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Deathgaze and Iron spiral do not proc from offhand "on attack". Blood Hatred losim does not work with both.

So... even with these bugs the skills are usable, ppl overreact too much.
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not rly, no heal, no dw
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I played one this ladder. Twinked with 2x TU hammerhead into Zod rws in sacred hammerheads. Was really going for that crane stance, but hard points only gave more dmg and fixed avoid. I like deathgaze skill even if it's bugged. 1 pt in deadalus for AR and 1 pt in ww since i never like it anyways :) I would play it more but got only 4/5 pieces of new set...
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DG bugged? never noticed it. Losim seems to work ok for me, use it quite a bit to tank after buffing with BH.
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What is better as a mercenary tank, barbarian(act5) or shapeshifter(act2)?
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Polar Worm
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Derprism wrote:What is better as a mercenary tank, barbarian(act5) or shapeshifter(act2)?

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Approximately how much def and hp do I need to do most ubers as an unholy caster?
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Blood Golem
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Didn't realuze that dual barb's BH bugged. For me it working too (of course just pair of hits isn't enough for charging it... i always charge-up BH for at least 10 sec of continuous hits)
PS: Not sure barb is tanky enough. They more phys damage dealers with their high str while a2 mercs have phys damage reduction (but i like exemplar for retaliate or fighter mage for glacial nova)
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Hey guys,

Been playing around trying out different builds before the reset and currently im messing with a melee sorc. Now each of the ele trees have passive skills (fire = max health and regen, light = avoid chance and total char def, cold = added base def) and I chose to go fire and light.

Now im just wondering are there any ele skills (other than the passives) that are worth throwing a couple point into? I threw one into the auto-light-nova skill I cant remember the name as im hard at work right now lol but is it a waste of time/effort? Is it only useful to stick to the passives?
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Core Lord
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Nevermind, I must have been blind lol.