
Discuss Median XL!
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I recently won item
Stareye's Claws
Stareye's Claws
Gauntlets (Sacred)

Defense: 1674 to 1959
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 625
Item Level: 120
Adds 100-150 Cold Damage
+25% to Cold Spell Damage
-15% to Enemy Cold Resistance
+200% Enhanced Defense
+50 to Dexterity
15% to Dexterity
Maximum Cold Resist +2%
+5 Cold Absorb
Socketed (4)

Henchmen Trophies
(Legendary Set)
from auction but the char was empty. I want to ask if there has been issues with items disappearing or did i got screwed. I dont want to jump into conclusion because i didnt check the notarmory link before bidding if the item was there in the first place.
Hopefully moderatos can resolve this.

Edit: Resolved, mods can delete/lock this thread