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Yeah games is ez, if people are having hard time completeing labs and endgame bosses then thats not a reason to change them :D just get better at the game lol its players fault not devs, and content is not made to be finished by all players if this was the case then the ladder will end in few days.
Bone Archer
77 | 4
It's not fun or rewarding. A lot of fights feel like your gear doesn't matter, and gearing isn't fun. Also the endgame has been the same for basically 2+ years now. You're right the game shouldn't be like poe, you should be able to gear deterministically and that gear should let you destroy content. Not once in this mod have I felt like I'm strong, which is the exact opposite of what d2 should be.
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Gorghor wrote:It's not fun or rewarding. A lot of fights feel like your gear doesn't matter, and gearing isn't fun. Also the endgame has been the same for basically 2+ years now. You're right the game shouldn't be like poe, you should be able to gear deterministically and that gear should let you destroy content. Not once in this mod have I felt like I'm strong, which is the exact opposite of what d2 should be.

Gear matter for all fights what, if you dont gear you wont be able to do hard areas and bosses, if you want to equip one piece of gear and suddenly jump by 50% in power then that's lame and 100% POE. if you dont know how to properly gear your character or build due to lack of Guides or some tools that allow you to build your character thats the 2nd part . Gearing does increase your character power by a lot overtime just not to POWER CREEP level, you never felt strong cause you dont get into endgame gear which requires atleast 2-3 weeks of playing, most people that quit after 1-2 weeks expect to be able to do all content easily .... i'm not trying to attack anyone with this comment but this is just the reality, everyone has opinions based on what they can do and what they need. Obviously you need the game to be easier cause you struggle, but that's your issue not the creator's fault, not all players have equally skill, experience etc.
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Gorghor wrote: Also the endgame has been the same for basically 2+ years now.

Scosglen would like a word with you.
Cow Ninja
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Istaryu wrote:
morphed wrote:
Gorghor wrote:Here's hoping for a complete end game overhaul, this mod is beyond stale at this point. Not holding my breath though.

What's wrong with endgame ? It's pretty fun , and majority of players would agree, some players says its too hard but thats not a reason to change the endgame lol, this is not POE, if thats what u mean.

I'd argue that its too hard. Some ubers are just way too easy, IOTSS and high heavens mainly, i think they need ranged enemies to shoot you from behind all those melees, to make it a bit more interesting, those hordes of melees have 0 chance to kill ranged builds.

Thank you Istaryu! I agreed with you 100% Some ubers too easy, some way too hard.
Bone Archer
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How many people make it to scosglen? Also it's just another zone, nothing special about it.
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Pit Knight
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Gorghor wrote:How many people make it to scosglen? Also it's just another zone, nothing special about it.

i'm playing singleplayer, so completely solo self found and i'm comfortably clearing scosglen on 3 different characters after about a month playing. It's the only source for corrupted crystals and treasures, has an increased enhanced rune drop chance. I think that counts as special. I guess your mileage may vary.
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Gorghor wrote:How many people make it to scosglen? Also it's just another zone, nothing special about it.
