
Discuss Median XL!
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Pit Knight
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The Podcast is cancelled this weekend due to schedule conflicts with everyone being busy. We'll resume it next week most likely, I'll keep people updated ahead of time for the next podcast. Sorry for the short notice and hope to see you all next weekend!
Stone Warrior
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Is there going to be a new podcast today?
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Pit Knight
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We've decided to hold off on the podcasts until next ladder as the interest in them has been declining, and getting people together has been getting more and more difficult. Sorry for the last second information, but it would have only been two of us today, and neither of us have much indepth knowledge on the barb class. We'll pick the podcasts back up next season!
Stone Warrior
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Thank you for the reply. This is sad news. I really hope you can get past the difficulties next season, the direction of the podcast was definitely good.
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Pit Knight
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We definitely have been feeling the improvement. I'm also glad how many people were enjoying the podcast. One of the main things we're going to try and do is to bring guest people on more often that way we don't need to rely on the same people to always be available. We aren't people who live off streaming and don't have other jobs/commitments that take up our time, so it's not as easy for us as someone who streams 5-7 days a week and lives off it to be able to make time. Plus there's also the time zone barrier, Bojac is joining us when it's nighttime for him, and it's rough on him but if we go earlier, it makes it more difficult on na people. So there's just a lot of factors that are all trial and error. The more people we get for different timezones, the more often the podcast won't have these issues.

But also because people have been losing interest in Median just due to how it's a seasonal game it just feels like the right time to retire the podcast till next season. A lot of people are moving to other games as they finished what they wanted to do this season.

However we will be back, with a patch note rundown when that happens, and will move forward with that!
Lava Lord
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Thanks for your effort!
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Pit Knight
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nodoubt0322 wrote:Thanks for your effort!

No problemo man, glad to see the amount of support we've been getting for the podcast, it means a lot for us and hopefully it helps shed light for newer players on some topics of the game. We're definitely hyped for the next season, whenever it starts. I would love to see some javzon changes and if they occur I'll be playing a lot of that.
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Pit Knight
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A quick update in terms of the podcast and my availability for Median XL this ladder.

As things currently stand I most likely will be unable to play this ladder, as well as unable to do the podcasts due to a few reasons.

Reason 1: Work. Normally, I have weekends off which made doing the podcast easy, however as of late almost everyone jn my department has quit and I'm pulling overtime consistantly to cover gaps, so until that issues fixed my schedules too volatile for the podcast.

Reason 2. I've played an mmorpg on and off since it launched back in 2014 and it's doing a new fresh start it's the Last Hurrah of the game and I've loved the game since day 1 of playing it, so I want to rejoin my old guildmates for our last adventure into it. It happens to launch at the same time as Median sadly and Median isn't fading away anytime soon, so I will be devoting my spare time to the last attempt the mmorpg has to bring back it's players.

Reason 3. This is more of a joke reason, but I wanted javzon changes and have yet to see them.

Anyway, I'll be back maybe towards the end of this ladder, or next ladder for sure! I'll see you guys then and again thanks so much for supporting the stream, and other content creators who have helped make it what it was.

I do still stream at if anyone has median questions or wishes to hang out, I'm always down for theorycrafting.
Stone Warrior
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Thanks for the update. I'm not happy with this situation tbh, though I understand. Have fun with the mmo!
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Notram wrote:Thanks for the update. I'm not happy with this situation tbh, though I understand. Have fun with the mmo!

Yeah, the timing is bad, been doing home reno, and super hyped for the mmo, my first weekend off in like 2 months in next weekend, I'll definitely do a patch rundown stream at the very least. And if stuff settles down might mix median and the mmorpg together or play it during queue times etc.

But I don't think I'll have time for the podcasts this ladder