Σ 2.3 Bugs&Feedback

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Pel wrote:Suggestion:

Make Labs more interesting, more fun, and rewarding. Compared to any other zone, you know what to expect and what will drop from there, but in labs, you can go as long as doing multiple 6-7-8-9 and getting nothing, not a single zone-specific drop, not a single phoboss spawn also the zone strongly favors HP stacking builds and HP stacking umos as a defensive stat which is lame either balance it out by nerfing HP somehow the higher you go in labs the way block/defense/avoidance all other stats get destroyed going higher in labs.

For example if you do 4 full Scos runs you will always get something out of it boxes/tenet/Enchanted rune
Same goes for every other zone that has a bias drop for shrines/jewels etc they keep popping up.
But in labs, you get 1 Occult Effigies every 5-10 runs if you're lucky.

I get this is the endgame and should be the hardest content but having to use Oskill just because it's better doesn't matter from despondence or relics makes no sense. The game should be beatable with each build yes, it should be more challenging with some of them but not impossible. For example, I clear tier7 in about 10 minutes with my IED melee sorc, but if anomaly spawns, it takes me 10-15 minutes to kill that like it's made to waste your time for nothing 99% of the time, it's shit drops.

I get this is a free-to-play mod of a game, and coding and game designing and coming up with new things + balancing everything out could be a tricky thing.

I am not bashing the mod or anyone for the work they put in. I love median and thank the whole team for the work they put in. Happy to support it also whenever I can

Best feedback ever. Although it has been pointed out several times but for some reason nothing happened. It is ultimate end-game after all.
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+1 to having different drop biases for each lab tier
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Pel wrote:Suggestion:

Make Labs more interesting, more fun, and rewarding. Compared to any other zone, you know what to expect and what will drop from there, but in labs, you can go as long as doing multiple 6-7-8-9 and getting nothing, not a single zone-specific drop, not a single phoboss spawn also the zone strongly favors HP stacking builds and HP stacking umos as a defensive stat which is lame either balance it out by nerfing HP somehow the higher you go in labs the way block/defense/avoidance all other stats get destroyed going higher in labs.

For example if you do 4 full Scos runs you will always get something out of it boxes/tenet/Enchanted rune
Same goes for every other zone that has a bias drop for shrines/jewels etc they keep popping up.
But in labs, you get 1 Occult Effigies every 5-10 runs if you're lucky.

I get this is the endgame and should be the hardest content but having to use Oskill just because it's better doesn't matter from despondence or relics makes no sense. The game should be beatable with each build yes, it should be more challenging with some of them but not impossible. For example, I clear tier7 in about 10 minutes with my IED melee sorc, but if anomaly spawns, it takes me 10-15 minutes to kill that like it's made to waste your time for nothing 99% of the time, it's shit drops.

I get this is a free-to-play mod of a game, and coding and game designing and coming up with new things + balancing everything out could be a tricky thing.

I am not bashing the mod or anyone for the work they put in. I love median and thank the whole team for the work they put in. Happy to support it also whenever I can

I also have the same opinion. can remove the lock time so that it can be rolled back when someone in the party dies. from there it will be easier to play in groups
Pit Knight
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  • Have some charms that give %ar or flat ar which benefits non dexterity stacking builds.
  • Have other way to increase defensive buff duration not just via Continuity such as hard points in the skill or for example a .5 second increased duration for every trophy making trophys more relevant.
  • Have goblin rift inspectors in labs that drop lab stones and rift inspectors in high heavens drop rare rings and amulets atm i dont think they drop much.
  • Improve Deimoss rewards relatively for dimensional key.
  • Improve drop rate of tiered uniques in nightmare, they seem rare as a global drop in comparison to normal and hell.
  • Small increase to area lvl or mob experience for teganze and triune so it does not feel as grindy for non dunc players early on.
  • Small buff to barkskin (but reduce scaling for werebear morph), in 2.0 it got changed from soft point scaling to hard point scaling, reduced max level count and overall scaling.
37 | 4
Just druthers on what, in my opinion, is pretty much the greatest mod in any game (aside from the Dragon's Dogma mod that plays the Seinfeld music every time you die)...

1) I feel like the NM/H act 1 jail levels could do with a rework. They're not impossible, and if well prepped, they're not even that hard... they're just a slog, a very slow one, and not in the fun way. Constant cold fields that will cut your speed to a crawl even with maxed cold resistance plus literally hundreds of ranged jerks, and a fair number of mobs capable of *raising* them, it's just a crawl with no real strategy beyond making sure your setup reduces incoming damage to a tickle so you can survive approaching them at a casual walking pace.

2) Is there any particular reason Spirit of Vengeance has to have collision, especially since she can travel through walls, but apparently not the player? The number of times she's gotten in the way, and gotten me killed by parking her exceptionally thicc hindquarters in the narrow passage I was trying to escape through.

3) Is there any coding solution to that bug where single-target skills will often simply do nothing when cast/activated on something hugging a wall or corner, despite showing the visuals? It'd be a huge boon to builds like arachnomancy sorcs.

4) I dunno if it effects the barbarian too, but if an assassin levels up while in the middle of using whirlwind, she bugs out, becomes immobile, unable to attack, and unable to drop below 1 hp. The only thing you can do when that happens is exit and re-enter the game.

5) Is it just me or is the grubber that opens the portal to sunless sea effectively unkillable when you're 'appropriate' level for the area? Harvest + Regen = No kiting since regen nullifies that and no tank&spank or meatshields since harvest nullifies that. You basically have to level until he's trivial and steamroll him, by which point sunless sea *also* offers no challenge anymore. EDIT: Just retested, lvl 109 assassin, maxed out witchwynd, doom, stacked dex and war cloak, should be pretty much instant death for anything standing still. Let him get me in a corner and wailed away on him... nothing, he'd get down to about 20% then shoot back up each time. So something's broke. EDITING THE EDIT: Okay... so my curare javazon handled him no problem, now I'm really confused. Is just one character bugged or is curare really that strong? There's no real difference between the two handling other mobs.

Again, just druthers, and none of these are enough to turn me off of by far my favorite mod
Core Lord
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Jampula wrote:Best feedback ever. Although it has been pointed out several times but for some reason nothing happened. It is ultimate end-game after all.

This can easily be changed they don't need to nerf the content or touch much on the builds. Atm, there are only too few good end-game weapons Azure isthe most OP thing but not every class/build can use so if they just introduce SSSU weapons for more builds (that make the build slightly op but are super rare) it will make the game more diverse and available to more classes/specs. For the build imbalance, this is the easiest way of boosting builds without making them too OP from start to finish but rather only during the end game.

For the reward of doing labs, this can easily be adjusted to make it more rewarding but only for higher labs like T8-9-10. So it's still not too easy to get umos/effigies but rather only if you reach the End game and beat it this will promote more competitive playing for Labs rather than just full 50 UMO build/Azure builds.
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Core Lord
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Hovering the mouse on the block chance/defense part of character sheet during Valthek summoning crashes the game - checked twice, same result.
Pit Knight
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I think collecting tennets or whatever those books are called in druid quest is arguably the worst quest concept I saw in an aRPG game. Not something I will ever repeat. Just plain stupid....six different books, have to be combined with shit like neutrality pact (wtf?), and - first u have to find a corrupted druid, then gods willing nrg will be kind and you get one out of six stupid books.
For real? Y, for real.
Plain horrible.
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Got a super easy one:
Bestial Potency has a typo in the description which reads "[...]slow down your preys".

I believe this should probably read "slows down your prey".

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Blood Golem
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Clinikx wrote:Got a super easy one:
Bestial Potency has a typo in the description which reads "[...]slow down your preys".

I believe this should probably read "slows down your prey".


Is shouldn't e there at all. Slow moved to upgrade since 2.0