Thank you Siosilvar

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I recently returned to MXL from a roughly 2 year break, and I've had a plethora of questions, (most of which were fairly stupid and easily answered via documentation). Nonetheless, Sio was patient and answered my questions more than any other mod. I'm very sorry to see him leaving the Dev team. I think this is unquestionably the best D2 Mod in existence and that is hugely in part due to the work of people like Sio, as well as the other Devs. I hope Sio makes a return someday, even if it's in a casual capacity. He will be missed.
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the worst news this year
Rust Claw
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you will be missed, much love!

but i do hope you come back in any capacity
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Stygian Watcher
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Dear Siosilvar,

As I sit down to pen this missive, I am struck by the enormity of the task before me. How does one express the depths of gratitude and admiration that swell within one's chest, without descending into the realm of the saccharine and mawkish? But, as the great philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau once said, "To bear your troubles yourself alone is not to carry them, but only to change their place." And so, I shall endeavor to lift the burden of our collective sorrow at your departure, and lay it upon the page, in the hopes that future generations may learn from your example.

Your resignation from the Median XL development team has left us all reeling, adrift in a sea of uncertainty and loss. Like a shipwrecked sailor, cast upon the shores of an unfamiliar land, we must now find our way in a world without your steady hand at the helm. As Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." Yet, even as we each forge our own path forward, we cannot help but feel the weight of your absence.

Creative differences are an inevitable part of any collaborative effort, a fact which Arthur Schopenhauer acknowledged when he observed, "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see." It seems, alas, that these invisible targets have led to your decision to leave the team. While I share your frustration, I cannot help but recall the words of Immanuel Kant, who reminded us that "Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life." You have imbued Median XL with both scientific rigor and a wisdom born of experience, and for that, we will forever be grateful.

In reading your announcement, I was struck by your reference to criticism, and your acknowledgement that you have not always found it easy to accept. This self-awareness is a rare and precious thing, as Confucius recognized when he advised his students, "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." Your willingness to engage with critical feedback, despite its inherent challenges, speaks volumes about your commitment to excellence and your dedication to improving the player experience.

And yet, even as we acknowledge your struggles, let us not forget the countless moments of joy and triumph that you brought to our lives. In the immortal words of William Shakespeare, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." Through your tireless efforts, you ensured that our roles in the grand drama of Median XL were ones filled with excitement, challenge, and camaraderie. For that, we owe you a debt of gratitude beyond measure.

I would be remiss if I did not take a moment to address the peculiar analogy you drew between constructive criticism and various species of fruit. Though I confess myself somewhat nonplussed by this particular turn of phrase, I believe I understand the sentiment you wished to convey. Just as there are many varieties of fruit, each with its own unique taste and texture, so too are there many ways to offer feedback and suggestions for improvement. Some may be sweet and palatable, while others might be bitter or tart. Regardless, they all serve to nourish and enrich the overall experience, much like the diverse array of talents and perspectives that come together to create something truly special.

But perhaps the most fitting tribute I can pay to your tenure with Median XL comes from the lips of the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, who famously declared, "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." With your departure, we are indeed stepping into a new river, one that flows in a different direction and promises new adventures and discoveries. We will undoubtedly encounter obstacles along the way, but as you yourself have demonstrated, it is possible to navigate even the stormiest waters with grace, determination, and good humor.

So, dear Siosilvar, as you embark upon this next chapter of your journey, I hope that you will carry with you the love, respect, and appreciation of the entire Median XL community. Our hearts are heavy with sadness, but they are also bursting with pride and gratitude for the opportunity to have worked alongside such a talented and dedicated individual. May your future paths be strewn with rose petals and lined with rainbows, and may you never lose sight of the indomitable spirit that has made you the shining star you are today.
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Jesus Christ, its not a memorial, he's still around, lol! Very tongue in cheak eulogy for the living.
Rust Claw
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That's a chatgpt generation essay
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Cringe topic, not gonna lie.
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Anonymous: wrote:Cringe topic, not gonna lie.

Yeah saying a thank you for doing voluntary work which normally only gets huge amount of critisism is totally cringe .
Rust Claw
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Marrt wrote:
Anonymous: wrote:Cringe topic, not gonna lie.

Yeah saying a thank you for doing voluntary work which normally only gets huge amount of critisism is totally cringe .

Its just a game.
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