how top ladder player screwed me over

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sorry for my bad english

so i met a guy named meleesage ( account supersage10 )
at first he was nice and giving me advice about the mod even gave me a few items to start !

then i hit level 125 ( at this point he is level 144 )
he highly recommend me doing the labyrinth challenge (Yshari Sanctum) tells me that its one of the worst place of the game because the labyrinth is annoying
when i tell him im halfway there he then asks me if i wanted help , i said yes because i was getting frustrated a bit with the zone .
so he joins my game asks for a tp and start running around in the labyrinth without saying anything while im trying to find my way to the 3rd boss .
20 minutes later he randomly leaves the game saying that he doesnt like the maze and that he couldnt find his way through the maze so i continue my quest . then i get to the 4th boss .... room is cleared with loots all over the place no boss to be found . he then whispers me that it has to be a bug or the boss must have ran out of the room . 20 minutes later i get to the 5th boss and realise that this room is ALSO cleared with loots all over the place and once again !! no boss .... then i ask him if he killed the bosses and looted them , the answer i get is are you kidding me ?????? look at my level .

so im guessing he was missing the last 2 pieces of the set and ddint want to start the labyrinth all over again it is only him who joined the game ( it was a private game ) so i decided to post on the forums to warn u guys about this guy suggest you shouldnt trust him !!

once again sorry for my bad english , it is not my main language
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Stygian Watcher
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the median community is the best and worst at the same time depends on who you run into.

Had people give me advice, items, helping with quest etc.

Also had someone follow me around, then PM me how I was a noob, should uninstall and a bunch nasty personal attacks for using the reveal map.
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Battery wrote:the median community is the best and worst at the same time depends on who you run into.

Had people give me advice, items, helping with quest etc.

Also had someone follow me around, then PM me how I was a noob, should uninstall and a bunch nasty personal attacks for using the reveal map.

true that im gonna have a hard time trusting someone again if even the top 5 ladder players do this to other players :cry:
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90% of community here is realy good, i think better than u find in any other game. Just the thing is, there is always some idiot in a room.
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eekzlol wrote:sorry for my bad english

so i met a guy named meleesage ( account supersage10 )
at first he was nice and giving me advice about the mod even gave me a few items to start !

then i hit level 125 ( at this point he is level 144 )
he highly recommend me doing the labyrinth challenge (Yshari Sanctum) tells me that its one of the worst place of the game because the labyrinth is annoying
when i tell him im halfway there he then asks me if i wanted help , i said yes because i was getting frustrated a bit with the zone .
so he joins my game asks for a tp and start running around in the labyrinth without saying anything while im trying to find my way to the 3rd boss .
20 minutes later he randomly leaves the game saying that he doesnt like the maze and that he couldnt find his way through the maze so i continue my quest . then i get to the 4th boss .... room is cleared with loots all over the place no boss to be found . he then whispers me that it has to be a bug or the boss must have ran out of the room . 20 minutes later i get to the 5th boss and realise that this room is ALSO cleared with loots all over the place and once again !! no boss .... then i ask him if he killed the bosses and looted them , the answer i get is are you kidding me ?????? look at my level .

so im guessing he was missing the last 2 pieces of the set and ddint want to start the labyrinth all over again it is only him who joined the game ( it was a private game ) so i decided to post on the forums to warn u guys about this guy suggest you shouldnt trust him !!

once again sorry for my bad english , it is not my main language

Sounds like a dick move to me. Sorry for your loss.

Thunder Beetle
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Being at the top of an exp chart has nothing to do with how good or how trustworthy a person is. All being at the top says is you took the time to grind out xp. Nothing more nothing less.
Rust Claw
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eekzlol wrote:sorry for my bad english

so i met a guy named meleesage ( account supersage10 )
at first he was nice and giving me advice about the mod even gave me a few items to start !

then i hit level 125 ( at this point he is level 144 )
he highly recommend me doing the labyrinth challenge (Yshari Sanctum) tells me that its one of the worst place of the game because the labyrinth is annoying
when i tell him im halfway there he then asks me if i wanted help , i said yes because i was getting frustrated a bit with the zone .
so he joins my game asks for a tp and start running around in the labyrinth without saying anything while im trying to find my way to the 3rd boss .
20 minutes later he randomly leaves the game saying that he doesnt like the maze and that he couldnt find his way through the maze so i continue my quest . then i get to the 4th boss .... room is cleared with loots all over the place no boss to be found . he then whispers me that it has to be a bug or the boss must have ran out of the room . 20 minutes later i get to the 5th boss and realise that this room is ALSO cleared with loots all over the place and once again !! no boss .... then i ask him if he killed the bosses and looted them , the answer i get is are you kidding me ?????? look at my level .

so im guessing he was missing the last 2 pieces of the set and ddint want to start the labyrinth all over again it is only him who joined the game ( it was a private game ) so i decided to post on the forums to warn u guys about this guy suggest you shouldnt trust him !!

once again sorry for my bad english , it is not my main language

My personal philosophy about things that drop on the ground. Whatever they may be; loot, quest items: These are NOT your items... in public games. I have given up caring or really trying to get or worried ab other people getting, loots and stuff in public games. After many years of public D2 games I have become this way.

Yes there are assholes in the community. It sucks but it is the nature of the internet.
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welcome to the internet
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My overall experience with this community has been overwhelmingly positive. Tons of friendly, helpful people. I’ve only had one bad trade interaction which reminded me of the D2jsp community. There will always be at least a few assholes in a game such as this, gotta take the bad with the good.