Remake laz

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nikolaipka wrote:
Berkabus1 wrote:Remake laz …

Uldy was a true fight few years ago. Uldy charm worth something and I was excited when killing him. Now fight is pretty stupid and you need only dps. So lets not make Laz same trivial uber (I also don't like it and always buy the charm).

I neebie about uldy and badly need uldy trophy. Any help is nice 2see.
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diizzyreaper wrote:
Taem wrote:
diizzyreaper wrote:[spoil=OT TANGENT REGARDING RIFT MECHANICS]Maybe this is just nostalgia, but I kinda miss the concept of old K3K, back when the totems had immunity auras. I get that some people hated it, and it was a lot harder for some builds than others, but the core concept was great. Instead of a boring hold-RMB-to-win map clear, you had this series of short, quick, intense encounters. And each totem you destroyed made it feel like you unlocked a little more of the map. So not only was the quest engaging, but there was a feeling of real quest progression, not just moving forward through the map.

Couldnt agree more but also i guess it could be a nostalgia trip i mean i do understand on a stand point of new player friendly ~ Alot iv start on 1fe or the patch before that (pounce sin pre 0.5 sec cd nerf) and what i miss the most is not being level gated ~ low level ubers where a fun challenge i would do when i get bored and roughtly around 2016 me and ILC would basicly farm laz for fun also how i learned how to do the fight sub 5min then less and less now seeing my friendlist is sad coz more then likely will never see most ppl on anymore :"(

Same shit I've been saying. Where you two to defend me when I made a post about just this and the mods ripped me a new asshole saying it was all nostalgia? Those old k3k mechanics were infinitely better! And old Duncraig map also where you had to teleport... actually took fast reflexes to survive which made it exciting and fun and you wouldn't die if you did. Too bad mods want to dumb this shit out of this fantastic mod.

I just came back about 3weeks ago didnt follow much into the drama Sowwy ~

Same. Sorry, Taem. I don't really log in much these days. Most of the people I liked left a long time ago and it just doesn't feel like there's much of a "community" left on the forum. (The death of the Shoutbox really was the beginning of the end.) Also, sorry OP for derailing your thread. lol
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Same. Sorry, Taem. I don't really log in much these days. Most of the people I liked left a long time ago and it just doesn't feel like there's much of a "community" left on the forum. (The death of the Shoutbox really was the beginning of the end.) Also, sorry OP for derailing your thread. lol[/quote]

At this point im just coming doing shit as SSF / group play Mod is great but without friend it get boring quick :( ~ i miss my old cummunity / friend im glad to see there still OGs in the comunity as i saw T4V earlier but the split comunity between new and old player theres such a large gab i feel like since we know mxl as a HARD game that you need to work for it then now (im not into lab level yet since well SSF just gonna need to grind a little more for gear and dive into it )
Monkey King
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I have to agree. This boss is just annoying and waste time. I dont even want to farm that trophy
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ApolloNine wrote:People have forgotten this game was not pay to play at one point. Get good and learn the Uber or just pay to get it. Every char can kill Laz now....

You know there is a type of people who is lazy ass af, always copy build from other player but never put any effort into the game, right? The only thing that they good at is crying, blaming, complaining when they can't "hold mouse button" to kill boss.

Soon, we will have bosses with Butcher's level. And Median dies in that day.

Btw, hello my old friend.
Void Archon
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regarding the old k3k topic, I'd love it if there were easy grinding areas (like dunc now) with low rewards, and challenging areas (like OHKO barrel dunc or old k3k) with way greater rewards (or even more deterministic drops, like a chest/boss at the end of the level with a guaranteed SU+ or random enchanted rune drop). That way you could choose to either do an easy area 100 times, or do a really hard one 10 times. That way the gameplay could be tailored for different kinds of players, and would also give you some variety as far as grinding goes. Do I spend an hour grinding 10 times the same map for a chance at a good drop, or spend it completing another one just once for a guaranteed drop and/or way bigger exp?
215 | 19
Would anyone really go for the easy/nodrop area?
2 | 2
I somehow like the Lazarus fight. Took me several hours of trying and dying (I am just very bad at this game) on my Paladin for first clear.
Yeah, there is the frustration when those totem reduce your life to 1 and then anything touch you = death; but I learnt to immediately move away from Laz after he has teleported on me and shoot purify from a distance, instead of immediately shoot purify right after he teleported.
The joy when Lazarus laid to rest is immense. Probably getting better (and maybe feel a bit bored) after doing more fights again but the joy of first clear was super sweet.

The only worry I have is having to farm the trophy. I am extremely unlucky on Astrogha and have to fought him over 61 times; wouldn't want to run Laz for 61 times (hopefully NOT!).

Also other characters maybe having harder time for not having the health regen or high movement speed.
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Berkabus1 wrote:You are missing my point. Agreed on your
Notes on wyrd, azure. Wyrd sorc with 400k magic damage is not balance..

if you really look into some popular builds such as wyrd sorc/ scorpin sin, you will see they all have some serious disadvantages. especially sin. The price is so high because most people ignore that but if you play it you will find yourself. 400k is nothing.

As for laz, in this thread, you can always buy a charm with very little expense. If you want a trophy probably you need to spend much more but it's also a hard work for the seller. They farm a trophy with very advanced skills and very long time and they deserve a good reward aka tg. If you can't afford tg and don't have the tech to farm one yourself. it's also your own problem. that is , you deserve not have a charm/trophy.
65 | 2
I started playing back in like 2009. There were some really fun things back then; for vanilla d2 I always llayed HC and thought it was too easy. Now I think that it being "easy" is really just me having good domain knowledge of mechanics, and actually the game is just accessible. So, although I originally soight out Median for increased challenge/depth/longer campaign, I think making it more accessible (coincidentally easier) and HC friendly is actually a really good thing. Any 1 shot mechanics need to be telegraphed quite clearly (like death projector) and allow reaction time. With the galaxy of particle effects going on I think it's quite fair to reduce the 1 hit kos. I have to this day never completed Laz, and tried a few times. I guess maybe that sort of thing is for some people but personally that kind of content actually pushed me away from Median from the start. The redesign and more forgiving mechanics have really breathed new life into the mod for me. I also dont think it's fair to say ppl quit because the game changed. The game is old, if you don't hange it, it won't be fresh and people will move on.