Nec Summoner

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Playing a Summoner focused on abyss knights with veil king and enjoying it. especially the easier use of bend of shadows. thx for that!!! :D :bounce:

what i am not sure about is chaos nova. it sounds nice but seems to be not really effective for me. it costs a lot of mana to "over summon" and does really help much ....or am i missing something? maybe its better toinvest these points in grim vision or skeletons? or hawks?

thankful for any hints around this and the "new summoner" in general .... atm lvl 95
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Embalming + Meditation + 100-200 energy and you don't have any problems with resummon knights

Also in mid game you can craft necro stave or necro shield with Hounfor oskill (circle under your legs 100 minion dmg + 300% mana regen)

Problems start with 125 ubers, even
Archbishop Lazarus
Archbishop Lazarus
(Tribute Set)

Lazarus' Chasuble
Lazarus' Surplice Cap
Lazarus' Votive Lamp
Lazarus' Lamen

Set Bonus with 2 or more set items:
+25% to Summoned Minion Damage
+25% to Summoned Minion Resistances

Set Bonus with 3 or more set items:
+100% to Summoned Minion Life
+50% to Summoned Minion Attack Rating

Set Bonus with complete set:
+1 Extra Veil King
+2 to Necromancer Skill Levels
+100% to Summoned Minion Life
+50% to Summoned Minion Damage
+50% to Summoned Minion Attack Rating

doesn't help.
Maybe hawk build with
King's Desire
King's Desire
Grim Wand (Sacred)

One-Hand Damage: 39 to 44
(Necromancer Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 172
Item Level: 105
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.06 per Dexterity)%
Veil King: +25% Total Damage
Night Hawks: +10% Total Damage and +2 Extra Hawks
+(1 to 4) to Necromancer Skill Levels
25% Cast Speed
+50% Damage to Undead
+(16 to 30)% to Summoned Minion Damage
+100 to Strength
+(501 to 1000) to Life
Physical Resist -5%
Socketed (2)
will be better...
Totems >>> summoner

Maybe summoner will perform well in scosglen, but it seems to me that even a fixed totemancer will be better.
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125s are mostly fine except for giyua, probably need 69 umos to do that one.
Totem only good build for nec atm imo.
Stygian Watcher
42 | 1
do the minions live at all in higher ubers ? or just golem / king?
35 | 1
im going for a skele/knight build for farming lvls and thinking try respec at lvl 130 to skele/hawk build for Ubers. right now im lvl 116 and trying to farm some better gear than tu. gotta be honest, chaos nova I don't feel doing anything dmg wise. have done most of lvl 115 Ubers (all except INVASION II) with skele/knight build and its have been fine so far :D
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nob4242 wrote:do the minions live at all in higher ubers ? or just golem / king?

just vk
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FreddyBaby wrote:im going for a skele/knight build for farming lvls and thinking try respec at lvl 130 to skele/hawk build for Ubers. right now im lvl 116 and trying to farm some better gear than tu. gotta be honest, chaos nova I don't feel doing anything dmg wise. have done most of lvl 115 Ubers (all except INVASION II) with skele/knight build and its have been fine so far :D

nova is like the main aoe skill ? no way abyss knights and skellies clear anywhere as fast.
35 | 1
Giu wrote:
FreddyBaby wrote:im going for a skele/knight build for farming lvls and thinking try respec at lvl 130 to skele/hawk build for Ubers. right now im lvl 116 and trying to farm some better gear than tu. gotta be honest, chaos nova I don't feel doing anything dmg wise. have done most of lvl 115 Ubers (all except INVASION II) with skele/knight build and its have been fine so far :D

nova is like the main aoe skill ? no way abyss knights and skellies clear anywhere as fast.

true, totem is the way for faster clear speed. did totem last season and it was awesome. so that's why im trying skele bois with knight and hawks later. I still believe! :lol:
Stygian Watcher
42 | 1
so the necro summoner changes aside from hawks detonating are largely moot to the late game and the spec effectively remains the same with a new nova gimmick. :( Dont get me wrong i appreciate the attention at all but this is very disappointing and why i always end up stopping playing when the minion spec is reduced to VK and hawks for ubers. Should at least be a way for them to survive SOME on these not just be auto worthless. Please correct me if you know otherwise. The nova doesnt even feel all that much faster granted i havent had access to or seen the new offhand in action. The idea of summon a minion to die seems lame to me though and its done on another class.
Dark Huntress
13 | 0
It seems abyss knights deal very low damage done against tooltip says.
Definitely lower than skeletons, almost nothing at Hell difficulty.
After some tests, i think i've found that tooltip description damage is MELEE DAMAGE, not void blast itself.