-Hopefully fixed skill speeds. Tested with most class skills.
-Separated skill speeds and item speeds.
-No skill FCR field because I'm unsure if it actually exists. Rapture just seems to add item FCR.
-I know Trap Rat sIAS is wierd. Looking at the formula in Laz' Skills.txt it seems to be correct, though.
LHawkins1 wrote:This new D2Stats doesn't include elemental damage buff from Witchblood.
Currently testing on a poison sorc and it's supposed to read an extra 385% elemental damage above 90% HP. Maybe I'm just viewing it wrong or is it not reading properly?
Looked into this and can't figure it out for the life of me. All I know is that Witchblood sets stat 435 to 1 but so do several other skills.