Σ 1.3.4 Patch Notes

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Still looking forward to the Bear Druid. Gonna rend up some fools!!
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Celestialray wrote:"Four reworked base items (Crystal Sword, Battle Axe, Short Battle Bow, Stag Bow) which have no base physical damage but spawn with elemental instead

I don't know if devs realize this, but this is a massive nerf to physical bowzons and let me tell you why. Stag bow and reflex bow are the only bow bases in the game for amazon that have 0.21% damage per point of dexterity, while all of the other bows have only 0.17. THE PROBLEM is that stag bow requires 292% attack speed for last frame, while reflex bow requires 456% attack speed, which is absurd and you will never hit that frame with reflex bow unless you invest an absurd amount of currency and then it's still doubtful. If you choose to use non amazon bows, you lose as much as 20% of total damage from dexterity, which is about 300% enhanced weapon damage with decent gear.

If this is not intentional, then my suggestion would be to bring reflex bow to stag bow's values or increase regular bows' dexterity bonus to amazon bows' values. It's quite a big nerf for endgame bowzons and I see no reason why because it's hardly a tier 1 build for lab. The farming speed is barely changed due to how wyrmshot functions, but this affects lab performance the most.

This is worrying if it's right - is it?
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I don't know what are we supposed to play? Everything is nerfed in some way, still no chest upgrade (plugy-like), they are tweaking it more and more until they are tweak it to unplayable trash... still good game though, but less nerfing, less tweaking things people do not use anyway and more true play... those quest will be skipped anyway no matter how much you add reward.. it's not worth it. especially if you can't farm it and it's one-time... well i will maybe play one char on normal, see where it goes and propably skip this patch again...
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drakiesan wrote:I don't know what are we supposed to play? Everything is nerfed in some way, still no chest upgrade (plugy-like), they are tweaking it more and more until they are tweak it to unplayable trash... still good game though, but less nerfing, less tweaking things people do not use anyway and more true play... those quest will be skipped anyway no matter how much you add reward.. it's not worth it. especially if you can't farm it and it's one-time... well i will maybe play one char on normal, see where it goes and propably skip this patch again...

Why are you still here?
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drakiesan wrote:I don't know what are we supposed to play? Everything is nerfed in some way, still no chest upgrade (plugy-like), they are tweaking it more and more until they are tweak it to unplayable trash... still good game though, but less nerfing, less tweaking things people do not use anyway and more true play... those quest will be skipped anyway no matter how much you add reward.. it's not worth it. especially if you can't farm it and it's one-time... well i will maybe play one char on normal, see where it goes and propably skip this patch again...

"everything is nerfed in some way.."
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bugfree wrote:...

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Stop spamming and know that you can edit your posts, there is no reason to submit 3 or more posts in a row. Also if you feel bitter or whatnot, please try to add constructive criticism if you're able to. There are better ways to blow off steam and for bringing out the child within you that do not involve posting on the forum.
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bugfree wrote:The fact of the matter is no one is "Hype"about these changes.

How can you possibly know that? I am hyped about the changes.
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no fun allowed. imagine actually buffing weak builds instead of running anything good into the ground. the lab was a mistake
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Johnny Impak
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Idem here. I ain’t mad or anything about the fact that they nerfed trapsin even if it is my main character. The set was overshadowing almost every other option.

UHC paladin needed a rework, Wildfire druid too. Nagisin is perhaps revived, elemental weapons have been added so it is more convenient to build tri-elemental builds. Corrupted Barbarian received a slight nerf, it wasn’t on par with the rest. HP heavy bosses have been made faster to take down in exchange for them to deal more damage.

New trophies, new boss, more runes are now useful. Let’s say it, nobody uses ON runes for 5% tcd. Quests are now actually giving significant rewards.

So I sincerely ask the question: Why QQ ?
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i smelled something fishy with those new trophies.

3 of those are exact bonuses from the ones being removed (like instead of Akarat's you have to do Yshari to get 5% hp and mana)

Rathma's Supremacy always rolls 1sk so now you have to get a trophy for another 1 sk

How could you possibly call them new trophies if they were simply moved or charm bonus divided?

Maybe it's just me but im sure you would get more positive feedback if you simply kept existing trophies and try to be more creative with bonuses for new ones?