Does Anyone Else Want Another Goblin Season??

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Would you be excited for another Goblin Season?

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Should rename the thread to ”Who wants to see an rework of the whole mod”? The season died fast, ive seen people complain alot. Also seen people praise changes. But i personally feel that there is not so much to be done. I guess people tierd of diabo , the gameplay and the whole game. Not specifikaly the mod
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Berkabus1 wrote:Should rename the thread to ”Who wants to see an rework of the whole mod”? The season died fast, ive seen people complain alot. Also seen people praise changes. But i personally feel that there is not so much to be done. I guess people tierd of diabo , the gameplay and the whole game. Not specifikaly the mod

I don't think is a fair criticism. First off, if I didn't still love D2 and this mod, I don't know why I'd bother putting any energy into this discussion? People may complain or ask for things they wish to change, it does not mean they will not play the game if these things don't happen. People are allowed to want things and yes, also complain (although it can be annoying).

This season did die fast, and It's disappointing to me, so I would like to discuss what might keep people more interested to play longer. I'm bummed that after a week or so most of the hype died. I know I'm still a mediocre player but I do enjoy the game very much. I would like to have enjoyed this season for longer.

For me personally, one solution COULD BE (this is not the only solution) the increased loot availability that the goblin season offered. I'd be happy with some boosted MO and Relic drop rates and things like that would allow more mediocre players like myself to progress further.

For example, I've been playing this mod for over a year and I have never been able to: kill Laz / Void / Demi / Sam / Spirit of Giyua / new atanna kahn fight / farm Scosglen / get higher than lab 5.

The only relics and Mo's I've gotten in the past 2 seasons (2.0 and 2.1) were from goblins, the game does not seem to ever drop them naturally.

If I was maybe able to build a stronger character with some relics or MO's, some of these things might be possible. I understand some players do not like the goblin concept, so I am ok with a different method of giving us more relics and MO's.
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Many years ago the main concept of Median was to be one of the hardest mods ever made. I truly believe that many of the old players even devs fell in love with this game exactly cause of this. You needed a different preparation for almost every uber ...If we exclude Samael and Deimoss ,now is like "Oh, wait me 5 min i forgot to take my CFM and QT". Most of the charms have no value after first 2 3 days ...just because they became so easy. It's good for new players but also kills market so quick. The game is really easy nowadays ,so goblins are totally useless imo. As Lynderika said ..drop should be a reward ,not a gift.
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I only hope all builds are worth building,and not buff javzon give up other build,like i build javazon give up bow driu on this season
Edited by k9999 2 years.
Stygian Watcher
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t4v wrote:Many years ago the main concept of Median was to be one of the hardest mods ever made. I truly believe that many of the old players even devs fell in love with this game exactly cause of this. You needed a different preparation for almost every uber ...If we exclude Samael and Deimoss ,now is like "Oh, wait me 5 min i forgot to take my CFM and QT". Most of the charms have no value after first 2 3 days ...just because they became so easy. It's good for new players but also kills market so quick. The game is really easy nowadays ,so goblins are totally useless imo. As Lynderika said ..drop should be a reward ,not a gift.

I guess I need to accept that I will never be able to beat the late game content and be alright with this.
39 | 10
I loved almost every single uber being an entirely different challenge. I was so proud I finally beat everything but Laz with an Assassin. After struggling and mostly failing with everything else to do so, I remember accidentally getting the judgement day double kill with buckshot and not realizing it even happened for an hour . Even The Butcher, a true entry level uber, had a learning curve to it. Almost all the ubers required a different set of tactics or gearing to beat. The solutions could get wacky with some characters. It felt so good to come up with an answer or devise a trick for these things.

At the same time, I do appreciate the idea of removing heroic shields and reworking purify fights. They weren't the most fun implementation of difficulty around. Disfavored some builds too much yet were meaningless to others. I'm not sure the coinciding drop in difficulty was inevitable with such things. Maybe it fundamentally was. It certainly changes the approach on a basic level. Conceptually I strongly support this direction.

The best part of the game was the focus on coming up with solutions to such diverse problems. Few builds could just bully every uber. Adaptation was the name of the game. Seems grinding is steadily replacing it.

Obviously, the accessibility has helped draw people to the mod. Its seems most gamers have a low ceiling of tolerable difficulty and dislike the concept of not being able to blindly succeed with moderate effort or pure repetition. The cap seems to be roughly Dark Souls level of challenge. Don't need to think and adapt there. Just try until you get it with whatever your approach. I don't feel median is quite at that low. Stuff like Atanna Khan and harder will still be beyond some players. The trend is this direction anyway.

At least some content is truly challenging yet. Not most, but some. Taking away casualized areas from the masses won't play out well I'd wager. Might be no going back.

Side note, I want to point out that old Median was tough certainly. Yet its difficulty was not focused around grinding for items and levels so much. Most anything needed could be easily made or found. The difficulty was skill and knowledge based almost entirely. Its whole design respected the players time from start to finish ( a novel concept in genre yet to be repeated at scale). Now players time is not so respected. Forced grinds in fauztinville/viz, reduced second tier itemization options, RNG being a progression component in the hardest uberlevel (WTF). Just lots of little things that ask for X time spent instead of X skill developed. I get its a genre norm, but it was such a wonderful thing to have an ARPG that truly respected player's time. Even if it mercilessly kicked their ass and blocked progression until they adapted.

Its getting close to standardized ARPG fare of sink X time to find Y value items to finish everything. Skill is just the multiplier on total time taken to do so.

It once was skill as the deciding factor with items as a modest difficulty modifier (as expected in genre) would equal net time spent.

It all comes down to what people play Median for. Every ARPG ever outside old median offers the spend X time for Y value items = win formula. Median is (or more so was) the sole exception. Yet going towards the same approach brings more success it seems. Where is the optimal medium?
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Goblin ladder as 10 days Event Ladder - YES, otherwise - NO.
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I enjoyed Goblin season more than any other since 1.5 (or 1.6, not sure), so I am all for it.
The relative abundance of relics and umo's made experimentation accessible for relative newbies and produced some of the coolest showcase videos I can remember.
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Of course yes, any day.
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The reason everyone want gobo season sobadly mainly cause the diversity and the generous drop concept, not the gobo running arround. Yes im tired of currently post 2.0 state, Umo and relic so damn rare,its too much tg heavy. The gap between 130 >135 content is just too large. Boss in pre 130 is just too easy even the 1st try. Make the game chanllenge plz bot just tendious grinding.