UHC Questions

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Bone Archer
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Okay so with the buffs and changes to UHC how exactly should the play style go?

Right now I mostly use slayers. run around, cast buffs constantly and throw slayers out wherever enemies are. I'm noticing though they're starting to get a bit weaker to enemies though.
Should I be focusing on mindflay instead of slayers?
Also should I only be smaxing mindflay or both mindflay and slayers?
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Sand Maggot
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Imho you should be focusing on Mindfly, and use Slayers as support investing in them mainly for the extra beam. Their proc also as a nice synergy with Mindfly. I'd be better to not just focus exclusively on one of the two but if I'd have to chose I'd go with prioritizing Mindfly over Slayers, point of view that extends also to items.
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Bone Archer
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RequiemLux wrote:Imho you should be focusing on Mindfly, and use Slayers as support investing in them mainly for the extra beam. Their proc also as a nice synergy with Mindfly. I'd be better to not just focus exclusively on one of the two but if I'd have to chose I'd go with prioritizing Mindfly over Slayers, point of view that extends also to items.

Alright I appreciate the quick reply. Thank you! So then over all focus on lightning dmg and pierce and not magic dmg?
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Sand Maggot
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Yeah, at least that is what I'd try.
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As i inderstand it, with superbeast cast rate you gonna cast all slayers so fast, you dont want to stand and read books or watch tv waiting for them to disappear, you gonna cast mindflay a lot, so thats the playstyle i think, both of them but Focus on lighthing because pierce man.
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The higher you'll go, the more you'll just use Mindflay, i'm warning you now.

Unfortunately, due to the Slayers not scaling with Cast speed, and their slow activation time, it's starting to feel like a waste casting them. They're a small dps bump during bosses, i'll say that.