Median XL Offline Tools v0.6.4

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Maykay wrote:I'm not quite sure how the 'Sort' option in the Shared Stash is supposed to work. It randomly inserts blank pages (when I specifically tell it not to), it puts gems, apples, and rejuv pots in the same page (when I specifically tell it to put each item type in its own page) I missing something?

some items are considered the same type. Also check help - section about 'thng' items.

you could also post your sort settings and I'll check it on my side.
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kambala wrote:
Maykay wrote:I'm not quite sure how the 'Sort' option in the Shared Stash is supposed to work. It randomly inserts blank pages (when I specifically tell it not to), it puts gems, apples, and rejuv pots in the same page (when I specifically tell it to put each item type in its own page) I missing something?

some items are considered the same type. Also check help - section about 'thng' items.

you could also post your sort settings and I'll check it on my side.

Oh... never knew it's configurable :roll:
23 | 0
Thanks for your answers, I will continue to try and tweak it.

Another question: is there a way to send stuff to a specific stash page, or does it always go to page 1 no matter what?

Oh, and what do you mean by "help"? In the program itself the 'Help' menu only has the 'About' page and 'Check for update'.
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Maykay wrote:Another question: is there a way to send stuff to a specific stash page, or does it always go to page 1 no matter what?

currently impossible
Maykay wrote:Oh, and what do you mean by "help"? In the program itself the 'Help' menu only has the 'About' page and 'Check for update'.

23 | 0
kambala wrote:
Maykay wrote:Another question: is there a way to send stuff to a specific stash page, or does it always go to page 1 no matter what?

currently impossible
Maykay wrote:Oh, and what do you mean by "help"? In the program itself the 'Help' menu only has the 'About' page and 'Check for update'.


Now I feel dumb.
4 | 0
kambala wrote:
wangqi0716 wrote:I want to translate it into Chinese. What should I do? I can't open a file like Resources\data\en\items.dat, i replaced three files [expansionstring.dat, patchstring.dat, string.dat], but it`s not work. :-]

I had written instructions for translators, but since nobody cared about it, I removed them. I'll write you how to translate a bit later.

Thanks, i need this.
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Does it require the update for 1.2.0?
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Strigvir wrote:Does it require the update for 1.2.0?

I believe so
Monkey King
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Strigvir wrote:Does it require the update for 1.2.0?

it need because new set items and item dyes
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23 | 2
I've detected tool's crashes on try open inventory of character that wields new enhanced TaXis rune (others 'xxx'Xis runes will cause the same behavior, i think).

Shorter report message:
Unhadled exception [4304].

Message in-depths:
Unhadled exception on adress 0x6A0B9854 (QtCore4.dll) in MedianXLOfflineTools.exe: 0xC0000005: access denied on read at adress 0x00000000.

Debug stops in IL-code at that string: "6A0B9854 mov eax,dword ptr [eax]"

May that helps in development somehow.
Sorry for bad English, btw.

EDIT: Also crashes by every !weapon! item, that's aquired in new patch (because of DEX/STR bonus changes, imo). "Old" characters re-saved in new game but without new items still can be operated correctly.
Edited by Crescent 4 years.