Might be a little late, but...

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I hoping for something like that, but Laz said something different.

Phew, finally found it.

Took a while with that slow website:
http://d2mods.info/forum/viewtopic.php? ... it=passive

I have no idea if it was before / after uberskill or either it was relevant now or not.
Just tossing some ideas out.


I just recalled this, basically just imagine that passive give bonus for specific playstyle.
http://www.titanquest.net/tq-forum/thre ... 727e36b8dd

Dang it, skill tree picture link are broken.
I think all info is at couple of posts below the first one.
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archon256 wrote:
AardvarkMcBacon wrote:
Goodkidscc wrote:Its also a call of duty concept.

This would be a potentially amazing addition.

Ummmm no... Not a CoD concept...

Can you actually explaining what you're talking about. The modmaker himself has asked you to explain your idea and you're ignoring him. :|

Oh god, I didn't even notice, my bad. Yah, it is a D&D concept and it would lock all other skills as soon as the tree was taken. Unless some dual classing mechanic was taken up, but that'd be just way too complex. Or so I'd think.
Stone Warrior
32 | 7
Since the concept of Prestige Classes haven't really been explained, i'll try to do so.

the entire concept is specialization, and it can be visualized like this:

you have a Rogue. He can sneak, hide, move silently and stab people. Right now he is a Jack of all trades but master of none. So you use a prestige class to make him exceptional in 1 area and less so in others.
You do this through Assassin. He can now stab people really well, hide and move silently. But he didnt improve in the Sneaking or the Stealing part. However he is alot stronger in combat than before, however he wont get the bonuses from getting a level up in Rogue, as he chose Assassin instead.

the reason this cant really be implemented in Median is because its already there. You start off with a Barbarian. Then you "Prestige him" by choosing to use Melee, Ranged or summons. Then you further "prestige" him by choosing an über, that compliments the character. The Paladin is also a good example, since Holy and Unholy straight up locks out the other tree.

If this was to work in Median, you would have to lock out some progression somewhere. IE: If you choose Skill A at lvl 12, you cant choose Skill B and so on. That way you can get a specialized character that cant excel everywhere, because of the progression style. I Highly doubt it would be effective, but its a possibility.

i hope this made sense :)
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If anything I think MXL needs the opposite. More hybridization and less specialized builds. Most builds are designed as a skill or two that you pick from one tree, the passive in that tree, and a bunch of general passives.
36 | 1
PhoenixRising wrote:If this was to work in Median, you would have to lock out some progression somewhere. IE: If you choose Skill A at lvl 12, you cant choose Skill B and so on. That way you can get a specialized character that cant excel everywhere, because of the progression style. I Highly doubt it would be effective, but its a possibility.

In other words, a skill tree where you can choose only one branch when the skillpath divides into several branches? Sounds interesting if this is what you meant :D
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Stone Warrior
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Maybe author just try to tell...
Like one class, with many, balanced subclasses.
And these subclasses change the play style with your main class.
Like paladin can bee melee and caster...
184 | 6
archon256 wrote:If anything I think MXL needs the opposite. More hybridization and less specialized builds. Most builds are designed as a skill or two that you pick from one tree, the passive in that tree, and a bunch of general passives.

I think there must be a ballance of hybridization and specialisation because if you can combine everything, you defenitely will find one best combinaton. That would be boring, but hard specialized builds with low diversity is also boring.

For example I would have a werewolf dudu with kraken stance, but it's avaliable only for barbarian, why? Or caster dudu with fireheart totem and doubled beast aura, that applies to to the totems... Some weird builds like those are possible, but you need some rare SU or be lucky with craft. Maybe solution in making craft not so random by adding some ingredient like a perf gem to shrine recipe that affects to craft result? Or charm overhaul can bring some diversity...
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Isn't the barbarian's Stances kind of similar to this? Like each stance allows you to specialize your barb build even more -- Eagle Stance is wiser for caster barbs or brawlers, Bear Stance is better for tanks, ect.

I'd argue it's also similar to how some classes (for example: druid) have skill trees that can be only accessed with certain weapons and therefore are given sub-categories for builds. Maybe I'm misinterpreting the concept though.