BBCodes Overview and Usage

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Hello all. I'm writing this little list describing the available a codes and what they do. Some are self-explanatory, so I'm skipping those. There are some that are not complicated, but they do not appear in the posting menu, so I'll write them down here.

Strike text

This can be used to strike-through text. Example:
striked text

Code: Select all

[s]striked text[/s]


This can be used to highlight some text. Useful when writing computer addresses or some specific terms. For example: you should install the game in the C:/Games/Diablo II folder!

Code: Select all

[c]Highlighted text[/c]


The headers are useful for pre-formatted titles, but they are more powerful than that. To sum it up, search engines (like google) use bots to check all pages on the web, and they try to understand what's happening by reading the page's source. Here is where header tags come in, proper use of these help people find your posts on a google search. The header tags have a hierarchy (from 1 to 4) where 1 is the most important. The H1 tag cannot be used within posts, as it is always "Median XL - Forums". A topic's title is always a H2 tag, so always make sure to use smart topic names. From there on, you can structure your topic using these tags. Additionally, they help topics have a more consistent layout, so it's always good to use these.

Code: Select all

[h2]My Amazon Guide[/h2]
- I use this or that
- I use that or this

As you can see, they go in order of relevance. It's more likely that someone searches "Median XL Spearzon items" than "Bowzon quivers", so assigning more relevant content on the superior headers will improve indexing. This is basically how google does magic.

Font Awesome

These icons are great for adding some visual content without the need to use images. For example, I want to use a trophy icon for a hall of fame, I can simply use . Or I want to call an ambulance, I just use ! These icons look especially good when used in headers. List of Icons

Code: Select all


Monster Image

These tags were created mainly for the bestiary. All you need to do is wrap the name of a monster, without using spaces. Note that proper capitalization is required, and symbols are omitted. Full list of Monster BBcode can be found here. Example:

Code: Select all


Skill Icons

This BBCode works similar to the monster one, except it displays character skills. Once again, proper capitalization and no symbols are required. Note that some icons might not work, be sure to report any if you find. Example:

Code: Select all



This BBcode works in a similar way than the previous ones, except it uses the name of the item with spaces. Full information can be found here.


As many of you know, blue is the forum's unofficial sarcasm color. Well, now you could say it's official!

Code: Select all

[sarcasm]Wotan is not fat[/sarcasm]


A pair of bbcodes that can be helpful to guide writers in allowing the readers to navigate long threads.

Code: Select all


The navlink code is the place where the user will click. The name of the link is inside the tags. The {text} parameter is the ID of your link, which tells the browser where to go.

Code: Select all


This is the place where the user will jump to on the same page once he clicks the above link. You must use the same {text} parameter (letters and numbers) that you used above.
Of course every such bbcode pair must have a unique {text} parameter.

Have any cool BBCode ideas? Post here.
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No one in the forum can go one day w/o tossing a jest at Wotan :mrgreen:

Good work as always!
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This topic is priceless. :-D Maybe make it sticky? Pretty sure it will be updated with even new codes in the future.
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I swear to god when I read ''[blue]Wotan is not fat[/blue]'' I died.
Thanks for this, I've been waiting for it :3
Edited by Somnus 8 years.
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Somnus wrote:I swear to god when I read ''wotan is not fat'' I died.
Thanks for this, I've been waiting for it :3

I quoted your post and you failed to use the blue tag... I don't even.
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It was like that when I found it.
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Astral Guardian
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I just found this today. Good.
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Polar Worm
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Added the new Navlink bbcode made by sb. Enjoy.
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Shouldn't the [hr] tag not need a matching [/hr] as it's a self-closing tag (At least in classic HTML)?