Σ 2.3 Bugs&Feedback

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Thunder Beetle
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Overall drop rate is good dont change it, the game is finaly fun and I found items which never seen in years of playing.

Bowzon is really bad especially the Wyrmoshot, I made it to Fautz and it just lacks damage and I dont want to invest time and TG into char which is gimp, she lacks tank, merces are weak, in dunc they die like flies and in fautz as well. Necro crosbow is tanky with passive leach and summons, Druid bow has immortal bear, Bowzon has nothing and on top of that very crappy useless passives. Waste of time to play her, noone play her and there is reason for that.

Summon necro is just great, easy mod, dunc easy, fautz easy and fast, scoglen easy and decent speed with just rathma set, also good vs bosses up to 125, really love this char.

Isnt exp in scoglen bugged? I made only like 3 bubles for full clear, it takes much longer time to clear it then fautz and the exp feel really slow.

Imho there should be some changes to dungeons to make them more newbie friendly, here is my feedback on dungeons.

Fun and good drop rate of shrines and jewelery, the mobs should not be invisible, some chars can have problems.

Fun but needs more density and better drop rate of signets, nothing really drop rate there and the exp is low, so not worthy farming. Overall good and fun gameplay tho.

Average drop rate of shrines and sets, not too bad, good exp. The cows should not be invisible. The area should be like 3x larger, its fun and it should take longer to clear it, the runs are too fast.

Good drop rate of sets and decent exp, really good rework, its now much more fun to clear whole. Good job no need changes, maybe better drop of shrines, cows drop them more.

Good drop of sacred and sets low exp tho, there is not much mobs, no need changes, maybe rework for larger area. I like the change of punishers doing lower damage then before. Overall good.

Avarage exp and bad drop rate rate of sets and sacred, its really fun dungeon but not worth farming.

Average exp and bad drop rate of items, the esences drop rate is too low imho and random. Overall fun gameplay for some builds. Its subpar to dunc not worthy farming if you dont need esences. Should have bias for unique jevelery, I spent 8 hours there this season allready and found zero amus and rings.

Weird map design dont like it at all, the towers with meteors are so annoying, drop rate is below avarage of items. Not fan of this one. Feels too hard for no rewards.

Great drop rate of sets and sacred, really cool, good exp as well. The barrels should be removed and it would be perfect.

Nice density and cool and fun mechanics with voice over. Its fun but the drop rate of everything is abysmal like nothing droping and the exp is below average in comparison with fautz. Not worth farming.

Overall great in exp and item drops. Good rework.

Good exp and decent drop rate, but its too small. Would like it bigger with open areas to pull whole screen of mobs, overall good and worth farming.

Bad exp and great drop rate of items and relics. The caster elementals cast off screen and teleport on hit which makes them super annoying, at least make them not teleporting like crazy. Overall good challenge and fun.

Really cool and fun design, great job on this one, the signets rewards are perfect. Only downside is the last charm reward seems useless to me on every char.

Cant pass Invasion III to test labyrinth, working on my max resists but imo I am not alone who cant pass it, its too hard.

Would like to see uber versions of 110-115 dungeons for 130+ to make gameplay more fun for 130+
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Is it intended that A2 mercs can't equip scythes? When did this feature go away, and was it intentional?
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https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1529654904?t=1h46m20s looks like bug, we can spawn bats in big range now
Dark Huntress
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BUG: Shamanic Trance tooltip says "ancient spirit damage multiplier", but increases
Relic (Summon Sinner)
Required Level: 75
+(9 to 16) to Summon Sinner
Maximum Fire Resist +1%
Gain Exodia while Carrying All Summon Trio Relics
(Summon Frostwalker - Summon Glowing Fungus - Summon Sinner)
Summon One Extra Minion With Each Cast
+100% to Summoned Minion Damage
+100% to Summoned Minion Attack Rating
+666 to Life
damage as well.
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Maybe people should stop asking to balance the game for new players, not everyone is new in the game and making the game easier wont be enjoyable to other players especially when ladder already is finishing so fast after so many difficulty nerfs, New players can get better, but average to good players will have to finish the game in days and then quit, i mean people have already done last 2 hardest bosses in 7-8 days after release.
Grouchy Smurf
26 | 9
morphed wrote:Maybe people should stop asking to balance the game for new players, not everyone is new in the game and making the game easier wont be enjoyable to other players especially when ladder already is finishing so fast after so many difficulty nerfs, New players can get better, but average to good players will have to finish the game in days and then quit, i mean people have already done last 2 hardest bosses in 7-8 days after release.

Why do you have such a hard on for handicapping new players?
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Because not everyone is noob in this game and there are actually many players that know the game , is it fair to make the game more enjoyable for noobs and less for experienced players ? They only did that to attract more players but most people now quit after 1-2 weeks cause the game ends for them so unless there are way more new players joining mxl than old ones quiting early it just make it worse, and this is what happens atm .
Thunder Beetle
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Yes they quit becouse they pay to win and have nothing else to do, why to grind for gear, if you just buy it. I am still having blast without paying for win. Try to play selfound if you want challenge. Its so easy to buy bis gear and then be arrogant to other players. I stopped to play D2 I am rich on jsp and its just not fun to buy everything.
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If you say so then its true you’re the bo$$
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abababa7 wrote:BUG: Shamanic Trance tooltip says "ancient spirit damage multiplier", but increases
Relic (Summon Sinner)
Required Level: 75
+(9 to 16) to Summon Sinner
Maximum Fire Resist +1%
Gain Exodia while Carrying All Summon Trio Relics
(Summon Frostwalker - Summon Glowing Fungus - Summon Sinner)
Summon One Extra Minion With Each Cast
+100% to Summoned Minion Damage
+100% to Summoned Minion Attack Rating
+666 to Life
damage as well.

Seems very strong, have you tested with any other summons?