Finding all secret recipe, item design etc

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Dark Huntress
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The wiki is a mess and outdated, is there a place that we can see all the secret stuff in the game, like natashas legacy, book of cain, secret amulets/rings not listed etc, as I keep on hearing about natashas armor but no idea on how to get started
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Meanymode wrote:The wiki is a mess and outdated, is there a place that we can see all the secret stuff in the game, like natashas legacy, book of cain, secret amulets/rings not listed etc, as I keep on hearing about natashas armor but no idea on how to get started

Don't think there is a place with the information gathered in 1 place.
The closest is probably under the boss section, where u for example can see that xazax drops Book of cain (no mentioning of it being used to upgrade laz charm though), and the amazon boss (lvl 120) drops valkyries bow regent (shows completed bow).
The natasha legacy is now an item design that can drop from Spirit of giyua (lvl 125 boss in middle of teganze, might have a different name nowadays).
This information is also not in the description of that fight, which I agree is confusing.

As for the part of secret items, I don't believe there are any of those left. Beads of snakeking (for example) was removed, and the empyrean glory (which was another secret item) has been moved to sacred uniques. I hope I'm not missing something, but ye, I think these were removed/no longer secret so will be possible to find under uniqs/sacred uniqs. hope it helps (:
Cow Ninja
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The only secret items that I know of are the upgraded
Saber of the Stormsail
Saber of the Stormsail
Saber (Sacred)

One-Hand Damage: (137 - 173) to (179 - 225)
Required Level: 100
Required Strength: 443
Item Level: 105
Strength Damage Bonus: (0.11 per Strength)%
5% Chance to cast level 5 Squall Wave on Melee Attack
5% Chance to cast level 5 Charged Strike on Melee Attack
20% Attack Speed
Adds (60 to 75)-(100 to 125) Damage
Adds 100-200 Lightning Damage
Adds 100-200 Cold Damage
-(5 to 15)% to Enemy Lightning Resistance
+(90 to 140)% Enhanced Damage
-(5 to 15)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
Half Freeze Duration
''Cross the Wide, Somber Seas I Will Sail
Three's a Company''
Socketed (3)
and the relics from the new boss.

Nat's doesn't show up in the docs for some reason, but there's a command on Discord for it.
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It you could see it, it wouldn't be secret.
Lava Lord
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I was hoping for altoids... :sad face: