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Anyone know the ideal breakpoints for java?

Any good java builds out there for 2.1?
Dark Huntress
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Jampula wrote:Why don't you just pick a javelin and play the freaking game?

He will probably get stuck at bloodraven if he does that
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speed calc isnt correct for javazon, but nice try jampula.

throw speed: 232 for 7 frame
attack speed: 223 for 6 frame
(using maiden javelin)
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Go for poison gear and just play! Its awesome. Clearspeed is wonderful. Just like the old days ! I still miss the lightning doh
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krastinov wrote:
Jampula wrote:Why don't you just pick a javelin and play the freaking game?

He will probably get stuck at bloodraven if he does that

I thought it was only me, took me a while to kill blood and her zombies :mrgreen:
Stone Warrior
33 | 2
Javazon is rough until you get ecstatic frenzy and some points into eviscerate. After that feels great.

I cruised through normal maxing scorpion sting, putting 10 points into eviscerate, and one point for EF. I also ran with some poison gear. Amazon helm, wormtongue belt, and TU pilum for weapon.
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Hybridreamer wrote:Javazon is rough until you get ecstatic frenzy and some points into eviscerate. After that feels great.

I cruised through normal maxing scorpion sting, putting 10 points into eviscerate, and one point for EF. I also ran with some poison gear. Amazon helm, wormtongue belt, and TU pilum for weapon.

I'm kinda surprised at using EF - a java with a shield and 0 defence seems a bit counter-intuitive. ;-|
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Pit Knight
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I struggled at firts, specially with killing monsters, until i could get some TUs. Before that it was a pain, specially if surrounded by enemies.
Once i got some TUs it was way smoother, even more when maxing the Java passives.

I was surprised at how easy Hell Baal was. I dont know if it is because his spawning got nerfed or what...but it took around 5 min in just TUs armor.
Stone Warrior
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Captcha wrote:
Hybridreamer wrote:Javazon is rough until you get ecstatic frenzy and some points into eviscerate. After that feels great.

I cruised through normal maxing scorpion sting, putting 10 points into eviscerate, and one point for EF. I also ran with some poison gear. Amazon helm, wormtongue belt, and TU pilum for weapon.

I'm kinda surprised at using EF - a java with a shield and 0 defence seems a bit counter-intuitive. ;-|

It's really just for the ias. Im only in nightmare and thus far haven't had issues with surviving. Shield can still block without high def
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I can say This much as standing in hell level 112. Its a rough part doing ubers with the java tree. Im considering stacking more poison and using whirlpool from crafted boots. Just a tip ! Also posion seems to be far more better until reaching a crafted javelin and going full dex with the other tree chioce. The deadly strike is a real treat ! Should work fine on 120 and forward. Just hard to get good ias . Must Also say that the offensives are wonderful! Places like ureh Will be able to do now with java. Good work devs