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Discuss Median XL!
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Hi there.

First time poster here to throw the wildest of long shots, (and many apologizes if this constitutes spam or trashposting or something like that) but here goes:
Many years ago I played a LOT of MedianXL, specifically I played the 2012 v005 build, and even more specifically I played it with PlugY and MultiRes both installed and on the 1.12 patch of D2.
For many, many years I had this version on my PC and would return to it every now and then, however, the HDD housing it recently died, and I've had a very hard time getting it re-assembled, so to speak.
I'm not sure if it's because I've gotten stupider as years have gone by, or if it's because I don't have the same files as back then - PlugY is a newer version, of course, and the D2 installer I use is naturally also newer, though I do roll back the patch.
As such I ask; Is there anyone around here, who by any chance have that specific "setup" lying around, or does anyone have any good ideas on how to get it to work again. Any help would be very much appreciated!


P.S. I am well aware that MedianXL is, probably almost inarguably, a better game these days, and that both resolution and PlugY compatibility is "resolved", so you don't need to tell me. However, nostalgia is one hell of a drug, and I'm starting to experience withdrawals.
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I can't help with installation but if you're looking for 2012 v005, you can find it here: https://www.moddb.com/mods/median-xl/do ... -2012-v005

For help with setting up plugy/multires try searching the old forum posts or hop into the d2mods discord and see if anyone is willing to help there. Not sure if our discord will be helpful as nearly all play the latest versions and aren't familiar with the old setup.
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Cheers for the reply.

I have been going through old forum posts, even used a video guide that I remembered having watched once before.
However, nothing works. I currently suspect that it's simply impossible with the current version of PlugY, and thus trying to figure out how the hell to get an old ass build of it.
Trang Oul
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Not exactly what you are looking for, but consider playing the Ultimative Challenge, which is based on MXL Ultimative XVI.
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Thanks for the recommend. I'll check it out.
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Roostie wrote:Cheers for the reply.

I have been going through old forum posts, even used a video guide that I remembered having watched once before.
However, nothing works. I currently suspect that it's simply impossible with the current version of PlugY, and thus trying to figure out how the hell to get an old ass build of it.


It started tagging releases on github as of 2016, but you could try them all.
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Oh wow that's amazing!
Thanks a lot man.
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Roostie wrote:Oh wow that's amazing!
Thanks a lot man.

You already have 2012 v005 configured with D2GL and sgdfreeres for example so no need to lose time to mess with it, it is compatible with D2SE, just drag and drop into MODS folder. Of course with PlugY too.


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Holy moly. Thanks a ton my dude!