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Edit: Switched over to GitHub. Source has AutoIt3, includes and Aut2Exe for compiling.
Edited by Kyromyr 5 years.
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Does it add speeds from wolf stance, rapture and other skills?

Hope it works and gets approved for realm use.
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Just tried Rapture, only FCR shows up. Wolf Stance only adds to CB% and EWD%. Guess speed buffs are handled differently; I'll see what I can do about it.

Edit: I can't read. Wolf Stance and druid wolf form are, unsurprisingly, not the same thing.
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Can you provide us with the source, so we can decide whether or not this will be allowed on TSW?
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Download contains both source and executable.
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Could you upload ProcessCall.au3? It seems to be missing.
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Right, forgot that one's not included in the autoit download.

http://www.mediafire.com/file/7gzymw6ia ... ssCall.au3
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Cool, I compiled it and it works.
Are you Wojen?
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"small things like this are not a big deal" - Quirinus 2017
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No, just somebody with too much time on their hands who happens to knows autoit. :P
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Ok, I added it to the tools page. :)
"but if it's simple it's not that hard" - Quirinus 2017
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