Σ 2.1 Bugs&Feedback

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Medium Life/Mana Cycle is literally useless in its current state. Without the % it is only 15-30, while 3x small one is 0-60. So in theory average roll for 3 small ones is the same as max roll for 1 medium...
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Since playing sigma, I amazed with many changes to many of uber map layout, especially to make map more accessible or less hassle to go through. Fauzt, Bremmtown, Duncraig, Tran Athulua & K3KBA

However, I have biggest gripe is Yshari Sanctum. This area was a nightmare for to go through in the past because enemy becaming harder & harder as well requirement to get decent multiple elements skill to kill them (in old ultimative). Now everything is a breeze except for one, the maze feel like annoying for no purpose.

Im sure with usage of void tile (no teleport) and new pathing way, im sure there will be way to make more interesting uber to farm through.
Also, Im not sure why 1st area automap is terrible to watch (no door) while 2nd area is freaking straightforward & clear.
It required me to search for map on the internet go through.

I know this was one oldest marco child, and I think it need some revamp.


Nvm, area 3 also is terrible on automap.
I met a silver golem that I cant kill. Regen too high & immune to magic damage, thus I cant use SoR on them.


WTH, Scholar of terror (3rd area boss) have 1 melee skill that insta-kill. I was kinda knockback & hit 3 times
I know my barb health is not that high (9k atm), but it wasnt telegraphed


Nothing much to say about area 4, except it is very different from old map. Very streamline and less back tracking to go area 5.

However there are 2 enemy in area 5 that cause crazy amount of sprite. Considered sigma now less sprite, i thought I might share it in case it was being overlooked.
First one is red armed soldier : (The impact when hitting wall)

2nd one is Thokola : (he can spawn pretty much every animation)

*I have astigmatism, basically problem with rapid changing colour. In this scene, the area have become night. So particle effect + glide colouring made it super bright on certain circumstances.
Edited by iwansquall 2 years.
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Meant to bring this up a while ago, but a big thank you to whoever decided to make Warp Blades/Sacred Warp Blades a more common drop. Seriously. This was/is incredibly helpful.
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Solfege wrote:Meant to bring this up a while ago, but a big thank you to whoever decided to make Warp Blades/Sacred Warp Blades a more common drop. Seriously. This was/is incredibly helpful.

Np, it was all me.
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Tackling yshari sanctum boss atm, what is mystic aegis?

I assume it is the special pattern on the floor.
I still cant cast it, I assume the melee devotion block me from casting it.

It is intended? If not then it might need some change.

*Also, I updated my yshari sanctum progress / feedback on previous page.


Forgot to mention it feel like fauzt drop is not that good in general. Im still searching like high rune (Jah to be specific), all drop feel trashier than many other ubers I have tried. Not to mention fauzt it harder, so its "loot per hour" feel suck (I dont mind not dropping Great Rune, but other drops are laughable)


Silly me, apparently the icon is red, but the valthek spell is usable...
I think need to readjust the colouring.


Heh, apparently unequip belt to quickly refill potions into inventory strategy doesnt work.
Something about set that made my belt always have 16 slots.


I died, then got locked out.
Next game, I proceed to the kill the totem and then... no boss spawned?
2 | 0
I get unhandled exception when i try to do anything with stash.
+ to all skills helmet doesn't work on Barbarian.
Jungle Hunter
28 | 0
so i did some testing with a char that has shared stash crashes.

the problem started in act 3 at lvl 25.
i cant open the shared stash when a item is on site 1, it crashes.
i can open it when no item is on site one, but when i switch to a site with items it crashes.
when i open the empty shared stash and try to put items into it, it crashes.
i can open the shared stash in act 1, close it, go to act 3 and now it works properly.

its the only char with that problem right now for me.
if it helps i can probide the savefiles of that char.

€: leveled a new pala to act 3, and again when i try to open the shared stash it crashes
Edited by Valaraukar 2 years.
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lol, so much for me not having stash bugs. Tried to pick up a triad as neutraldin and it disappeared when i clicked it. Immediate save and exit, reload, open inventory to weapon & shield missing and an access violation crash.

How do I share logs, just DM whist? logs shared, we're good
7 | 0
Glacial Trail is blocked Normal diff. 3 games still blocked, weapon slot doesn't matter. relogged done everything i can think of.
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is it an error?
I can't find the town portal