Pls remove purify from this game

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This game is fucking ridiculous. I have all BIS gear for endgame ,but I can't kill Witch/Uldy/Laz/Valthek ?
Obv that's not my problem ,many people call those ubers broken. Yeah farm BIS gear and then struggle with purifying uldy for 10hours
Fucking entertaining ,isnt it ?
It makes this game literally unplayable. My fav combo is LOCK+PURIFY.
Let's make all bosses like (Andy,Baal) taking damage from purify only. And after people get used to it let's make purifying creeps ,why not ?
Fucking retarded mechanics only does force people to buy charms ,not spending it on gear because gear is irrelevant. Really nice.
[Admin title edit by GregMXL]
Dark Huntress
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I mostly agree with you but making a rage post isnt going to get the dev's to listen. Try to offer some constructive feedback, how you might change things.

I think the whole point of purify is to make endgame content not trivialized by OP gear and spec, though I agree it is clunky and overused.
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Every time I see one of these posts I laugh out loud. Been bitching about this for years and nothing will ever change for a simple reason: Purify is liked by the handful of people in charge of decision making. Character disabling and respec is at the heart of the balancing philosophy.

Don´t waste your breath or get mad. Just switch game or wait for a better patch. At its current state, the game isn´t even worth spending your energy on so dun get mad, git schwifty!

kasiraka wrote:I think the whole point of purify is to make endgame content not trivialized by OP gear and spec, though I agree it is clunky and overused.

It´s all a matter of balancing. I am pretty sure that Sigma will fix it.

oh wait...
Pit Knight
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get bis gear for witch or other purify stuff - its fun u can just stack hp healing rate from apples and healin per sec and then purify whatever u want to
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Bone Archer
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Purify was meant for strategic endgame fights. It would be kinda dumb if you could faceroll every boss with BiS gear.
Pit Knight
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Glow-Worm wrote:Purify was meant for strategic endgame fights. It would be kinda dumb if you could faceroll every boss with BiS gear.

and what strategy is involved when the strategy becomes to respec and tank up as hard as possible while spamming this 5sec cd off cooldown hoping it hits through avoid percentages and remains accurate?

it's not a good design. it's counter-intuitive with the investment of time and grind for items / power creeping in diablo, a measly attempt at "balance" to keep things "fair". purify taking off invulnerability shield, removing purify and tweaking damage numbers, there are many ways to retain balance but give players who worked their way to those fights through their grind with purpose.

the current endgame bosses, including purify, are farmed with overpowered barb items / skillsets, or respec'ing for the best universal defensive stats including movespeed, life, resists, block. the game should be aiming to unify builds and make them more consistent through progression, not force belladona pots everyone someone feels like doing something with their build - not every build should be universal, but viability should remain because of the identity of the builds - whatever spell or theme your character is focusing, say throwing as a barb or meleeing as an assassin.
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inori92 wrote:
Glow-Worm wrote:Purify was meant for strategic endgame fights. It would be kinda dumb if you could faceroll every boss with BiS gear.

and what strategy is involved when the strategy becomes to respec and tank up as hard as possible while spamming this 5sec cd off cooldown hoping it hits through avoid percentages and remains accurate?

it's not a good design. it's counter-intuitive with the investment of time and grind for items / power creeping in diablo, a measly attempt at "balance" to keep things "fair". purify taking off invulnerability shield, removing purify and tweaking damage numbers, there are many ways to retain balance but give players who worked their way to those fights through their grind with purpose.

the current endgame bosses, including purify, are farmed with overpowered barb items / skillsets, or respec'ing for the best universal defensive stats including movespeed, life, resists, block. the game should be aiming to unify builds and make them more consistent through progression, not force belladona pots everyone someone feels like doing something with their build - not every build should be universal, but viability should remain because of the identity of the builds - whatever spell or theme your character is focusing, say throwing as a barb or meleeing as an assassin.

Builds shouldnt be universal... but they should be viable!

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there are a large variety of ways you can do more than just get more hp and regen. use debuffs, learn to dodge. you can control the fight a lot more than you are trying.
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I, too, agree that drawn-out Purify-only bossfights are a broken design choice. Like kasiraka wrote, however, I don't think a post like yours is going to make any difference.

If anything, I'd say there should only be a few Purify bosses, purely endgame and optional, with charm rewards being more cosmetic than substantial gameplay-wise; the greatest reward should be the very achievement of actually beating such a boss.

A while ago I made a post with what I hope was constructive feedback, leaving he rest up to the devs, and I would recommend that anyone else do the same.
Edited by trollkin 5 years.
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Thunder Beetle
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Purify just means that your damage output is being approximately set to a constant. Basically it's only proportional to your skill if you neglect "rng" (bosses moving around, teleporting away) which is the whole point of purify. With this information it should be obvious what to do. There is no "bis" gear for every content in median, and there never will be. Deal with it.