Drop rates and locations

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First thing first, Median is a great mod for Diablo II. Tons of content, build diversity and challenges.
But after weeks and months of grinding... i can no longer say this mod is great. The drop rates are abysmal and make zero sense.

Im well aware this is a carrot on a stick, problem is with the current rates and the way the loot is dropping, the carrot is an illusion. The stick is the only real thing. The devs must of asked themselves, where to do we draw the line between wasting our players fucking time and progress. There's no easy answer but at this point i dont think they know themselves.

As of now, i have been farming for gear for months and yet i cannot find anything of value to trade, to equip and most importantly to progress.
Why is it that in Dungcraig a level 120 area still drop tiered uniques? 120 areas should ONLY drop ilvl120 items plain and simple.
Its just sets, sets, sets, sets and oh a unique ring - Ring of Regha. Wow lovely my 52135324895 ring of regha, im so blessed.
Where does one draw the line here? At which point am i supposed to say fuck it im done, this is just ridiculous.

I started with Median 2008 1.70 i think, shit what a great mod that was back then. Just about every class felt powerful. Back then i had a drop mod installed and even with cheats it took me months to finish all my builds.

Is there a botting software im not aware that people use for this? Or a drop mod? This is fucking insane.
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Jungle Hunter
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1.Lower drop=mainly hardcore farmers/lucky ppl obtain top tier gear=they list it for sale=the remaining buy TG=devs gain $ for their effort to keep the game up/server fees.
2.Higher drop=everyone obtain whatever they want rather fast=noone is interested in TG trading since they can obtain it themselves=devs get no profit for further updates/server upkeep=rip game.

Every free to play game must come up with a plan how to monetize their efforts and server supports so you can play and enjoy it , you cant have it all and expect to give nothing in return.
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It's my drops and I WANT THEM NOW!
You sound entitled AF, maddy baddy pants not getting enough instant gratification

It also sounds like you're not having fun, why play if you're not having fun?

Post your characters time played this season, via in-game screenshot or a notarmory link
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berry117 wrote:It's my drops and I WANT THEM NOW!
You sound entitled AF, maddy baddy pants not getting enough instant gratification

It also sounds like you're not having fun, why play if you're not having fun?

Post your characters time played this season, via in-game screenshot or a notarmory link

Lol. Agree 100% Berry. If this game didn't drop items worth anything, can you explain to me how you've managed to grind up to 25k TG? Lol. Play more bro, at start of ladder, when things are actually worth something. After two weeks, mostly everything is worth pennies, but at beginning, you can make tremendous amounts of TG just off of set pieces. Gimme a break brother. Median is the SHIZ!
202 | 3
My actual complain is that 3 pages of inventary is almost nothing. My SP javazon has capped the 6 pages (3 for shared, 3 personal) and I don't know where I can drop more items lol... and I can't make work (or I don't understand) Kambala offline tools for infinite stash :(
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Can't waste your time playing if you uninstall *shrugs*
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MUS01 wrote:My actual complain is that 3 pages of inventary is almost nothing. My SP javazon has capped the 6 pages (3 for shared, 3 personal) and I don't know where I can drop more items lol... and I can't make work (or I don't understand) Kambala offline tools for infinite stash :(

you can always make mules in SP and use the shared stash to move items around, you can also have copies of the shared stash so you can manually change from one to another. You can make an entire library of all the ingame items this way.
Son of Lucion
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Hyrianeth wrote:First thing first, Median is a great mod for Diablo II. Tons of content, build diversity and challenges.
But after weeks and months of grinding... i can no longer say this mod is great. The drop rates are abysmal and make zero sense.

Im well aware this is a carrot on a stick, problem is with the current rates and the way the loot is dropping, the carrot is an illusion. The stick is the only real thing. The devs must of asked themselves, where to do we draw the line between wasting our players fucking time and progress. There's no easy answer but at this point i dont think they know themselves.

As of now, i have been farming for gear for months and yet i cannot find anything of value to trade, to equip and most importantly to progress.
Why is it that in Dungcraig a level 120 area still drop tiered uniques? 120 areas should ONLY drop ilvl120 items plain and simple.
Its just sets, sets, sets, sets and oh a unique ring - Ring of Regha. Wow lovely my 52135324895 ring of regha, im so blessed.
Where does one draw the line here? At which point am i supposed to say fuck it im done, this is just ridiculous.

I started with Median 2008 1.70 i think, shit what a great mod that was back then. Just about every class felt powerful. Back then i had a drop mod installed and even with cheats it took me months to finish all my builds.

Is there a botting software im not aware that people use for this? Or a drop mod? This is fucking insane.

You need all the drops, sets for signets, tiers for AC for Lab stones etc. Imagine going back to normal difficulty to get tiers when you are 120lvl that would be a fucking time and progress waste.
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I may kinda understand what you mean but alao how the other mates did say here:
1. now it's end of ladder so there is really no value in items anymore atm.
2. Cause of that maybe try out start a char on ladder reset go with the 100 fastest people normal playing the game and say welcome to your 1000-3000 tg in first week
3. Imo its very nice dropbase and easy to make tg here
-> for that you not even have to speedrun the game, just go fauz as fast as possible cause there you can drop almost all stuff in game what is worth ton of shit in first days
(go farm first days while other players trying to get lvls and charms or trying to get to highest endgame content as fast as possible. When you one of the only farmers or grinders in that time there is no way you make no tg)
4. It is an RNG-game mate...
This game was designed by that since ever. For example in normal game earlier on some people find a Ber Rune in Sanctuary on ladder reset day 2 and some other never find a rune above Gul in first 2 weeks or even never find a ber rune in they intire game life(rip but can happen cause rng)
-->So obviously it's bit luck depending what drops or not but also how fast is your killspeed, how much you grinding, how much mf, where you grinding and so on.
My own rule for this kind of game is: go play the game and go farm. It WILL drop something that is the law of an RNG-based game. It's just a matter of when, what and where.
So no drops yet? increase playtime, killspeed, mf, try other areas and so on. (I know I have an excellent Cambridge University english language so please dont bother me with that :-))

Cow Ninja
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If you want tiered bases to stop dropping, go to Scosglen.

Nice bait post otherwise.