Scroll Wheel in MXL

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Dark Huntress
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Hi all...
after a crush in my PC, I restored it, and I lost MXL instalation.
reinstaled it, and i can't use croll wheel.

mi OS is Windows 8.1... i tried it before, but now i can't.
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Onyx Knight
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Here's a solution that works for me, but no guarantee it will work for you(I'm on windows 10):

1. Launch unmodded, vanilla D2 LoD in Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode. Go to settings, assign your mouse wheel where you want it. Make sure you remember which skill you assigned your wheel to(for example skill 7 to MouseWheelUp and skill 8 to MouseWheelDown).
2. Launch MXL. Go to settings. Configure keys for the same skills you previously assigned the mouse wheel to. For example, for me it's like this:
Skill 7: MWU in vanilla D2LoD - F7 in MXL
Skill 8: MWD in vanilla D2LoD - F8 in MXL
3. Now assign your abilities(as in actual character skills, like spells, stances etc) to the keys you set in step 2. Again referring to my example: even though it says I have Parasite on F7 and Angel of Death on F8, I can switch between them with MWU and MWD respectively, because that's how it was configured in vanilla D2.

I hope this is understandable and that's what you were asking for.
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Sand Maggot
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Or you can use hotkeys like a normal person :)
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Cow Ninja
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Frytas wrote:Here's a solution that works for me, but no guarantee it will work for you(I'm on windows 10):

1. Launch unmodded, vanilla D2 LoD in Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode. Go to settings, assign your mouse wheel where you want it. Make sure you remember which skill you assigned your wheel to(for example skill 7 to MouseWheelUp and skill 8 to MouseWheelDown).
2. Launch MXL. Go to settings. Configure keys for the same skills you previously assigned the mouse wheel to. For example, for me it's like this:
Skill 7: MWU in vanilla D2LoD - F7 in MXL
Skill 8: MWD in vanilla D2LoD - F8 in MXL
3. Now assign your abilities(as in actual character skills, like spells, stances etc) to the keys you set in step 2. Again referring to my example: even though it says I have Parasite on F7 and Angel of Death on F8, I can switch between them with MWU and MWD respectively, because that's how it was configured in vanilla D2.

I hope this is understandable and that's what you were asking for.

I can confirm this can work. I had similar case when i switched from pre sigma mxl to sigma, even though you can't set scroll anywhere in sigma settings, it still worked bound to whatever skills it was assigned in previous version.
I think that information might be stored somewhere in registry.
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Onyx Knight
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RandomOnions wrote:Or you can use hotkeys like a normal person :)
Personal preference, for me using mousewheel and extra mouse buttons is very convenient, been using those as hotkeys for about a decade and I just can't play without it :D
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Question: how can I launch vanilla LoD? It always starts MXL.
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Bone Archer
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Maykay wrote:Question: how can I launch vanilla LoD? It always starts MXL.

i just reinstalled it 2 times to vanilla, and there its auto set with the skills+wheel, in Sigma it just wont work. I cant uninstall sigma as it seemed just the luncher so i did complete wipe.

With the installer from Blizzard for Diablo II+ LoD the install doesnt even take a minute..remember the cd-changes back in the days!!!!... :wall:
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Doomsday wrote:
Maykay wrote:Question: how can I launch vanilla LoD? It always starts MXL.

i just reinstalled it 2 times to vanilla, and there its auto set with the skills+wheel, in Sigma it just wont work. I cant uninstall sigma as it seemed just the luncher so i did complete wipe.

With the installer from Blizzard for Diablo II+ LoD the install doesnt even take a minute..remember the cd-changes back in the days!!!!... :wall:

I was asking because I wanted to try Frytas' method, but I just can't get past the first step: starting vanilla LoD!

Frytas wrote:.

Hope you can help, Frytas!
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Bone Archer
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As i just tryd, the settings from vanilla get totaly changed by Sigma. Sigma 1.1 was still working with the mouse wheel and xp sp3 comp. 1.2.1 doesnt as it seems.
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