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Finished watching Fuuka

I dunno if Im now more immune to cliche stuff or just simply not get irritated with it any more. This is story reek mediocre from start to finish from characters, storyplot, animation, production (by anime industry standard, i think this is just average). The main reason why i picked this is because it is a sequel to older series called Suzuka, which focused main on love triangle. As additional bonus, this anime also focus on group of friends trying to work together to make live band performance.

The worse part of series is probably the usual wussy MC who can make decision about his lover, always brought around by the flow the girls. The another bad part is how inconsistent and unrealistic the changes between love & hate between the MC and the girls (the best girl didnt win...). I think it pretty normal standard love shoujo manga / series to have this up & down relationship, but usually the story is about how they overcome the challenges of being couple. Thus, this whole series feel like....messed up

I dont recommend this, I believe there is much better romance anime to watch. The music part didnt bring much aside from as plot device. Meh

Alternative : I would like to recommend series that I think i recommend before. For series with girl being eccentric and love triangle, Golden Time and Your lie in April probably fit nicely. Geez after checking my list, apparently i havent watched many love triangle anime much. This was pretty in mid 2000s though, which is typical super cliche Visual Novel adaptation during that era. I rather watch RomCom more than this.

Finally I pulled the trigger and start watching 2019 anime.
And i start with anime that I know is good (based from scoring) called The Promised Neverland

From the get go, I will say that I have put some minor spoiler in next paragraph (episode 1 stuff) so skip this and come back after you watch it. Another reason I picked this is because I specifically for thriller tag. Watch this anime if you have time and like thriller stuff.

► Show Spoiler

Alternative : Death Note, Mirai Nikki, Boku dake ga Inai Machi, Shinsekai Yori. As for children were forced into cruel fate : Bokurano, Madoka, Wixoss, Yuuki Yuuna (i hope you can google the full name)
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Finished Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san

What will you do if some one is expert at teasing people, keep teasing you for everyday and make your life feel miserable? Basically this is the basic plot for this series. While sometimes it is a way too much on overaction and thinking too much. However, the show have hidden depth of romance, comedy and slice of life for school girls. Thus this probably not for everyone.

It is hard to put where the quality of the series is because there arent much beautiful art design or animation, but i would say that the sound / voice / bgm work wonder here and the weird chemistry between main characters of the series. It feel like a like cute interaction between couple by teasing each other. Other than that, series dont have much plot development either (standard for slice of life anime)

Watch this if you want something chill and cute. However if you dislike the wussy MC, you probably might dislike this. Thankfully the anime series is entertaining as whole package.

Alternative: For romance probably Tsurezure Children and Lovely Complex. But for more gags comedy, this remind me of Tonari no Seki-kun and Sakamoto Desu ga?


Finished How Not to Summon a Demon Lord

Stumbled upon this while searching for Magic tag, but i didnt realized that it was tag as Ecchi, Comedy and Fantasy too. If you are not sicked by tons of Isekai anime (real world person transported into fantasy or game world), tons of fan service in current anime trend, a non serious anime that some minor plot, then probably you will like this. I admit that this one is not hard sell for anyone, but main reason is because I liked this kind of anime character design.

So our MC is basically the best player MMORPG that suddenly being summoned to fantasy world that resembling the game that he mastered. Somehow he retained all those his ingame super OP character and gear, making him currently the strongest demon lord in the world (sound cliche eh).Our MC accompanied by 2 cute girls summoned him and tried to make him as a slave. Except, our MC have powerful ring that reflect all magic and made those girls his slaves instead (intriguing yet?). So now they 3 are try to find solution to remove the shackles spell while trying to live in that fantasy (doing quests blah blah blah).

The whole anime is feel trashy for some people, but I was really entertained by it. From variety of character design (catgirl, elf, human, bunny girl etc), the OP spell that our MC used and simple plots on every episodes. Dont expect something grand from this series, it solely stand on the fanservice. And this probably one of the only MC that didnt feel wussy and managed to get his harem at the end (at least as I can remember, in recent anime).

Alternative : Overlord / Konosuba probably closest for fantasy / magic genre. As for OP stuff and living in isekai, this remind of Log Horizon and Isekai Smartphone (again, google it for full name).
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iwansquall wrote:And i start with anime that I know is good (based from scoring) called The Promised Neverland

Just started watching this. Knew nothing about it going in. Your chess game analogy is apt. Lots of intrigue, and they drop just enough info each episode to keep you wanting more. This is one I'll definitely watch the whole way through.
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i actually finished yakusoku no nebaarando the other day. started it because Maaya Uchida. stayed for the plot. its pretty good overall.
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Struggled a bit to finish this because it such a bad series (skip it for sure)
Just finished watching Bakumatsu.

One of the tag i havent search before is the term Samurai. From the list available, seem there arent many series focus on it (unless u count gintama series) so i just randomly pick this because the poster show some sort of clock device, which indicate time travel tech. I WAS RIGHT! So, you have a plot device that can reverse time at the end of samurai era (i believe if you watch samurai x, it is same era).Time travel plot if done right, it could be one of easiest intriguing way to make a suspense story because this type of anime usually play around the failure of our protagonist, and the journey is trying to overcome it.

Except.... in this series is reversed. The villain have the device and it miraculously can reverse any damage done by protagonist and continuing with his evil plot. To make this story more interesting, our duo protagonist somehow can retain their memory before the time loop, thus each episodes is about trying to breakthrough our villain big castle and find a weakness on it. My biggest issue is probably how messed up the plot are and sheer amount of bishi (handsome boys) in this series, which clearly designed for shoujo. There are simply too many opposing party that made everything feel convoluted (evil leader, shinsengumi, our protagonist team, some other supporter, neutral party) that is too much for 12 episodes.

At the end, I dont mind terrible series as long as it is well produced and entertaining. This anime look like almost like 2005-ish anime that feel outdated with basic animation technique (studio deen... as usual).

Alternative wise, if you want proper time loop series : The Girl of leapt through time and Steins:gate obviously. As for samurai theme, ... apparently i dont watch many anime that similar to this anime...


Just finished watching : 3D Kanojo Real Girl

After watching a bit anime that seem to aim for shoujo with tons of bishi, i tried to search for anime with Shoujo tag instead. After watching many romance anime designed for male, going for girly type anime once a while it is not that bad. Afterall, being otaku myself probably i can feel related with main plot of this series. The series started by encounter of socially awkward otaku boy and weird eccentric / flirty girl (sound familiar).

One thing i notice is the the quality of this anime. While I prefer a more expensive production anime, this one seem like... below average. There are too many scenes that I feel not colour properly or drawing feel off that made me dislike it abit. The story wise, there are nothing new in this. I thought I might like it at first, but then the story went through standard fare for friends that have feeling for each other and doing slice-of-life thingy. Although the relationship is becoming more solid at end, but i dont think this worth the time to go through the weird awkward relationship dialogue throughout every episodes (i hate you, i like you, i thought u dislike me, im not worth of you etc)

I suggest skip this one if dont have time, as there is better romance anime out there. I dont find any memorable thing in the anime, although it is not exactly bad. Prepare for tons of monologue as well.

Alternative : Wotakoi is much superior romcom about love with otaku. Other similar anime is Gamers! (although not that great) and Nozaki-kun which is quite good shoujo romcom anime.
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Finished 2nd Season of Hajime no Ippo
Revolves more around the character that brought the MC into boxing than the MC itself
Still solid season, compareable and entertaining to Season 1, maybe even better
The only thing i really really dislike about this anime is that it always the same pattern:
Mindset/speeches good = turns out being bad
Mindset/speeches bad = turns out good
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Screw my previous review, they really ramped it up 2nd season of 3D Kanojo Girl Real Girl to skyhigh

It is still standard fare romance and high school friends stuff, but now it focused solely on romance and a bit of drama.
It resolved everything according to manga ending albeit a bit fast paced on certain part
If you can stand first 12 mediocre episodes to reach this excellent pay off, i recommend you to watch this until end of 2nd season
Now it focused more on other side character romance story and then focused on MC romance story at the end

Alternative: This really remind me of Clannad After story, you might and endure clannd if you dislike it, but it worth the wait. I forgot to add to previous recommendation that this feel quite close to Golden Time and Your lie in April too.
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shokugeki manga will end within 3 mangas
guess i dont really care too much since i am just skipping through most mangas these days, theres nothing really that makes me want to follow it with passion right now, the last manga like that was berserk but that one turned to shit since its once a year release
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Finished Mayoiga

I search for psychological tag and found this infamous series. I know it will be super bad, but considering im kinda ok with most mediocre series, this shouldnt be that bad.... right? I will probably spoil abit so you guys wouldnt need to spend time watching this. The story start on the tour bus where there are participant want to go to some hidden village in order to be "reborn", basically to let go of the past and become a new person. How many character you guys think a normal anime will introduce in the first episode? This anime break the whole record by introducing more than 20 characters in just first 10 minutes. Unless you made a super long shounen anime, there isnt a space for character development (unless u want to focus 1 character in 1 episode)

The series started with a simple and weird character introduction, followed by weird song as well as some argument between them. This anime really trying to sell something mysterious or death will happen when the characters arrive in the village. Turned out, there is a person missing in first of couple of episodes that make them question each other about potential killer / traitor / kidnapper among them. Turnout it is kinda pointless banter as suddenly mysterious incident (like a bear claw mark on a tree, but didnt address what it is). The middle part of the series is very weird when each characters somehow able to see some sort of monster from their past life (hence why they went with the our and forget those thing). The only way people able to leave that village is by accepting their past (and disappear back to real world, hence why the disappearance issue in early part of the series).

Im still puzzled and confused on how anime production able to create a series that is ok-ish from anime production, but failed all writings (story, plots, character, dialogue) that made such a big mess. Last 3 episodes revelations was good, but not enough to recover from the train wreck. SKIP THIS.

Alternative: Higurahi and Shiki for similar feeling of incident happened in remote village. I cant recall any anime that similar to this.
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with the lack of decent anime this season i went back to re-watch Shinsekai Yori. people usually go ewww when they hear about the softcore yaoi scenes its got and dont even watch it based on it, but the story makes it one of the best animes ive watched for sure.

also, Kana Hanazawa's voice. <4 <4 <4