Remake laz

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Berkabus1 wrote:Remake laz …

Uldy was a true fight few years ago. Uldy charm worth something and I was excited when killing him. Now fight is pretty stupid and you need only dps. So lets not make Laz same trivial uber (I also don't like it and always buy the charm).
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It's one of my favorite fight
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Laz is a very hard fight and requires practice/skill. I wouldn't go as far as calling it very "fun", and it was a headache to learn it, but finally beating it felt great. Trophy is certainly another matter. If it can be made more accessible to other classes without sacrificing "its essence", that would be good, on the other hand, certain classes/builds have different skillsets that are better/worse at some things than others and that is fine.
Astro used to be a very complaint-ridden fight as well and I kinda disliked it, but the new version just feels like a very forgetable checkmark.
Imo the game is better if there are no "swiss-army-knife" chars and you have to pic the right tools/class/build for the job.

In thread off-topic:
I'm pretty sure wyrd sorc was not intended this way and is very likely to be changed. Wyrd was perfectly fine before Mirage and I'd reckon Mirage would also be ok if not for wyrd.
Guard Tower is the go to skill for wdm builds across many classes (Looking at top ladder, GT is used by Necro, Pala, Zon and Barb), because of good damage and multihit for sustain via Solitude. I'd assume that this overrepresentation will also lead to some kind of change, though this is probably the hardest nerf to get right.
Scorpsin is very powerful but certainly not as overtuned as other builds on this list. Compared to other top builds it relatively cheap/accessible. It already received a slight nerf from last season (150psd => 99) on
Piranha Swarm
Piranha Swarm
Flying Knife (Sacred)

Throw Damage: 59 to 61
One-Hand Damage: 38 to 39
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 473
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Dexterity)%
Scorpion Blade: Always Explodes, Max Range -25%
+(4 to 7) to Assassin Skill Levels
+99% to Poison Spell Damage
Regenerate Mana +50%
Maximum Elemental Resists +2%
+150 Life after each Kill
50% Magic Find
Socketed (2)
, maybe that was to little. I personally don't think so, but I also love the build, so I am kinda biased. But i think the approach of "soft" nerfs over time is better than nuking builds from orbit.
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Laz is now a joke. Just play pally or assassin. It takes like 3 tries and you get the idea of the fight...
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Dark Huntress
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Laz is a joke now like most ubers to be fair ... I might be mean but since when game had to hold your hand to feel acomplish in the game i mainly play SSF and yeah cant do some of them YET so grind it out gear up then to them games get boring real quickly when you get EVERYTHING day 1 without effort. If you want my opinion i miss when Dunc barel would 1shot you no matter what where you had to pay attention to mechanics insted of just *gear checking them* but thats in the pass SADLY
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Laz is the emblem of Median. They will never change the fight and they shouldn't. Just bring back 50% avoid to compensate a bit for melee devotion and easier map.
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Berkabus1 wrote:This is exactly what i wanted. Some feel as me and some feel that its a good fight. Discussion to maybe remake fight. It has been the same for many ladders now. My ”guess” is that 7%/100 or less is doing this fight. My idea is a remake so 90% at least want to do it. Not all can finish deimoss but everyone is doing labs . There is still good motivation , as for laz all ive heard is that the motivation is zero. Players are doing as a choir just to get the charm. Whats the fun in this? Ive done it and yeah… not a fun nor challenging fight. Just cancer as someone above described it. And this is just MY opinion. Not trying to make people change their minds, but make moderaters consider a change

Not sure the Laz vs. Labs/Diemoss comparison works. Is killing Diemoss the main draw of Labs, or is it grinding for Dimensional Key, UMOs, Effigies, and stuff like that? Put Laz in a Labs-like Rift with unique and valuable drops and everyone would be running the “Laz Rift,” too. (I get your point, though.)

diizzyreaper wrote:Laz is a joke now like most ubers to be fair ... I might be mean but since when game had to hold your hand to feel acomplish in the game i mainly play SSF and yeah cant do some of them YET so grind it out gear up then to them games get boring real quickly when you get EVERYTHING day 1 without effort. If you want my opinion i miss when Dunc barel would 1shot you no matter what where you had to pay attention to mechanics insted of just *gear checking them* but thats in the pass SADLY

Agreed on the Dunc+mechanics thing.

Idk if quests were nerfed to make things more newb-friendly and/or more HC-friendly, but with new gameplay improvements (Attack Ground, Quick Cast), I feel like it’s ok to make some of these lower-level quests dangerous again.


t4v wrote:Laz is the emblem of Median. They will never change the fight and they shouldn't. Just bring back 50% avoid to compensate a bit for melee devotion and easier map.

Also agreed. The Laz quest is Median’s anchor to the past. Certain aspects of the fight can be tweaked to accommodate new gameplay mechanics, but the core of the fight should never change, imo.
(This is coming from someone who hates the Laz quest because I suck and can’t aim Purify.)
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[spoil=OT TANGENT REGARDING RIFT MECHANICS]Maybe this is just nostalgia, but I kinda miss the concept of old K3K, back when the totems had immunity auras. I get that some people hated it, and it was a lot harder for some builds than others, but the core concept was great. Instead of a boring hold-RMB-to-win map clear, you had this series of short, quick, intense encounters. And each totem you destroyed made it feel like you unlocked a little more of the map. So not only was the quest engaging, but there was a feeling of real quest progression, not just moving forward through the map.

Couldnt agree more but also i guess it could be a nostalgia trip i mean i do understand on a stand point of new player friendly ~ Alot iv start on 1fe or the patch before that (pounce sin pre 0.5 sec cd nerf) and what i miss the most is not being level gated ~ low level ubers where a fun challenge i would do when i get bored and roughtly around 2016 me and ILC would basicly farm laz for fun also how i learned how to do the fight sub 5min then less and less now seeing my friendlist is sad coz more then likely will never see most ppl on anymore :"(
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diizzyreaper wrote:[spoil=OT TANGENT REGARDING RIFT MECHANICS]Maybe this is just nostalgia, but I kinda miss the concept of old K3K, back when the totems had immunity auras. I get that some people hated it, and it was a lot harder for some builds than others, but the core concept was great. Instead of a boring hold-RMB-to-win map clear, you had this series of short, quick, intense encounters. And each totem you destroyed made it feel like you unlocked a little more of the map. So not only was the quest engaging, but there was a feeling of real quest progression, not just moving forward through the map.

Couldnt agree more but also i guess it could be a nostalgia trip i mean i do understand on a stand point of new player friendly ~ Alot iv start on 1fe or the patch before that (pounce sin pre 0.5 sec cd nerf) and what i miss the most is not being level gated ~ low level ubers where a fun challenge i would do when i get bored and roughtly around 2016 me and ILC would basicly farm laz for fun also how i learned how to do the fight sub 5min then less and less now seeing my friendlist is sad coz more then likely will never see most ppl on anymore :"(

Same shit I've been saying. Where you two to defend me when I made a post about just this and the mods ripped me a new asshole saying it was all nostalgia? Those old k3k mechanics were infinitely better! And old Duncraig map also where you had to teleport... actually took fast reflexes to survive which made it exciting and fun and you wouldn't die if you did. Too bad mods want to dumb this shit out of this fantastic mod.
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Taem wrote:
diizzyreaper wrote:[spoil=OT TANGENT REGARDING RIFT MECHANICS]Maybe this is just nostalgia, but I kinda miss the concept of old K3K, back when the totems had immunity auras. I get that some people hated it, and it was a lot harder for some builds than others, but the core concept was great. Instead of a boring hold-RMB-to-win map clear, you had this series of short, quick, intense encounters. And each totem you destroyed made it feel like you unlocked a little more of the map. So not only was the quest engaging, but there was a feeling of real quest progression, not just moving forward through the map.

Couldnt agree more but also i guess it could be a nostalgia trip i mean i do understand on a stand point of new player friendly ~ Alot iv start on 1fe or the patch before that (pounce sin pre 0.5 sec cd nerf) and what i miss the most is not being level gated ~ low level ubers where a fun challenge i would do when i get bored and roughtly around 2016 me and ILC would basicly farm laz for fun also how i learned how to do the fight sub 5min then less and less now seeing my friendlist is sad coz more then likely will never see most ppl on anymore :"(

Same shit I've been saying. Where you two to defend me when I made a post about just this and the mods ripped me a new asshole saying it was all nostalgia? Those old k3k mechanics were infinitely better! And old Duncraig map also where you had to teleport... actually took fast reflexes to survive which made it exciting and fun and you wouldn't die if you did. Too bad mods want to dumb this shit out of this fantastic mod.

I just came back about 3weeks ago didnt follow much into the drama Sowwy ~