What games are you playing atm? V2

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Kraken Guard
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BG3's Patch 5 hit, and i wanted to go for a Dark Urge Origin playthrough. Basically, when you play with Dark Urge Origin you are quite literally a psychopath who just feels the URGE (heh) to kill mostly every NPC and party member you meet in a very bloody and gory manner, and its up to you if you fight that urge or if you give in.

So this female Tiefling asked me to spend the night with her and well this happened. (Spoiler tagged obviously)

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This game will never cease to amaze me.

edit : aaaand it just got GOTY award at the video game awards. what a surprise. not.
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Kraken Guard
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still grinding away on PoE. kind of a mid league mechanic tbh but the wisps bump up the loot by quite a lot so theres that.

aaaand just now on a single expedition chest in act 10 :

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I broke my leg so I have too much time to play and I'm juggling around:

I started Final Fantasy marathon, I don't usually care about JRPGs but FF saga is close to my heart.
I skipped I-V as I played them not so long ago. FF VI (or III depending where you live) is best what SNES has to offer. Difficulty was to choose a version to play (original SNES, GBA or Remaster on PC), I decided for GBA version, I though the extra content (few more Espers and end-game dungeons) would be nice but clearly I made a mistake, should have got the Pixel Remaster version. Now playing FF VII, It's been maybe 20 years since I played this and it still hookes me, and now that I'm older and wiser (lol) I actually understand the game much better plot-wise. I'm just sad that I couldn't get 7th Heaven mod manager to work, mostly "New Thread" -mod would have been so juicy. But at least with emulator I can speed through the boring stuff. I'm really waiting to get my hands on FF VIII, I know it's not the most loved FF but I don't remember much about it and aside from main-story I believe I missed a lot of stuff when I first played it.
I really love the series for their stories, characters and battles aren't boring either. End-game stuff is usually pretty brutal but cheesable with crazy grinding, which I'm not gonna do this time since I know that prizes for that much time invested even with "speed" -mode is not worth it.

Mass Effect trilogy: I started it from the beginning as my save files are lost and I want to be MY Shepard from start to the very end. First one I've played many times over, this time with dlc's and mods for QoL. Second one I only played two times before and hard to remember everything... Third one I played only once, but most of the times I was pretty drunk that I don't even remember the ending.
RPG's with choices and consequences are my favorites and Mass Effect does it pretty well. No boring "good/evil" routine as with many other similiar games.

Grim Dawn is on a back-burner, I play it when I don't want to think or focus too much. Trying out different builds is fun, sadly it seems I've gone through most of them now. Of course there are still countless of builds to do but they are too similiar to each other so there is no fun.

Prime_Evil wrote:BG3's Patch 5 hit, and i wanted to go for a Dark Urge Origin playthrough. Basically, when you play with Dark Urge Origin you are quite literally a psychopath who just feels the URGE (heh) to kill mostly every NPC and party member you meet in a very bloody and gory manner, and its up to you if you fight that urge or if you give in.

That sounds awesome. I think I have to start BGs too, first two are a bit dated but nostalgia is there... sadly my cardboard box won't propably run BG3 but by the time I have finished current games I should have a new PC.
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Gore Crawler
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No, im not furry

One of the roguelike deckbuilder i have been buying during steam sale. Generally, nowadays i feel to have 3 type of games : 1 with controller, one played with mouse + strategic thinking and 1 fully immersion game.

The game have very polished graphic and it unthinkable to learn that this game was made by only 3 person (with music made by someone else). The game give you 16 heroes and based around 5 elements. On top of each unique heroes specific cards, they also have neutral shared pools based on 2 elements attached to each heroes. In case of planning normal straight route in a line, the game instead use a open world where you can go explore any nodes accesible to upgrade your deck. However, once after certain amount of turns, you will have to fight final boss.

The game ticked alot of my checkbox for roguelike deckbuilder. Alot RNG for godly runs, decent meta progression, a good amount of depth as well the variety of decks you can play around. However, the moment i heard game being abandoned for poor sales, it just sad that it is no longer will get any updates. Game is not perfect as I personally found several bugs of item not working properly. Personally, i wish the balance of the cards is changed abit so that each elements have unique playstyle to survive in highest difficulty.

Definitely recommend to play, just dont expect something deep. The game is pretty difficult at beginning but later it will become more fun as you unlock more cards for powerful combo.
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Kraken Guard
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Im definitely late to the party here, but i made some time to play Hades, and i just beat it. What an amazing game. To me its gameplay was as addictive as vampire survivors was way back when. Also decent voice acting and story.

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Uninstalled PoE this week. Somehow it does not bring joy anymore and i have to force myself to log in.

Installed Homm3 Hota update - new town and stuff.
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Kraken Guard
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done pretty much all end game content in PoE again. maven, shaper, uber shaper, elder, uber elder, uber uber elder, sirius, searing exarch, eater of worlds, venarius, uber sirius, uber maven, uber exarch, uber eater, uber cortex.................................. and still that king of the mists boss event hasnt shown up in the wildwood. unbelievable.

Lately ive been on and off with PoE. Been playing a lot of Warhammer40K Darktide again with some people i know over discord.
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Short update since i last minute decide to jump to poe affliction season last minute after i heard it have 4 months season length and casual friendly close to sentinel (which was my last and favourite league). So about 28 hours in, i finally cleared act 10 with all side quests done and now reaching map.

The thought process:
1. I went with SSF because i hate nolifer monitoring market or worrying about efficiency. I just use poe as main chill game while watching anime (hence you saw i got more anime review now)
2. Picking marauder as the only last class i never ascend before (last time it was necromancer + raider in sentinel), last time i played him, i got bored leveling 2nd character in same league or it was my first character back in poe beta (10 years ago)
3. Out of all 3, i was thinking more toward fire. No idea which playstyle i wanted to do, but i was thinking avatar of fire and im surprised it is closer to marauder tree now. So i picked chieftain, only to learn that apparently ppl use it as farmer build (aka RIP i wont have bossing capability).
4. Atm, i thinking melee + fire, so went with molten strike. Transfigure gem gave me zenith version, so i went with 2hand version during leveling. It wasnt bad per say, but holy crap the strike swinging animation is awful. I thought melee got total rework?
5. Out of all wildwood ascendancy, i thought i want to implement some sort warcry, since i never played one before. So i went with primalist and only to learn that charm required you to trade to get a good one and i just went with SSF.... maybe i shouldve went with tincture tree since it have more control for early game

I think out of the league i played (even the awful bestiary ppl said before), there is never league i played that felt this bad while leveling. You enter a side area, you fight a super tough monster and you get chance for better drops. My problem is, because of your specialization with specific wildwood, 2 out 3 of encounter feel "wasted". Not to mention you all those extra wisp you collect doesnt directly give you item you can control (lets say... ritual league). And i know that you can only do quest for 1 specialization at one time. I still havent meet the primalist special boss morrigan area / boss (but already met king of mist ritual event 3 times) what awful RNG.

I dunno what plan i want to do with atlas planning atm, im only want to do 3 stuff which is sanctum (which felt awful for melee / tank build), ultimatum (rip metamorph) and maybe those rework breach / scourge. My friend recommend to just try 38 challenge since it is easy, but i think because of newer reward tier that no longer give fancy aura or footprint but a full set (and upgraded version afterward), maybe i will quit earleir since i dont want to spend too long time in poe again ( i already spent hundreds of hours in monster hunter world last year) and the league mechanic gave very bad first impression for casual player.

i dunno who read through with my long rambly rant want until here
here my characters so you can laugh at my pitiful builds
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/vie ... characters
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