but why did you remove the automatic run?

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JonAC wrote:I like the fact that running super fast is locked behind progression (Aquiring Adren rush, Windrunner) . You shouldn't be a fast paced crackhead at level 1. Seeing your character start coming together around the level 90-100 mark and improving in speed/damage/tankiness is quite rewarding. I'm a fan of the change as it makes content slightly more punishing which is always a welcome challenge.

that'd be ok if it wasn't something that is limited to 1-2 builds or handicaps your 2nd ring. say lvl 40-80 you get actual run back

as for me, i think the guarantee to be hit can be punishing. But when i'm playing a class that wipes the screen of a farm zone before being touched, then it really doesn't matter.

So many classes that aren't using teleport skills (summon barb, harbinger) are using range variations (xbow nec, mana sorc, bowazon, tiefling sin, etc.) that run/walk speed is far far more valuable than any defense. of the 3 classes i play the only ones that seem even remotely acceptable on mobility is assassin and harbinger wolf druid. having obsurd cooldowns on teleport and no move speed to me really saps a lot of the fun out of the game.

I've learned to play with it, and it's not that bad. but, i'd really really like to have it back. I won't even play stuff like barb because of the aesthetics of walking so much despite it being one of the most powerful. and ranged classes like bowa's/caster sin etc. which severely lack survivability, the r/w speed and teleports are how you position, or move out of a swarm of arrows/spells fast enough to attack some before moving again. Or even attacking + running/teleportation in a kind of stutter step motion which isn't allowed with the current stamina/sprint as it runs out to fast.

edit: i 2nd the notion of enigma lol. i really really really REALLY miss no cd teleport more than literally anything else. a close 2nd would be lightening sentry + shadow master (mxl has void archon but no good replacement for lightening sentry) lol.
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I've played so long without enigma that I don't miss it. Like I mentioned earlier you can roll 40% movement speed on boots extremely easily at low level. And to be quite honest, 40% is really all you need. When I do decide to go to maps like caldeum I run until sprint is almost out then tele and rinse and repeat and I get where i'm going quite fast.

I think that we moved too fast previously and I personally like the slowdown to movement speed. It was awkward at first but I've grown to like it very much.

If movement speed is very important to you or your build then using an Adren Rush ring is not a hindrance or a gimp. Its just a part of your build. Barb is always gonna be an easy class for move speed due to the fact you can switch to wolf stance to move around. 1-Point wonder.
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Lol, just can't win with people.... People used to whine about forgetting to untoggle run, now they're whining because of this new system.
Personally, I love the new system and for those who don't know/haven't noticed I find at times i'm faster walking (with current gear) then I was running back in the day.

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-Auto run in town
-Auro run when Stifing form/ Ecstatic Frenzy on
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lady_auriel wrote:Lol, just can't win with people.... People used to whine about forgetting to untoggle run, now they're whining because of this new system.
Personally, I love the new system and for those who don't know/haven't noticed I find at times i'm faster walking (with current gear) then I was running back in the day.


still not faster than a 102+ bp enigma sin with BoS, i don't know anything that is outside 200 fcr sorc in classic LoD. . . . . it's what i'm used to speed wise, so the slow speed for me is a real annoyance. i might end up playing harbinger druid in the end strictly because the warp strike skills are the closest i can get to teleport > skillx1-4 > teleport. . . . really hard to beat the fun factor of double teleport/spam teleport > mf farm a boss. or set up 3-4 lightening sentry's + 1 ds and a room just goes poof. . . . the traps here are very niche. they have an extremely small radius around them for a few seconds and then one AoE, but blink is close enough to teleport after 18-19 points when your down to 2 seconds or lesss (still really long cd but playable)
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With all the items, charms and runewords that can increase movement speed and proper planning I really don't see a problem, and to be 100% honest, the reason me and a lot of my friends/other players who prefer mods over original D2, is because certain runewords ruined it for us, Teleport on any character ruined it for us mainly. A barbarian that focuses on brute strength/tanking should not be able to use a spell such as teleport, back when I played before runewords were added you needed specific characters for specific things, now a days you can build one character and never need another one, where is the fun in that? Example: Back in the good ol' days if you wanted to be well geared quick you'd main the sorceress then farm bosses repeatedly and transfer over the items for your other characters, on ladder resets back then, if you were not starting with a sorceress people would tell you that "you are not going to have fun this ladder"...I feel being someone that has played since Patch 1.01 (Does anyone else remember that ridiculous bug that would crash you for killing Lord De Seis in almost every game? lol) I can give my honest opinion on the whole runeword thing, don't get me wrong, some runewords were nice but runewords like Enigma made the game too easy...Hope my opinion makes sense, writing this just before heading to bed lol.
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