant freakin' wait!
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Jaedong wrote:feels like the trailer is underselling the epicness a bit and it feels kinda weird to watch it somethimes atleast for me,
- map reveal = no mini map on screen
- new items = none on screen, well no one wants to read what it is sure but people are always about numbers especially if they are used to the lower ones from lod
- new uberquests, on screen: a diablo fight

The point of the trailer is to introduce someone who's never seen/heard of Median before to the game. Therefore clarity and simplicity were the top priorities to avoid overwhelming people.

It wasn't meant as much for "you", the veterans and long time community members. For you this patch brings more changes to the game than probably the last few years combined, new content and refreshed existing content etc. that are way outside the scope of this video.
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Please tell me this doesn't mean we won't be able to use our current character anymore or evertyhing will be lost... I just started about 2 weeks ago and i don't want to loose everything i've done so far
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sebas264 wrote:Please tell me this doesn't mean we won't be able to use our current character anymore or evertyhing will be lost... I just started about 2 weeks ago and i don't want to loose everything i've done so far

It mean exactly this. Youre wellcome :)
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nikolaipka wrote:
sebas264 wrote:Please tell me this doesn't mean we won't be able to use our current character anymore or evertyhing will be lost... I just started about 2 weeks ago and i don't want to loose everything i've done so far

It mean exactly this. Youre wellcome :)

Fuck... i'll stop playing for nothing then if i'm gonna loose everything
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sebas264 wrote:Please tell me this doesn't mean we won't be able to use our current character anymore or evertyhing will be lost... I just started about 2 weeks ago and i don't want to loose everything i've done so far

I understand the feeling of losing everything but think of it as starting a whole new game (which with this update it will pretty much feel like). i doubt any of your skills will be or act the same and item ID's and such will be different so if you could load an old character on it it may just have a sword in your helm or wearing potions on your feet. Not to mention that it's a whole new core introduction so things will work differently. If you're new to the mod then consider yourself lucky as adapting to the new setup should be easier than those who've been playing for years.

All in all, a character wipe is needed but don't get concerned with the loss of past achievements, rather get hyped for all the cool new stuff to check out!