Σ 1.7 Bugs&Feedback

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Blood Golem
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Honestly sprint saved my life aloooooooooooooooooooooooot of times. As first come to mind example - Dunc. 10sec (even 9sec) tp is just not enough there while barrels have fuse time of 4 sec. So i used it there alot to run away on safe spot 1-2 sec before explode. Not always working tho but still better than nothing. And there're many-many other cases where sprint is useful.
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Squiggoth wrote:I am unsure if this is a bug or not since it's the first time I use these rings, but I am not able to use the mystic orb +100 defense on the unique ring "Assur's Bane". i'm a little short on gold and did not try other MOs.

I play in SP, but the char and all stuff was made and dropped after 1.7.

You can't MO / Lucky / Change quest items.
Ice Clan
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Scalewinged wrote:Honestly sprint saved my life aloooooooooooooooooooooooot of times. As first come to mind example - Dunc. 10sec (even 9sec) tp is just not enough there while barrels have fuse time of 4 sec. So i used it there alot to run away on safe spot 1-2 sec before explode. Not always working tho but still better than nothing. And there're many-many other cases where sprint is useful.

You can always get blink from Pax mystica for a 5 second CD teleport. Yes, it takes some more time to weapon switch and cast a spell, but it's still a viable force and you can weapon switch while walking, so the time lost here can be reduced to a minimum (not saying that you won't lose time im comparison to teleport from Jitan). Add to that other teleports like Paladin's ennead skill, which has a 3 second cooldown. Or Assassin, who can get it below 2 seconds. I also don't want to fail to mention that even with the current walk speed, you can easily walk out of the barrel range, so sprint isn't that necessary here, unless you get surrounded in which case teleport is your only option or lack kill speed in which case you lack gear.

Nevertheless, imagine having the sprint speed, or slightly slower, always active. That would mean you would be able to get out of the barrel range more reliably, even without pressing CTRL.

I'm not saying sprint is 100% useless. I'm just saying that the gains don't make up for the losses. Whatever sprint can do, run can do, too, without being annoying as stated in my previous post for 99% of the game.

Of course this relates to my suggestion at the bottom of my first post.
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OT from the current convo, but it seems like Sorc getting hit by elemental spells while Mana Shield is active drops her mana pool a lot more than I remember. Maybe it's the same as before, but I just don't remember losing all my mana within seconds of crossing the first arch into K3KBA. Getting hit by phys damage seems normal tho.
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Scalewinged wrote:And there're many-many other cases where sprint is useful.


And who the hell stands around in dunc? If you walk constantly no barrel bothers you. They are even nerfed nowadays to a point that you can tank them if you want.
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Sand Maggot
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ParticuLarry wrote:Regarding the pathfinding: If this is indeed caused by the increased resolution, would that mean it can be solved by changing the settings of Glide? If that is the case, I'm already satisfied. And no, the malicious tongues was just a hypothetical situation. After all, it wouldn't make much sense for the mods to do something like that as I stated before.

No, if it's related to the resolution then there's nothing you can change in the settings to avoid the issue, since sigma's base resolution is roughly 1/3 higher than the highest resolution option in vanilla. Perhaps to mitigate it you could try clicking (when to move your character) closer to the center of the window rather than to its edges.

ParticuLarry wrote:Regarding the sprint mechanic: (...)

Oh I see, the fact that you callled it "hidden" made me think of something not intended going on. Why do you even use this option if it makes you feel such discomfort? What enjoyment there is to be had? Maximizing the progression speed honestly seems hardly worth it if it means resorting to such measure... This game is not a race and on average you alredy go so much faster than in vanilla, there isn't really a point I can see into going out of your way to push this as far as posssible.

ParticuLarry wrote:As for your second point regarding the sprint mechanic: This question can be turned around as well. What is the problem with allowing the players to run all the time? (...) And if this is really implemented for the reason stated above, that it trivializes content, there are options to balance it to the point where the content is not trivialized, while still allowing the players to progress faster than they currently do if they were to walk only.

I don't really get this. You know what this would look like? Halving the current walking speed and the various bonuses to it that you can find on items, and then making the speed of the vanilla infinite running mechanic as high as the current walking speed. This is the least it would take in the attempt of not making it trivializing. It would have exactly the opposite effect you desire. Many peope don't realize it but the sprint mechanic being there in the current form has a lot of indirect positive consequences to the enhanced flow of mxl. Wasn't a change made "just because", it comes with many implications.

ParticuLarry wrote:Is sprint really a good get-out-of-jail-card when you have a free teleport every 10 seconds from a level 110 charm? (...)

Sprinting is useful but it's not mandatory, this is part of the mechanic's beauty. It's an extra tool that, as you have mentioned, can shine especially if you are an experienced player.

ParticuLarry wrote:I'm not saying sprint is 100% useless. I'm just saying that the gains don't make up for the losses. Whatever sprint can do, run can do, too, without being annoying as stated in my previous post for 99% of the game.

What is lost:
  • Ability to run indefinetely
What is gained:
  • Stamina is now a thing and could potentially add depth to equips/charms and skills
  • An additional layer to the plain D2 combat experience
  • Increased importance of teleporting skills
  • Reduced difficulty spikes due to uberquest not having to be designed around sonic the hedgehog
  • Stamina Shrines are now useful

ParticuLarry wrote:Of course this relates to my suggestion at the bottom of my first post.
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:think: This would only subtract from the game experience adding nothing. Removing an entire layer from the game because people can't make peace with the fact that running is the exception and not the rule? The game is better calibrated around mxl's fast walking and sprinting when needed. Movement speed bonuses would need to be removed too if jogging was the norm, all defensive values would need to be lowered all over the board and just imagine the amount of 1-shotting mechanics that would need to be introduced to compensate for players constantly outrunning 90% of what is being thrown at them without efforts... servers would feel the hit too. Definitely not a solution.
Also keep always in mind that this game clocks at 25fps and operates in a field of actions relatively small considering the camera height and that your character is fixed in a center position of a 1024x768 window (without even considering the space occupied by the GUI), the concept of "speed" can be pushed only so far before the whole thing becomes objectively unplayable.
• Troubleshooting for MXL Sigma
• Installation Guide for MXL Sigma
"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult." -Seneca
Acid Prince
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Act 5, Hall of Pain, the Lightning Casting shamans down there need a range reduction and / or a cast speed reduction. They constantly spam lighting walls from an entire screen away (literally not even on screen) and by spam I need at least twice per second. It slows you and you can't get out of it and through the other trash fast enough to kill the caster.
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Blood Golem
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Jampula wrote:
Scalewinged wrote:And there're many-many other cases where sprint is useful.


And who the hell stands around in dunc? If you walk constantly no barrel bothers you. They are even nerfed nowadays to a point that you can tank them if you want.

SSF non-pal/non-ass chars usually have kind of hard times in dunc when they just hit 120-125 and still wearing lvl-100 common runewords at best (esp in places with teleport over wall... 50% of times they rushing at you pretty fast to lock you until barrels explode if only you won't kill bunch of souls in 2 sec and spring thru them to avoid instarip.. and even then it may just not work). Another example was TA when it allowing to run away quickly from arrowsides (walking speed usually is just meh... once again - if it's not some char that have innate high ms/low cd teleport)
206 | 16
BagboyBrown wrote:Act 5, Hall of Pain, the Lightning Casting shamans down there need a range reduction and / or a cast speed reduction. They constantly spam lighting walls from an entire screen away (literally not even on screen) and by spam I need at least twice per second. It slows you and you can't get out of it and through the other trash fast enough to kill the caster.

This shamans boys stronger than Nihlathak :mrgreen:
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HI all,
Sorry if it was discussed - is it normal for Nihlathak on Hell, single player, v 1.7.4 to drop only 2 signets and 2 runes - no uniques?