baal reward

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345 | 10
Doing it legally level by level charm works properly and is really crazy (-:
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Do you think the charm mechanics and rewards in the game are adequately communicated, and have you encountered any issues or bugs related to this system?
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345 | 10
GreroLoga wrote:Do you think the charm mechanics and rewards in the game are adequately communicated, and have you encountered any issues or bugs related to this system?

You have to recreate the character level by level until level 149 or you will have a problem at level 149 like I had. If you don't want to ask, maybe someone will give you a character.

As for the reward for level 150, it is permanently assigned to the charm when you get it. In my two cases, The Awakening armor and jewel 50MF.
62 | 1
tfw you're about to reach 126 and don't have 5 relics to transmute
218 | 19
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juniperleafes wrote:tfw you're about to reach 126 and don't have 5 relics to transmute

you can always transmute 5 relics to 1 random relic with the charm, regardless of char or charm lvl. thats 1 permanent gimmick.
62 | 1
metasequoia wrote:
juniperleafes wrote:tfw you're about to reach 126 and don't have 5 relics to transmute

you can always transmute 5 relics to 1 random relic with the charm, regardless of char or charm lvl. thats 1 permanent gimmick.

ok good
Lava Lord
92 | 1
HI, I'm level 138, and have trasmuted the paragon souldtone (plyaing MP), but still no luck with +10 phys res and +1 max res. Any way to solve it?
Azure Drake
161 | 15
Level another char.
Stygian Watcher
42 | 1
sounds like you didnt read the part about unlocking the next segment of the stone with bellas / signets at the bottom of the item text