Bow Druid playstyle issues (oh boi carpal tunnels)

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Dark Huntress
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Bow druid playstyle issues + hotfix solution

video proof of shots inconsistency

- each (second) you get 1 charge automatically with 1 more each steady shot cast, with a maximum of X charges, so you can burst dmg if you want

- Steady aim gives you a buff that stacks (as you hit) mobs. When it reaches a X amount of stacks you gain the buff for X second that enables cascade heartseeker (stacks on cast rather than as you hit, would be an issue with untargetables)

- Could just make it lose stacks if its not used within 1-2s or something if starting with max dmg is a problem

- bear buff wider aoe

- nerf dmg on all hunter tree skills

Im running into literal health problems by playing bow druid because of his left click > right click enabler skill set.
Pressing left mouse button then right mouse button, as quickly as possible on top of that, if u want to dish dps according to ur fpa breakpoint...and I doubt its even humanly possible to click that fast in the first place.
This feels too limiting, not to mention my wrist hurts af after three days of grinding with this build. This is no fun as excess usage of muscles at this bodypart leads to carpal tunnels. Im being serious here, this is not about git gud.
It came to a point I began to search for a macro program, which would enable my mouse to left click > right click as fast as possible with single click. Then I realised, that might be cheating.
Build could be corrected by hotfixing steady aim buff to last for fixed amount of time (few seconds) rather then one attack. Each second would mean enormous relieve for hand muscles...hell, even 1 second would mean less clicking. I know it cant be taken out completely to limit bow druid potential and I fully agree on that.

I know bear buff rewards u with infinite steady aim and it feels rewarding to pop this "godmode" in terms of dmg. But the range of the buff feels small. Bear should act as a tank, while u dps from afar – like a hunter (duh). With its current range, it forces u to go too close to the fight. The risk is too high. This leads to bear buff cheesing, when u purposedly let bear buff u on weak minion, then rush to boss while the buff still lasts.
Another thing with bear buff is that I dont realise I have it on probably 90% of the time. Keeping an eye on the icon is too distracting. This could be hotfixed by adding visual effect on the character. I would personally also welcome bear buff automatically enabling steady aim, not just causing it not to be consumed.

Druid bow seems really fun, more or less traditional marksman/pet build and I honestly love it. I cant keep up with the clicking tho.

If u share same view, let devs know u support such solution. If not, please explain why this wouldnt be beneficial. I have already posted a comment in feedback thread about this.
Edited by Lilithian 3 years.
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Dark Huntress
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Im currently trying to remap keyboard keys to mouse clicks, as that would be easier to click that fast. I have tried key remapper but it didnt detect D2 by process or window name, so this app isnt compatible with d2. Lmk if u know about any working key remappers for d2.
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Dark Huntress
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After discussing on discord, I was advised to keybind on keyboard so I hold down the right button and swap between steady shot > cascade/heartseeker.

This seem not to be working - even when I press keys on keyboard slower than I could, the secondary shot is fired very inconsistently while holding the right mouse button.

I have noticed that when Im supersayian clicking left > right on mouse, the game seem to stop registering some of the clicks. This leads to major inconsisteny in fpa and hitting fpa cap seems useless with this issue.

It is not humanly possible to click that fast AND the game isnt even registering such fast clicks when first enables second.

PLEASE, hotfix this so steady aim buff is fixed few seconds duration. It would mean u could get used to its rhytm even better, enabling consistency to the build and removing unnecessary exhausting playstyle.
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I 100% agree with everything that you said
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Dark Huntress
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video proof of shots inconsistency
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Dark Huntress
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Void Archon
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Just hold right click and switch skills with left hand on the keyboard
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Dark Huntress
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Diaco wrote:Just hold right click and switch skills with left hand on the keyboard

that does not work, as seen on the video and described at previous comment...please, this isnt about git gud, the mechanic is broken.
Void Archon
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The problem is that if you switch randomly you'll sometimes switch mid-animation and the skill won't trigger. You'd have to be veeeery precise for it to be consistent. Sure, it's almost impossible to do it perfectly, you'd need to switch exactly every 7 frames, but you can do it in a manner that the skills are still useful and quite powerful. I honestly think it makes sense for it to be that difficult, since the build is by no means weak even without perfect timing.
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I have assigned steady aim to my RMB and heartseeker to LMB for me is much better and intuitive. The mechanic is a bit clunky but it somehow works with me. Agree with Bear tho, bigger area buff or aura, and some visual indications would be more than welome.