what's a good farm spot

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Kinda what the topic asks. While i've played mxl for a little, I haven't really gotten into the trade center very extensively. So i'm curious what a good starting point to farm would be at, and roughly when do ubers start asking for deviations in build?

For a little context, i'm running throw sin atm. I"ll just link my armory for simplicity. Try not to be too harsh, i haven't respecced in awhile, and some of my MO's on TU's and sacred uniques etc. were to curb the stats i needed at that point. and my boots could just be better all around.


I currently don't know terribly much about which items sell well or not, which have a high vs low demand outside specific ones my build uses (that i'm aware of). I've tried browsing some of the trade center, but that's a bit difficult when you just delete an item in your initial post when you purchase or sell it, and individuals message you instead of post on your trade chat of their intents. So I'm coming at this with relatively little to no knowledge of what can be sold well enough to purchase the items I myself would like to have.
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Check out as many ladder leaders as you can here https://tsw.median-xl.com/ladder
Make note of the gear they are wearing. You'll likely start to see a pattern of what items are most popular and that's a great place to start as far as knowing what items might be easiest to trade. As far as where to farm, both Duncraig and Fauztenville are good depending on your build. Teganze is pretty good too.
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tbone503 wrote:Check out as many ladder leaders as you can here https://tsw.median-xl.com/ladder
Make note of the gear they are wearing. You'll likely start to see a pattern of what items are most popular and that's a great place to start as far as knowing what items might be easiest to trade. As far as where to farm, both Duncraig and Fauztenville are good depending on your build. Teganze is pretty good too.

ya, i was assuming duncraig. teganze i'll go do here pretty shortly once my merc is strong enough to not die very quickly

my build and what they have is relatively similar. a few differences. most of them are minor as they accomplish the same end goals. but a couple changes i can make might be a little better. like the boots.

gloves - he kept t4 honorific leather gloves, where I use sacred honorific abandoned bless. A huge str req difference, and 9 lvls for mo space. However, idk if that's enough difference, since you still need 490 for Endless Loop Anyway. so 2 mo's of space for up to 8% and 15 extra dex.

helm - simply put, I'm using poor mans royal circlet (Witchunters hood)

chest - He's using the witchunters chest, and i'm using Leather of Aut. I'm guessing it's for the attack speed modifier mostly. as you want 109 for the last bp. belt is only 40, 35 from charms (up to 115, so reasonable to get early). Leaving 34% left. So you either t4 zeolot rush and 1 mo. or you both whichunter + zeolot rush, and all weapon mo's into dmg

boots - Here it's not a big shock, he's using zeolot rush. This is likely something i'll swap over to. If only because it's rough to hit that 109 bp without them. atm, i'm using an attack jewel in belt, and 5 mo's in weapon to hit the bp. Probably much easier to just use zeolot rush. i'll use witchhunter 2 piece if i'm using the poor mans royal circlet, and 1 mo in the weapon otherwise as I'm losing the set bonus that puts it close to the TU.

belt - same belt, kind of a necessity

ring - same rings once i do duncraig. 2 empyrean glory would be optimal, but lets be realistic here.

Ammy - I just use a cheap Angel heart. He's using a 3 skill stat stick, which is basically what angel heart is anyway. but his carries life and 2 extra skills. alternatively, it feels like athulua's oracle could also work here. till beads.

shield - he has hexward, i have the poor mans TU hexward (black sheep wall)

weapon - same weapon, his is just the Xis version
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Duncraig i farm soley atm ;v;
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ya, I gotta get better at dunc. on malestrom sin, I seem to just instantly die to a barrel I miss and it goes off. I have no innate sustain anywhere, no physical dmg for lifesteal, no beads for life on kill, life on striking has been banished. So i gotta get good enough to just never get touched by anything.
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cyborgtemplar wrote:ya, I gotta get better at dunc. on malestrom sin, I seem to just instantly die to a barrel I miss and it goes off. I have no innate sustain anywhere, no physical dmg for lifesteal, no beads for life on kill, life on striking has been banished. So i gotta get good enough to just never get touched by anything.

It is not that difficult to do, just practice :) A tip: when you pull a pack, and they throw barrels at you, blink over the pack to the other side, it is gonna be barrel-free.
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Istaryu wrote:
cyborgtemplar wrote:ya, I gotta get better at dunc. on malestrom sin, I seem to just instantly die to a barrel I miss and it goes off. I have no innate sustain anywhere, no physical dmg for lifesteal, no beads for life on kill, life on striking has been banished. So i gotta get good enough to just never get touched by anything.

It is not that difficult to do, just practice :) A tip: when you pull a pack, and they throw barrels at you, blink over the pack to the other side, it is gonna be barrel-free.

maybe if blinking over didn't just kill me for it lol. I have the dmg for certain, stuff dies relatively quickly. and that's without doom. to the point that casting doom is almost a moot point for non really large packs. . . . . but ya I dodge or block quite a bit. but that one skill that hits takes me from 6.1k > 0/1 depending if it's poison or not.
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cyborgtemplar wrote:
Istaryu wrote:
cyborgtemplar wrote:ya, I gotta get better at dunc. on malestrom sin, I seem to just instantly die to a barrel I miss and it goes off. I have no innate sustain anywhere, no physical dmg for lifesteal, no beads for life on kill, life on striking has been banished. So i gotta get good enough to just never get touched by anything.

It is not that difficult to do, just practice :) A tip: when you pull a pack, and they throw barrels at you, blink over the pack to the other side, it is gonna be barrel-free.

maybe if blinking over didn't just kill me for it lol. I have the dmg for certain, stuff dies relatively quickly. and that's without doom. to the point that casting doom is almost a moot point for non really large packs. . . . . but ya I dodge or block quite a bit. but that one skill that hits takes me from 6.1k > 0/1 depending if it's poison or not.

You have to be quick with pottiong the poison, if that is what you mean. Blink also has a built in stun around you when you land, which allows you to sprint away easily.
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it's more the occaisonal poison projectiles and such. but ya blink stun is very useful. if you're using it basically on cd for the cc. mine is 6 points base atm. so 3 second cd 1.2 second stun. I could easily add more lol. i have 12 unused points still for when i get + max skill charms for prismatic and such. but I can probably leave doom at it's current level.

if it was 2 AoE's that kill me that i could probably work with. it's the, 1 ability hits me and i go pop. no health pool is painful. I also don't maintain shadow refuge as a ranged, as getting close is so dangerous. I can't seem to fit it in there very well to maintain. esp at such a short duration (and i really don't bloodlust at 10 seconds only with the melee cost.)