Help With farming class/build

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Hello Guys!

I am trying to get a good footing to mindlessly farm dunc and levelup and do higher content.

I have gone through the pain twice and was hoping i could get some help.

I first made a Sumodin and quickly saw That they were not that viable endgame because Minions resist caps at 75% and they die pretty quickly when dealing with magic/ poison dmg.

So i made a Melee Sorc which is now level 123 and I am having fun but it still seems to be lacking that fun/MF umph farming Duncraig. It starts out really good on smaller packs but then when i get to largers packs that i Need to TP into.. oh boy.. I attack and attack and attack and things just die so slow and I end up getting killed. + being in Melee range to attack means you are putting yourself at risk obviously.

My gear is not bad. I tried both elemental and Physical and both just feel somewhat clunky as times from what seems like Desync issues with server.

That is my sorc linked above. Is there a class/ Build that is a bit more fun to play and that is durable enough to run Duncraigs pretty quickly without much effort in public games? I am looking for something that can have good MF and good clear speeds that is safe. I dont mind if the gear is expensive or hard to get. I just dont want to get the end game gear and end up disappointed. I know end game content is supposed to be harder and I know deaths are part of the game. I just want something consistent.

was about to start either a Trap Rat Druid or crossbow Necro as both builds seem good but wanted some input from the better players of Median XL to chime in.

I have been playing for like a little over 2 weeks so I am no where near as knowledgeable about the game and basically follow guides on the forums to the T and have a hard time thinking out of the box because there are so many items, MO's, builds, guides and mechanics i dont fully understand or understand how to take full advantage of.

Your help would be really appreciated!

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try the search function brah
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Every game I've seen with an xbow nec totally rocked. They are very op and good for farming. Not sure about uberkillers but definitely fast farming.
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Flying Polar Buffalo
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+1 for xbow necros . they are good with cheap gear (but not overpowered)
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melee sorc as well. mine i have up to 120 and not amazing gear (just a melee sorc set so 25 tg, less if you find pieces.)

fast? not the fastest, but man is it hard to kill unless you teleport into 30+ mobs (duncraig comes to mind. but that I'll fix here pretty soon as my sigs come in and get block rate.) it's a good balance of tankyness/damage/melee/range for a newer player to break into things.

All the 105-115 charms were relatively simple. i did 1 of the 115's at 118 (legacy of blood i think) as that's when I had the sorc set equipped.

My claw sin is just reaching k3k and doing perfectly fine despite having relatively bad gear (some tu's would be better for me).

Additionally i see people don't mind poison dagger sin for farming AoE zones, but it's uber killing isn't very good.
Wolf druid as well with just a set can do most of the farm content relatively fast but is poor at killing single boss ubers

edit: you already have melee sorc on the list. You probably need to raise block and tele in at a different location at duncraig. the teleport angle was pretty massive on my survival in there. Maybe have a a3 abjurer for the heal, or a2 for the slow/freeze, or just say f it and go a5 merc to murder everything faster. Some bosses take really close kiting around like kabraxis, where if you run to far it becomes a tele + skeleton fest. but staying within a firedance circle of distance generally stops his teleport. I only run away when he starts using his little poison nova then run back in afterwards, that shit will kill me. keeping 2 stacks of moon symbols and 2 stacks of health pots, you can even go 3 pots 1 moon if you're comfy.

You can also respec paladin to neutraldin that i see a few guides on. not really my playstyle going around 16 second cd windows, but might be yours.
Acid Prince
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xbow nec is great. Running around with kinda cheap gear and well over 400% mf. Fauzt p2-4 solo is a really easy hunting ground :)
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I see a lot of trap rat druids breezing through 5-8 player dunc clearing like nobodies business and without breaking a sweat. If I was between crossbow necro and a druid which would be better for farming
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Azure Drake
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melee necro.
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GsusXL wrote:xbow nec is great. Running around with kinda cheap gear and well over 400% mf. Fauzt p2-4 solo is a really easy hunting ground :)

What cheap gear are you wearing that gets enough AR, mana and leech/regen AND 400% MF?!
Stygian Watcher
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PlayerOne wrote:
GsusXL wrote:xbow nec is great. Running around with kinda cheap gear and well over 400% mf. Fauzt p2-4 solo is a really easy hunting ground :)

What cheap gear are you wearing that gets enough AR, mana and leech/regen AND 400% MF?!

Cheap is relative term.