Trade Center Authentication

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Hello all :)

Trade Center Authentication

We are doing multiple changes to the trade center. One of them consists of linking your forum and online accounts together.
To do this, simply head to the Trade Center and fill the form with your TSW credentials:


That's it!
In a few days, only authenticated accounts will be permitted to use the TG center.

Integrating the forum & tsw accounts together is the first step to improve the security of all traders and prevent fraud. There have been multiple cases of impersonators claiming auction rewards with similar names. Now you'll know exactly who you are trading with at all times - as you will be able to conveniently look into an user's profile to find his in-game account.

In the future, we can use this integration to provide more features in the trade center as well. Stay tuned.

About Page

There's probably a few that noticed already, but we have added a new About page under the 'Home' tab. There are a lot of people that have contributed to the creation of sigma and the project - and unfortunately we couldn't credit all the people in time for the release. So we suggest you to take a look at everyone who helped and show them your gratitude!

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this guy seems legit
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i loggin whit mi acc and tells mee this

Invalid username or password.

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stralth wrote:i loggin whit mi acc and tells mee this

Invalid username or password.


Are you using your in-game password?

Remember that passwords in D2 are limited to 12 characters, so any longer than that will be a wrong password.
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Good move. Idk how feasible it is, but a good idea for auctions would be auto delivery of items:
Seller creates mule account and places item/s on it
Seller creates auction with mule account login info
*Optional* Auction changes password for mule account
Auction automatically sends login info to winner

This would also prevent fraud.
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Milkshake wrote:Good move. Idk how feasible it is, but a good idea for auctions would be auto delivery of items:
Seller creates mule account and places item/s on it
Seller creates auction with mule account login info
*Optional* Auction changes password for mule account
Auction automatically sends login info to winner

This would also prevent fraud.

There is a significant minority of players who categorically refuse to use the mule method, which seems dumb to me.

Everyone is in a different time zone, it seems like the best way to run auctions.
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Monkey King
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wouldn´t this be solved a lot easier by sending the winner and the seller a randomly generated verification code to their private inbox that they have to repeat in-game when they meet? or am I missing something?

I suppose the goal of this to link the two accounts so that if an offender is found in game cheating or something, you´d remove their forum account as punishment as well?
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stralth wrote:i loggin whit mi acc and tells mee this

Invalid username or password.


I have the same Problem, the authentication process doesn't accept my TSW account.
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Skeptic_Zero wrote:
Milkshake wrote:Good move. Idk how feasible it is, but a good idea for auctions would be auto delivery of items:
Seller creates mule account and places item/s on it
Seller creates auction with mule account login info
*Optional* Auction changes password for mule account
Auction automatically sends login info to winner

This would also prevent fraud.

There is a significant minority of players who categorically refuse to use the mule method, which seems dumb to me.

Everyone is in a different time zone, it seems like the best way to run auctions.

Yeah, but what about when you're online when the auction ends, but the seller isn't on for another 24 hours? An automated system would be so much smoother.