150 level SSSU reward

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I cubed 3 paragons at lvl 150 ( one leveled with all rewards, other two - bypassed rewards paragons) and every time got 1 jewel of luck as a reward.

THAT`S IT ?!?!?

What has been YOUR reward at 150 ?
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Sand Maggot
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I had Jewel of Luck, Athuluas Blessing and The Worshipper
Core Lord
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2x Jewel of luck here

A friend push 10xParagon stone , he got 1x Tyrael, and 5x Jewel of luck.

For sure, all SSSU are not the same chance to come from Paragon stone, and jewel of luck is the most common.
Son of Lucion
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1x Jewel of Luck and 2x Azurewrath.
Enigma ended up posting a video of me slamming both of them.

There’s also a guy on YT who cubed 20 soul stones at 150, about half were Jewels of Luck.
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Onyx Knight
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I got the SSSU boots in a real world drop. go figure.
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Joe90NZ wrote:I got the SSSU boots in a real world drop. go figure.

what SSSU boots ? theres only SSU boots