What games are you playing atm? V2

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Kraken Guard
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PoE is going downhill still, so...

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Kraken Guard
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Been playing a lot of Warhammer 40K Darktide after work, and by the Emperor, it feels great to hear that crunching sound of melee weapons striking corrupted humans.
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Gore Crawler
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What do you meant when I need PhD to play this game?

Finished this game couple of weeks ago, and I forgot to write review about it. This is one of the game that i didnt realize at first since it was totally unknown to all people, but it is a truly hidden gem.

You all probably pretty well known with Slay the Spire and Monster Train, and Im here want to write something about this game. This game is something that hard to explain until you play the game. The introduce a different system where you have manage your threat (incoming damage) by making strategic decision across multiple turn. For example, if you know you will take damage next turn, you will hold 1 defense card and purge (discard card for energy) and be ready for next turn. There are also macro decision like planning path & setting your 20 cards deck.

Hard to write anything bad about the game since it was made by solo developer for long time. The game is very complex (think like modern yugioh, without normal card), to a point that even basic card have multiple text lines. The game also suffered an issue where each run taking way too long that it will be harder if you want to 100% the games like me. Minimum RNG also meant that every run can feel samey, although you do have about 4 classes each with 2 different playstyle to start with.

If you are a fan of StS & MT, i highly recommend you to try this game. I still think this is the best game compared to other 2. The complexity will make casual player run away, but super rewarding for advanced player.

*Im jumping back monster train DLC atm. There is no more achievement to aim for, but there are just too many checklist if i want to complete everything. Thus i will play monster train on casual level and move on to other serioues game.
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Kraken Guard
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In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, there is only war.

And faces only a mother could love. The Emperor provides.

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Kraken Guard
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Callisto Protocol.

Great visuals, but the frame stutters killed it for me. Also, barebones story, characters are pretty much forgettable, combat has a lot of issues on its own but its bearable i suppose. Very very very short game, it does not justify its full price tag. As it stands right now i just cannot recommend this game unless you really want to go cheap jumpscare to cheap jumpscare because thats the whole "scary" thing about this game. But as i said, visuals look great, i guess thats where most of the budget went to.

tldr - Just play Dead Space 1. That upcoming remake is sounding more and more like a great idea to me.
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Thanks shaper :) still using the weapon i got in act1 first sanctum room and the build RF still feels ok. Investment - 1c for shield.
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Kraken Guard
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Anonymous: wrote:Thanks shaper :) still using the weapon i got in act1 first sanctum room and the build RF still feels ok. Investment - 1c for shield.

nice. since youre going with RF i suggest you go here :


Pohx is probably the world's expert in RF builds, he's got it all dumbed down to a science. So much so that he has his own wiki site dedicated only to Righteous Fire builds.
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Thanks, i think i used some of that info for last league. Build is not that complicated, the skill tree is easy and self explanatory. The gear is problem for me - i understand what i need, i even knew what to look for in trades, but the cost .... man that part is sad. In the end of last league i experimented a lot, spend all currency, failed some ideas because i had wrong idea how RF works and tried to get some sort of leach/charge up mechanic for it.
This league i got unique weapon with scorching ray oskill on it - so i am using that instead of fire trap. Damage is similar for now, i don't have a single 6 link yet. But i am thinking to switch for other char since league mechanics is terrible for RF playstyle.
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Kraken Guard
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Anonymous: wrote:Thanks, i think i used some of that info for last league. Build is not that complicated, the skill tree is easy and self explanatory. The gear is problem for me - i understand what i need, i even knew what to look for in trades, but the cost .... man that part is sad. In the end of last league i experimented a lot, spend all currency, failed some ideas because i had wrong idea how RF works and tried to get some sort of leach/charge up mechanic for it.
This league i got unique weapon with scorching ray oskill on it - so i am using that instead of fire trap. Damage is similar for now, i don't have a single 6 link yet. But i am thinking to switch for other char since league mechanics is terrible for RF playstyle.

RF struggles a lot with this league mechanic especially at high end floors because RF has a limited range even minmaxed and it may get hard to dodge attacks that drain resolve, so i get you. It's the same reason why melee builds are still trash. I mean they added Vaal Flicker Strike in this league but if you use it on the Sanctum you just get 2 or 3 tapped back into spawn because it doesnt matter what defensive layers you stack, Resolve draining attacks bypass it all, and RF is the same deal almost. Plus it may get expensive to get dedicated RF gear later on because RF is still very on demand right now. Still, its very comfortable as a map clearer, if you can get some culling on it it may even be a good mapping and boss build, but the way culling has been gutted in PoE, thats kind of a hit and miss thing.

I havent played PoE since that one time, but maybe ill start theorycrafting a bane occultist that goes around the massive occultist nerf of no more Malediction. Maybe juggling Temporal Chains with Enfeeble, idk yet. Soon as real life lets me ill get on that.
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Any tips for a summoner build ? i would like to have a big swarm army that does all work for me :D or something with bow ? Wana do this new league mechanic and my guess is either ranged caster/bow char or some sort of summoner to avoid getting your bar depleted.