Much needed changes to drop rates in mp

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Dark Huntress
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"I think adding goblins to SP strikes a good balance and is consistent with our views that SSF MP and SP should be equal drop-wise. "

I agree, Marco, and to equalize drop rates between SP (and not tcp/ip) i propose the following - 1) more players partying in realm will no longer increase xp gained and drops and 2) trade is disabled (there is no trade in sp) 3) you can keep your goblins.

The sp "bonus" drop rate was in fact nerfing p8 to p3. The 2.2 changes are an insult.

Cheating in sp as a justifications for the nerf. HA! How does nerfing drop rates affect people who gain their items by trading with copies? Since there is no reset in sp there are already enough copies of every item. The nerf affects only people who play hones ssf.

I understand you are worried that your mod is dying since not enough people are playing realm. Perhaps think about the average age of your players and the increasing difficulty of coordinating your time in your 30s+. Moreover, perhaps wonder what does a d2 mod have to offer more to people dedicated to multiplayer than mmorps or even poe?

Making your work unpleasant to play in sp will not shift your sp player base to realm, it will shift them to another mod or another game.
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In fact, the change was in itemratio.txt and has absolutely nothing to do with nodrop (which is what I assume you meant with player count), and partied players get fewer drops than just playing in separate games would give them because the reduced nodrop only goes so far.

Envy of what you think you're missing out on is one thing, but get your facts straight.
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Umos in mp are too expensive...
a single piece of gear with max unique umos at lvl 140 can be more expensive than the rest of the gear (with no umos on)...

If u find a bad mood -15 in sp and "1" endless u can give it a shot since u can dupe that umo...
if u get a bad mood -15 in mp u're not gonna use 4 umos that are more than 4xitem worth...
19 | 2
marco311 wrote:Umos in mp are too expensive...
a single piece of gear with max unique umos at lvl 140 can be more expensive than the rest of the gear (with no umos on)...

If u find a bad mood -15 in sp and "1" endless u can give it a shot since u can dupe that umo...
if u get a bad mood -15 in mp u're not gonna use 4 umos that are more than 4xitem worth...

And what about the people who doesn't cheat? Just because duping/copying items exits you can't just assume everyone does it and no game should be balanced with that idea of "well they are cheating anyways"

Imo as an sp player drops are ok because you can basically store a lot of items over time thing that doesn't happen on mp (well there is non-leader but that is almost completely ssf like sp) so even if you take longer because there is no active trade you will reach a point when creating a new char and bassicaly having most bis item ready while on mp it is an complete restart every season
Dark Huntress
10 | 1
Siosilvar. Changes in itemratio determine the chances of dropped items to be set, unique or class set/unique. Changes in nodrop determine the overall number of items dropped. Since some of those items are set/unique the more items drop the more unique/sets would drop. So, even if done in a different way, the result is that less uniques and sets will be dropping in sp. But yes, runes were not nerfed. Cause its so easy to farm high runes in sp.

Asadasa. Indeed nerfing sp drops however much is fine, after all sp people have all the time in the world. Why not let them grind for 10 years for the stuff realm get in a few months?

[removed by moderator]
Edited by Siosilvar 2 years. Reason: let's talk about this without just insulting each other, mk?
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Why do you mention things such as party drops, cheats, trades etc when the point you're commenting only mention ssf?
The game currently only start to be grindy at 130+, with xping in fauzt/viz jun, and especially just afterward with scosglen and labs. If you don't have the time or don't find this fun, just... Stop there, you know, it's ok. Scosglen or labs were things that literally did not exist in the past, and everything were fine too.

If we want to discuss current drops in general for ssf play, to me the current biggest thing is that low enchanted runes (~10 firsts) are too rare, builds wanting a thal or zol shouldn't take a long and prayful fauzt/Viz jun farm, 105~120 zones should drop a bit more. Also I always found essances to be a pain, I'd love if another higher level zone could give some...
And that's about it I think. I don't believe drops to be in such a state that so many sp players need to come complaining about it just because they saw the word "nerf" without even seeing that it's just a bit less unique and sets, while a few others drops were buffed, and that the game is perfectly playable like so.
Dark Huntress
10 | 1
Uh. Im a phys bow dud 130 - farming duncraig and fauzt - i really want either a void or a mr. painless bow but both are ssu. The XP is more than fine. But my damage is low - necrobots take a while and i've heard that mobs in scogsglen and the final rifts are much more tanky. Thing is, tons of normal runes drop for me - i have more than 10 zod and also 14 various enchanted runes. The droprates of those were buffed btw. But they are useless to me! There are no runewords with only normal or enchanted runes that beat the bow dudu set i farmed in kurast and dunc. Again sp and no trade. The complain is NOT that not enough good items drop, they DO. The complain is that its hard to find items that YOUR toon can actually USE if you are on your first or second char in sigma.
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teodar wrote: The droprates of those were buffed btw. But they are useless to me! There are no runewords with only normal or enchanted runes that beat the bow dudu set i farmed in kurast and dunc.

Putting aside the sp/mp droprates debate, if this is your first or second char in MXL, did you perhaps know that you can MO items before adding a runeword to them? Unless you're looking for some very specific stats on an unique weapon, this will very often/most of the time make RWs stronger for physical weapons.

Let's give a quick example : If you use an druid "Recurve Bow" ethereal (base dmg x 1.25) with +50% enhanced damage, add 5x MOs with +5% enhanced damage (for a total of +125% enhanced damage pre-RW). Now add some jewels and put the runes in for

Druid Bows

Runeword Level: 100
Allows an Additional Bear Companion
25% Chance to cast level 20 Crucify on Death Blow
50% Attack Speed
Adds 55-110 Damage
+(166 to 195)% Enhanced Damage
10% Deadly Strike
+(25 to 35)% to Summoned Minion Resistances
+(150 to 200) to Dexterity
Physical Resist (5 to 10)%
+5 Life on Striking
, and you end up with a total of +325% enhanced damage (and 55-110 from RW), which would be a total of 464 - 566 physical damage, and lvl 120 required.

This might help you out quite a bit if you play SP and play physical WDM attackers.
Here's another example, for a throwing knife, with average rolls on the RW and only 4x MOs before putting in the RW :
► knife
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My PoV as a SP'er: SP means you don't have the time or the will to grind in a limited season. If you are playing SP, get a good farmer as your first char and accumulate gear. You get to keep your gear, same drop rate with MP is fine.

Also bring back downvoting. Want to downvote those who say SP is cheating or pathetic.
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grindy game is grindy. who could've known