MedianXL Mechanics Then And Now

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Colossal Troll
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Crash? What are your ideas for improving the game mechanics to improve the game experience for everybody!
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Was movement speed even that much faster in the past or was it just an impression from the game zoom

So you're saying that everything is great, and I just complain too much? I don't think you are serious honestly if that's your conclusion/takeaway.
I hoped this thread could be a place where we could discuss how the game can improve, and about how GAME MECHANICS can improve, to improve the experience of the game for everybody.

Did you even read my post? Or maybe I don't explain well can you tell me but I've put a paragraph on what I think old median had that was lost
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Lynderika ignore it, it's just some troll account xd
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Ywinel wrote:Lynderika ignore it, it's just some troll account xd

Theories has that the thread author is bill, I wasn't sure with only the main post but with the replies I'm starting to believe it
Colossal Troll
35 | 1
Yea I'm not trolling at all, it's obvious you guys don't have an interest in discussing the issue or you would...discuss the issue!


Any memes for MedianXL should actually have the irony/redudancy of making new games over and over to reroll different areas/items the point of the joke. The game mechanics are mainly redundant, and across a variety of aspects. I'm suprised you guys don't have any complaints at all, because in my experience these views are shared across the entire player base of MedianXL.

You make it sound like it's paradise, and nothing is wrong, and we should just get back to work. Okay that does not reflect the real game, and the real community here, or their opinions whatsoever!

I can sit here for hours talking about what I think is wrong with the games mechanics, their "development" which really is not development at all, but downgrading, and nerfing instead. There's the current state of the game, and then it has a future too, so if you guys cared about the future of MedianXL you could make suggestions about how new game mechanics could make a better game experience for everyone else, but instead you just want to attack me personally for some very strange reason I can't possibly imagine.
Edited by mediangaming 3 weeks.
37 | 4
You know, if you're the only one standing on a street corner shouting about how the game is broken and wrong and refusing to elaborate, while everyone who passes by is telling you to shut up... perhaps you don't represent the community here?

Having recently reloaded older versions of MXL to play, I can say with confidence that the mod has shown a more or less steady improvement as it aged, and am happy to see what further fine-tuning is done in the future.
Colossal Troll
35 | 1
False accusations ^^ I'm ignoring false accusations obviously because it's not somebody that wants to have a serious, normal discussion that makes false accusations!

If we want a better community, and a better game play experience we can actually work together to achieve it... but instead what I see, is that in game people can't wait to discuss these issues and work together, but on the forums there is a culture of misinformation and harassment that prevents people from speaking freely and organizing around issues like this that are actually important to the whole community.

10 people showing up to personally attack me, the community, and spread misinformation, should not be the license for the moderators to delete my posts, or take their side either. These are signs that we have some far more serious problems on MedianXL than merely game mechanics.

It's not an issue of attitude of whether or not the game is actually fun, but a function of the game mechanics, their development, and the game experience derived thereof.
37 | 4
Okay, you're obviously here in bad faith, I'll just wait for the inevitable thread lock
Colossal Troll
35 | 1
Right you and other people just keep saying what other people are thinking about your harassment of them...

Okay this is what I'm talking about when I say: evil social behavior

We can just ignore these people, especially granted they are ignoring us, and any sense of common decency, but if the forum moderators can't tell the difference that is a serious problem. Sometimes people are overtly lying, sometimes they make misleading suggestions.

If the forum harassers were a boss in MedianXL their attack pattern would look like that: Make misleading suggestion AOE ATTACK, make overt lies SINGLE TARGET ATTACK, then summon minions, to support the attack cycle, with their own smaller version of the bosses aoe attack, and single target attack, and repeat the cycle.

Okay save the dungeon for in game guys : D The forum is not for fighting people, but talking to other people.

and back on topic, the forum harasser boss fights mechanics are boring, honestly, we can see them coming from a mile away, we know exactly what to expect by now, I think it could be altered to make the game more enjoyable for everybody, what if there's a bigger level, and the boss turns invisible instead of running around where we can plainly see him and his boring repetitive attack cycle.
Dark Huntress
11 | 0
Tbh you say you want to have a discussion here, but every person that has tried to explain why the game has improved or is in a better state, you have argued with (not discuss) and then tried to meme on.

I've been playing on and off since the mod first started, and the current iteration is more or less the best the mod has ever been.

It doesn't matter what item balance or skill balance is done, there will always be a "best" which people will gravitate towards, like they do in every game. The fact that every tree (more or less) can do almost all content is proof in itself that they have the current game in a good state.