Avoid, a discussion

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I've been playing Median for a few years now, I've played the following characters and have done everything but Samael/Deimoss/Laz:

  • Cold Werewolf Druid
  • Elemental Barb
  • Holy Melee Paladin
  • Melee Sorc
  • Unholy Caster Paladin
  • Bow Druid
  • Throw Assassin
  • Summon Barb
  • Storm Caster Zon (currently in 2.3)
What has stuck out the most to me so far is that there are basically two kinds of characters:

  • Those who have significant Avoid
  • Those who do not
You can have loads of Defense, max Block, big Leech, and all the extra max Res in the world, yet certain fights feel pretty bad if your class does not have any Avoid. Every spec of Druid/Barb/Assassin can easily get ~30% or even more Avoid, Sorc specs also get it via Warp Armor. Meanwhile, most specs of Paladin and Amazon cannot get any at all (Paladins can only get 5% without specific sets/items and Amazons can get a small amount on items, but the items require zeroing out your Defense with Ecstatic Frenzy which is not compatible with certain builds).

It seems like there is a bit too much of a gap between characters who are entirely reliant on every defense except for Avoid compared to those who just get significant Avoid for free.

Block was insane in base D2 and it was severely nerfed in both the cap and the base chance to block in Median (which is good, as even with those nerfs, Block is still fantastic). Avoid in Median feels to me a bit how Block felt in vanilla D2 at this point though. It's the best defense for everything and certain specs get loads of it for free while other specs are barely able to get it at all.

I would be curious to hear any thoughts from the Devs on this. Is this something that could be added in small amounts to class charms for the characters who lack it? That's a bit of a bandaid, but it would work. Long term, I think reworking Avoid itself or the availability of it/access to it could be good as well.

Thanks for reading :)
Bone Archer
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Characters should have more defensive options not less.
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You've pointed out differences in avoid between classes but, in my opinion, have failed to illustrate why that's a bad thing. Some specificity in your argument would be nice (which is my criticism of pretty much every criticism raised against this game). You say "certain fights feel pretty bad if your class does not have any Avoid"; which ones? The main one that comes to mind is Laz (and maaaaybe Sleep), both of which can be completed without avoid. Yes avoid is a powerful defensive layer, yes avoid can make these fights easier, but no, I don't think avoid is singlehandedly trivializing content.

It's also worth mentioning T7 lab modifier specifically targets builds relying on block and avoid, so it isn't a magic bullet.

Lastly, even if avoid were imbalanced as you say, I would still disagree with all of your proposed changes. Nerfing avoid or giving every class access to avoid are both homogenizing class identity which, in my opinion, is bad for the game in the long run.
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at the end of the day avoid can simply be viewed as another layer of EHP and characters that have access to it are balanced accordingly. the only difference with HP is that there is a rng element. For example a char with 10k hp 50% avoid (20k effective HP) can die from two 5k blows with bad luck but it can also survive two 20k blows. However, avoid loses to hp because in zones with lockout you end up having to scale hp as well and it's less predictable. So HP still has the throne for most op defensive stat and it also scales healing.

regarding block, the reason it was capped at 50% was due to 1h setups dex overshadowing 2h str on specs which give you that choice, like melee nec, wolf druid, etc. Builds that don't have that choice usually have some way to scale block back to 70-80 like before.

one idea about avoid imo is to potentially separate avoid back into 3 stats like in vanilla (avoid, evade and dodge). that allows for more design space which is a good thing.
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Marco wrote:at the end of the day avoid can simply be viewed as another layer of EHP and characters that have access to it are balanced accordingly. the only difference with HP is that there is a rng element. For example a char with 10k hp 50% avoid (20k effective HP) can die from two 5k blows with bad luck but it can also survive two 20k blows. However, avoid loses to hp because in zones with lockout you end up having to scale hp as well and it's less predictable. So HP still has the throne for most op defensive stat and it also scales healing.

regarding block, the reason it was capped at 50% was due to 1h setups dex overshadowing 2h str on specs which give you that choice, like melee nec, wolf druid, etc. Builds that don't have that choice usually have some way to scale block back to 70-80 like before.

one idea about avoid imo is to potentially separate avoid back into 3 stats like in vanilla (avoid, evade and dodge). that allows for more design space which is a good thing.

Is it possible to prevent dodgelock with zons on MXL engine or is that still an issue?
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Zaraki wrote:
Marco wrote:at the end of the day avoid can simply be viewed as another layer of EHP and characters that have access to it are balanced accordingly. the only difference with HP is that there is a rng element. For example a char with 10k hp 50% avoid (20k effective HP) can die from two 5k blows with bad luck but it can also survive two 20k blows. However, avoid loses to hp because in zones with lockout you end up having to scale hp as well and it's less predictable. So HP still has the throne for most op defensive stat and it also scales healing.

regarding block, the reason it was capped at 50% was due to 1h setups dex overshadowing 2h str on specs which give you that choice, like melee nec, wolf druid, etc. Builds that don't have that choice usually have some way to scale block back to 70-80 like before.

one idea about avoid imo is to potentially separate avoid back into 3 stats like in vanilla (avoid, evade and dodge). that allows for more design space which is a good thing.

Is it possible to prevent dodgelock with zons on MXL engine or is that still an issue?

The avoid animation frames have been removed. So it's not a problem.
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Thank you for the replies, everyone!


physics wrote:You've pointed out differences in avoid between classes but, in my opinion, have failed to illustrate why that's a bad thing. Some specificity in your argument would be nice (which is my criticism of pretty much every criticism raised against this game).

First of all, I would just like to say that I think this game is fantastic -- it's the best ARPG I have ever played. So please understand that I am just discussing things I think could maybe be changed or improved as the game is iterated on because I find it interesting and having discussions can help with that (even if the game is already in a good place, which it is!). I'm just starting from a thought I have and trying to see if other people's thoughts do (or do not) line up with that to create a discussion.

physics wrote:You say "certain fights feel pretty bad if your class does not have any Avoid"; which ones? The main one that comes to mind is Laz (and maaaaybe Sleep), both of which can be completed without avoid. Yes avoid is a powerful defensive layer, yes avoid can make these fights easier, but no, I don't think avoid is single-handedly trivializing content.

For say, The Sleep and also Invasion III, I would not say Avoid fully trivializes the content -- but it does significantly change the fight compared to classes who do not have Avoid. See below re: my Barb vs Zon on Invasion for more details.

physics wrote:It's also worth mentioning T7 lab modifier specifically targets builds relying on block and avoid, so it isn't a magic bullet.

I think Lab mods are probably best left to a totally separate discussion since there is a lot going on in Labs that does not happen anywhere else (leech effectiveness, curse duration, extra resistance checks, etc. etc.)

physics wrote:Lastly, even if avoid were imbalanced as you say, I would still disagree with all of your proposed changes. Nerfing avoid or giving every class access to avoid are both homogenizing class identity which, in my opinion, is bad for the game in the long run.

I agree with your sentiment 100% about not wanting to homogenize class identity. However, I don't think doing tweaks to "slightly homogenize" is a bad thing, I don't think that any adjustment that brings one class closer to another in some way guarantees that you will instantly have a completely homogenized feel across all classes.

Marco wrote:at the end of the day avoid can simply be viewed as another layer of EHP and characters that have access to it are balanced accordingly. the only difference with HP is that there is a rng element. For example a char with 10k hp 50% avoid (20k effective HP) can die from two 5k blows with bad luck but it can also survive two 20k blows. However, avoid loses to hp because in zones with lockout you end up having to scale hp as well and it's less predictable. So HP still has the throne for most op defensive stat and it also scales healing.

I think for many encounters, it really is "just more EHP" as you say. But for some, Avoid I think has far more value than the EHP suggests.

For instance, when I did Invasion III on my Ele Barb, I didn't even know about the AoE circle mechanic when he goes invuln. Now, part of that is because as a Melee class I was near him always. But if you watch the video I do still get hit by it, but since I had something like 40% avoid I dodged several of the hits which meant it never killed me. Because of that, I never even realized the mechanic existed. When I do that fight on my Caster zon, it is death every time -- this was confusing and I only found out about the mechanic after several attempts of trying to figure out what was going on in the first place. This could certainly be explained as something that I just need to adapt to because the class is different, but there is one more piece to the puzzle. The random intervals that he chooses to (or not to) do the AoE circle death make the fight feel very "RNG", and Avoid vastly increases the number of chances the player has to deal with this mechanic and successfully complete the fight. I think if the AoE circle death mechanic was more telegraphed or regular, such as Uldyssian's starfall ceiling shake move, it would feel less like an Avoid check and more like a full on boss mechanic. But as it is so far, it feels like I always have several attempts on my Zon where I just barely don't notice the AoE is starting and I die instantly. Or I do notice it, but I am very slightly out of the proximity and the tics still kill me before I can micro walk into the center. On an Avoid character, those would likely not end up in deaths most of the time since the move hits several times quickly in succession.

I am not arguing that every fight should be exactly the same or that classes should not have strengths or weaknesses, but I do think that mechanics which kill you via many hits are both common in higher end fights and significantly nullified by avoid moreso than any other defense layer.

Marco wrote:regarding block, the reason it was capped at 50% was due to 1h setups dex overshadowing 2h str on specs which give you that choice, like melee nec, wolf druid, etc. Builds that don't have that choice usually have some way to scale block back to 70-80 like before.

Just reiterating that I super duper agree with this and really like it :D

Marco wrote:one idea about avoid imo is to potentially separate avoid back into 3 stats like in vanilla (avoid, evade and dodge). that allows for more design space which is a good thing.

I can't decide if I think I would or would not like this? On the one hand, yes it has more design space. Also, I rather like the simplicity of Avoid currently? The original D2 3-way split always felt a bit awkward to me. What about a 2-way split where you had a chance to Avoid anything (melee/projectile both) while standing still, but then another stat to avoid anything (melee/projectile) while moving? Or maybe a 3-way split still, but split it via melee/ranged/spell, but they always affect you whether you are standing or moving? Just spitballing :D
Bone Archer
77 | 4
Marco wrote:Builds that don't have that choice usually have some way to scale block back to 70-80 like before.

You mean like sorc's completely bungled melee tree? I guess 5K+ dex and block speed isn't enough investment, better tax their already horrible skill tree and choices as well.
Pit Knight
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Some note about avoid. It will be better to reduce Assasin avoid from 70% down to 50% (and probably reduce endurance to standart 10%), and remove all avoid penalty from labs, samael... Because now some ubers are significantly easier as Assasin - witch, laz, valtek... But lab7+ are harder.

This also make me sad when i play as sorc, because there is little point in equipping items like
Mistress of Pain
Mistress of Pain
Sacred Globe (Sacred)

One-Hand Damage: 36 to 37
(Sorceress Only)
Required Level: 100
Required Dexterity: 177
Item Level: 120
Dexterity Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Dexterity)%
If You Have any Points in Vengeful Power, Living Flame or Snow Queen
20 Second Cooldown to All Lightning Tree Spells
+(9 to 10) to Sorceress Skill Levels
25% Cast Speed
25% Movement Speed
+(40 to 60)% to Lightning Spell Damage
-(30 to 40)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(4000 to 5000) Defense
(10 to 15)% Chance to Avoid Damage
Socketed (2)
, because avoid anyway will be reduced to zero in high labs.