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There seem to be a problem accessing page 3 & beyond in
due to SQL error.
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Are the forum badges not attributed to people automatically?

One of my threads reached 72k views, but I didn't get the badge T.T
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Wulf wrote:Are the forum badges not attributed to people automatically?

One of my threads reached 72k views, but I didn't get the badge T.T

afaik the routine that checks post with highest view count rolls every few weeks or month. So be patient - you will receive the badge eventually.
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Sand Maggot
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mortimer_85 wrote:
Wulf wrote:Are the forum badges not attributed to people automatically?

One of my threads reached 72k views, but I didn't get the badge T.T

afaik the routine that checks post with highest view count rolls every few weeks or month. So be patient - you will receive the badge eventually.

A script has to be run but half of the time the popularity bage wont get assigned because of issues related to phpbb. Btw Wulf I'm sorry for not having got back to you on Discord but I was swept away by to-do stuff and lost track of many thing, it's a really busy period.
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Do take your time :) This is a very minor issue that can easily wait.

Eventhough I cry every night before bedtime in my pillow./s
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Wulf wrote:Do take your time :) This is a very minor issue that can easily wait.

Eventhough I cry every night before bedtime in my pillow./s

Hahaha don't worry, same thing happened to me and it's been over a year!

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Onyx Knight
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How do i link my tsw account to second forum account ? People send TG to Metalistas, i want to transfer it to Anonymous:
Anonymous: is using main and only account on TSW. Metalistas cannot use this account anymore. What to do ? Thanks.
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Blood Golem
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Can we have first message of topic being displayed in all pages (except for the guides... or implement kind of 'jump to post" button for these)? So that it will simplify things like these on "bugs and feedback" or "patch nopes". Players simply don't understand/know that they need to send logs to mod crew when they encounter item disappear bug.
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Slain Soul
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I may have mentioned it before, but I would love if all responses from the OP of the thread he created were denoted as "OP" next to the OPs name, like how it displays on Reddit when you begin a thread.
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In the dungeon guide Dimensional key gives 130% weap dmg, in game it gives 75%.