Σ 2.3 Bugs&Feedback

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Cow Ninja
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Prototipe wrote:
smartasss wrote:
Prototipe wrote:Assasin's skill Inceneration trap has bug displaying damage (left number larger then right at least at low levels not 1/2) Image
+ on traps nothing work: energy, +damage, +minion damage, life after each kill... only +skills
is this intended or bug?

Read Subterfuge skill desc to see what gives u dmg to traps.

but the numbers are wrong

Many skills of low lv have min > max dmg in current patch version. It will get normal as u level up.
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Suggestion: Clicking on a charm on the ground will magically move it directly into Cube (so long as Cube exists in inventory)

(Actually doable? Who knows :bounce: )
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Son of Lucion
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Greater Oil of Luck needs a fixed spawn, they're still far too rare. Having to do 7x pit + hole for one oil is dogshit garbage design. This is again a case of rng where there doesn't need to be any. You need to respect the players' time, not waste it with meaningless filler content.

Either make call of the damned spawn always drop it, or add some boss to hole lvl 2 that drops it 100%.
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Rust Claw
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Is it possible to put the set in a box with the su/ssu and use the same catalyst to disassemble the equipment instead of putting them in separate boxes with catalyst of learning or disenchantment ?
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Rust Claw
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When faced with a monster with a flash, sometimes it causes the body shape to overlap and can not move. Can it be fixed?
Thunder Beetle
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953648475 wrote:Is it possible to put the set in a box with the su/ssu and use the same catalyst to disassemble the equipment instead of putting them in separate boxes with catalyst of learning or disenchantment ?

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Bone Archer
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The Dragon Claw charm does not seem to unlock Chemistry unless it is upgraded
Void Archon
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Having Dragon Jaws mapped to left click makes it impossible to interact with stuff (open doors, go through portals/scenario changes, open chests, etc)
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When summoning two abyssal knights at the same time, chaos nova does not deal additional damage, is this a bug or is it intended?
Core Lord
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A few suggestions: 1. Buff mercs at the end game after level 140 if possible. 2. Add more Jewelcrafting options to the currently available ones, so you have more options to choose from, like % AR/%Stat/Flat Life or Mana make the roll on stats less random 1-2% str/ene/vit/dex should always spawn 2%. People are looking for those stats exactly. It can take up to 20AC just for one good jewel, which is quite tedious. 3. Adjust Melee sorc's mooncall buff is just annoying to be cast every 20-30 seconds. It reminds me of Mark of the wild for druid when the breakpoint for IAS depended entirely on having it on. These buffs should be more of a quality-of-life feature rather than having to think about them all the time. It isn't very pleasant to have to recast buffs while fighting Phoboss or Deimoss.